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Re: Gold Star Dad

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2023 5:46 pm
by Cascade Kid
D-train wrote:
Fri Sep 01, 2023 11:03 am
Cascade Kid wrote:
Fri Sep 01, 2023 7:02 am
Take into consideration that this withdrawal maneuver was most likely not conjoured up by this memory care patient of a president.

Business as usual in DC needs to stop and the swamp needs to be drained.
'A blind spot'
In an excerpt from an upcoming book by Franklin Foer published in The Atlantic covering the dynamics inside the White House during the summer of 2021, Biden is depicted approaching the withdrawal with "determination, even stubbornness," as well as being "furious" over negative media coverage.

Retired Rear Adm. Mark Montgomery, now senior director of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies' Center on Cyber and Technology Innovation, says what he called Biden's myopic approach resulted in the president shutting out critical warnings.

"In the face of significant pushback from the senior military advisers, he overrode all their concerns and recommendations, and executed an absolutely catastrophically bad policy," he argued in an interview with ABC News.

"He clearly has foreign policy bonafides. But with this president, there's a blind spot," Montgomery said, maintaining that attitude has now seeped through the ranks. "I do not believe that they are willing to have an open transparent discussion of what went wrong." ... =102837216
What I'm saying, the President, VP and Secretary of Defense have their own sets of military advisors outside of the appointed Joint Chiefs. There would have to be some concensus within the White House staff for Biden to order the full withdrawl. I believe Biden and his team wanted to seperate his administration from Trumps administration so desperately that his camp ordered the full withdrawl. If Biden didn't have a hand up his ass all the time and could think for himself, then he would've recognized that the military presence of a few thousand was actually working in deterring terrorist network growth.

Re: Gold Star Dad

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2023 6:21 pm
by gil
Walla Walla Dawg II wrote:
Fri Sep 01, 2023 1:42 pm
D-train wrote:
Fri Sep 01, 2023 1:28 pm
My favorite is taking victory laps for decreasing inflation. Inflation that was at record high levels that they were responsible for and is STILL much higher than when he took office.

Like setting a house on fire and after it is full ablaze you manage to put out the fire in the garage and claim what an amazing job you did even though the rest of the house is still on fire.
And Gil is a believer, applauding at the great job.
I didn't say everything Biden has done has been good. Inflation went up on his watch. The withdrawal from Afghanistan was fucked up. I'm not a mindless partisan.

Re: Gold Star Dad

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2023 6:23 pm
by DanielVogelbach
D-train wrote:
Thu Aug 31, 2023 7:33 pm
Anyone watch this. As much as I hate Biden I can not even imagine how much this guy must rightfully hates him.
Very sad. The left and right wing are the same bird, and this guy can't see it. He's unable to realize that his son died due to statism. He's blaming Biden, when he should be blaming the USA propaganda that brainwashed him and his son into thinking that serving as armed thugs for this evil group is some sort of admirable pursuit in life.

Re: Gold Star Dad

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2023 9:38 pm
by Walla Walla Dawg II
Sure you are Gil.
You already admitted that you believed that Biden's policies were better than Trumps....that tells me you are all for inflation, padding his bank accounts and hiding the truth.

This goes along with:
Lying ever other day.
Allowing trans-genders to take over women's sports.
Trying to get a "Department of the Truth" as soon as he got in office.
Trying to get rid of the 2nd Amendment.
Militarizing the FBI & DOJ against the American public (really spying on churches is pretty low).
Trying to take control of spending....that is the job of The House.
Blaming everything on everyone else.
Taking credit for things that were out of his control.
Opening the boarder.
Trying to hire an additional 87,000 IRS agents.
And finally, and I do believe that this is totally genius, picking Harris for the VP to ensure he will never get impeached.

But you like his policies.

So, what kind of damage could Biden do if re-elected?

Everything that the libs have tried to do over the last 4 years has been take, take, take, take, spend, spend, spend. Throw in a bunch of "take away our rights and control, control, control, in regards to the covid requirements" and hiding the truth at all costs.....what a great man. What a great President. What great policies.

Re: Gold Star Dad

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2023 9:39 pm
by Walla Walla Dawg II
Don't have the slightest idea what DV posted, but no doubt it is the same shit.......all government is the same. All government is bad.
:roll: :roll: :roll:

Re: Gold Star Dad

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2023 9:51 pm
by auroraave
Highly unlikely the 'withdrawal' had anything to do with Biden or any 'policy' of his - this smells more like a Blackrock decision. Now with a loss of billions in assets - we just need to manufacture another war - creating a need for more weapons (military industrial complex anyone?) and (SHOCKINGLY!) the Sopranos, er, 'gov' sending another trillion to Boeing, McDonnell Douglas and Raytheon - all major assets of Blackrock - and giving them more wealth. This is about profit. Wake up. Blackrock's assets are greater than most countries - they are pulling a lot of strings with this administration - their reach is massive. This is a huge reason why we have the anti-trump narratives - Trump is anti war - that's not good for their business. That's why they do not want him back in office - he's bad for business for those mega conclomerates that are literally siphoning off all our tax dollars that should be used for the betterment of the country - not for manufactured 'crisis' and exploitative profiteering - GREED. Larry Fink is one powerful fucker. When he says 'jump' these politicians jump.

It's always about the money.

Re: Gold Star Dad

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2023 11:01 pm
by Donn Beach
The deal with the withdrawal was how amazingly quickly the afghan government fell. Twenty years of nation building, military investment and it evaporated in a matter of days. That was a shared responsibility through multiple administrations. It doesn't collapse like a house of cards we aren't having this conversation.

Re: Gold Star Dad

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2023 11:10 pm
by D-train
Donn Beach wrote:
Fri Sep 01, 2023 11:01 pm
The deal with the withdrawal was how amazingly quickly the afghan government fell. Twenty years of nation building, military investment and it evaporated in a matter of days. That was a shared responsibility through multiple administrations. It doesn't collapse like a house of cards we aren't having this conversation.
Shouldn't be trying to build houses in other countries......

Re: Gold Star Dad

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2023 11:42 pm
by Donn Beach
They broke ground on it under a republican administration. If there ever was a shared belief. It was the need for a sympathetic government in Afghanistan