Climate change

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Grandma Lynn
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Climate change

Post by Grandma Lynn » Thu Jul 20, 2023 2:55 am

Don't think we've written about it
for awhile. Yes, their is climate
change, but please don't blame
it on us! I believe it's Mother
Nature at work. Opinions?

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Cascade Kid
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Re: Climate change

Post by Cascade Kid » Thu Jul 20, 2023 3:11 am

I'd say polution is a broader problem. Climate change is both natural and human driven (to a point), but mainly natural occurring.

I think it's sad on how so much attention is placed on climate change, but hardly any effort is put in place to curb polution in general. We live in a plastic world and there's no turning back.

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Re: Climate change

Post by auroraave » Thu Jul 20, 2023 3:13 pm

Do the math. From the 70's to 2000 it was "OH MY GOD GLOBAL WARMING! The world is gonna end in 2013!" Eventually people were like... nah. It's called branding. It's been an endless failed marketing campaign whose ultimate goal is to take more of your taxes and redistribute it - period. Then we move into the "Climate Change" phase. Climate change is real - the climate on the planet has been changing since it's inception - so technically it's true. The greatest climate change events have all preceeded the industrialized societies - that is not debatable. So, let's keep playing that out with some logic. if the greatest instances of climate change have been preindustrialization - they are called asteroid breakups over the north pole and in the yucatan peninsula - what specifically is man doing to promote climate change? The US carbon emissions are at all time lows - we are already doing what we can. keep playing this out. Now, suppose we give more money to 'the cause" (insert laugh track"). what SPECIFICALLY is man (the government) going to do? Let's see what they always do... give it away to their donation base and spend it frivolously, and then demand more because they pissed that all away - never ingtending to fix anything to begin with. It's called REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH. Wall Street scams to appease the financial sector donors. Airline bail outs. Manufactured wars for the military undustrial complex donors. Covid for the Pharma industry donors. Yeah, that's gonna be a hard pass for me. "global warming" is merely the latest in a long lone of 'propoganda/marketing' whose goal it not to fix - it is to distract and redistribute your wealth.

here in California - we just had - literally - six months of cloudy weather - I've never seen it before. Before that - we had the most rain I have ever seen here. How is that "global warming" when it is literally the opposite. It's fun watching the usual heatwaves happening IN SUMMER - you know - the hottest time of the year - and the usual idiots screaming that it's climate change - when it is literally what happens every year. Minor fluctiations are NOT indicative of peril - they are to be expected. That's not the same as humans ruining the planet. We totally are - but you cannot monetize that with a catchy slogan/marketing campaign that'll play with thye masses because the reality is it would have to be about population reduction - period.

At this point in time - if you do not see this stuff for what it is - you are a willful idiot. If covid wasn't the most blatant and glaring example of all time - you are hopelessly brain dead. Stay stupid, America.

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Walla Walla Dawg II
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Re: Climate change

Post by Walla Walla Dawg II » Thu Jul 20, 2023 3:38 pm

I honestly don't know what's going on. I'd like to say that the climate is changing, but we need the climate to change. That is the way the world evolves. Is it caused by man...I don't think so, or very little.

It seems every few years, we get stories on the "real news" about how the climate extremists are cooking the books in order to get the outcome they are looking for.

On the weather application I have on my phone, I look at the historical highs and lows on a daily basis. I am always amazed that they are mostly 70-80 years old (some older). I also laugh when I see the record high in the Walla Walla Valley for a specific day was in 1913 and a record low for that same specific day was in 1914. Is this telling us that climate change started over 100 years ago with this massive temperature change?

All this said, we need to keep care of our world. If there is a "garbage island" the size of Los Angeles in the middle of the Pacific Ocean we need to get that cleaned up! We need to keep the air clean along with the water.

Do we all remember in the late 70's when there was the 'scare' that we would be 4-feet deep in garbage if we don't start to recycle.
-This is an example of another climate scare tactic.

Global cooling in the 70's
Global warming in the 90's
Climate change since 2005.

Why do people keep falling for it?
People keep falling for it because the believers are A LOT louder than those that don't. And the ones that don't believe, when they speak up get cancelled.

I truly hate people.

Bring on the Armageddon.

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Re: Climate change

Post by ddraig » Thu Jul 20, 2023 6:34 pm

All the "scientists' and the media pundits are telling us this year is the hottest, EVER! Yeah, right. And how far back in the record book does that "EVER" go? 179 years! Yeah, right. EVER my azz!

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Re: Climate change

Post by douche » Thu Jul 20, 2023 8:36 pm

The earth is in a constant state of flux. Ice ages, drought, the extinction of dinosaurs... they all had something to with climate change (and the occasional asteroid) and nothing to do with us. But to continually harp on it, blame humans and push electric cars on people to promote that nonsense is a sham. The climate changes with or without us.

That said, humans can definitely be better stewards of the planet. Which will never happen because money and wealth is the ultimate brass ring.

In many ways, homelessness fits the same mold as climate change. There's a perceived problem, nobody knows how to solve it (or even wants to), throw a bunch of money at it, nothing changes. It's an endless excuse to reallocate money.

If people would/could stop drinking the kool-aid and think for themselves, they would quickly realize that it's nothing more than deception. But most people are lazy, obese and too busy popping pills to notice. It's all by design... keep the masses fat and fed, give them devices to play with, make it easy for them to consume... and you end up with a population that happily accepts the kool-aid that you're offering.

Living consciously is hard. But living unconsciously is harder.

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Donn Beach
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Re: Climate change

Post by Donn Beach » Fri Jul 21, 2023 9:08 am

ddraig wrote:
Thu Jul 20, 2023 6:34 pm
All the "scientists' and the media pundits are telling us this year is the hottest, EVER! Yeah, right. And how far back in the record book does that "EVER" go? 179 years! Yeah, right. EVER my azz!
Instrument readings only go back to the mid 19th century, but proxy systems of measurement can go back much further. Studying ice layers being the primary proxy method

By far the longest continuous proxy records are found in ice cores, cylindrical samples of ice drilled from the depths of the ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica, which are several miles deep in places. Each year’s snowfall has been preserved as a thin, distinct layer of ice in these ice sheets. In 2004, a record of snowfall layers was recovered from Antarctica that goes back 800,000 years.
the amounts of different isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen in snow that fell thousands of years ago in Antarctica and Greenland record the temperature of the air at the time the snow fell, since heavier isotopes fall in snow at a higher rate when the air is colder.

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Re: Climate change

Post by ddraig » Fri Jul 21, 2023 10:43 pm

On Climate Change, I like this article! ... vable.html

Mel Bradford
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Re: Climate change

Post by Mel Bradford » Sat Jul 22, 2023 12:03 am

The climate hoax (imho) is and will be an avenue for a permanent tax base for the global elite.

How do the one worlders get around the US Constitution ? Simple: Treaty Law.

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Re: Climate change

Post by maoling » Sat Jul 22, 2023 3:26 pm

To me, all this time pontificating about climate change is just a Trojan Horse that our government uses to avoid talking about real issues.


The Border
The failure of our government to accomplish anything meaningful while they line their pockets.

Crime and inflation running rampant? Check out the Green New Deal!

Fuck this president.

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