Gun Control is About Control, Not About Saving Lives

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Cascade Kid
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Re: Gun Control is About Control, Not About Saving Lives

Post by Cascade Kid » Wed Apr 19, 2023 7:13 pm

Walla Walla Dawg II wrote:
Wed Apr 19, 2023 4:50 pm
Cascade Kid wrote:
Wed Apr 19, 2023 4:11 pm
Walla Walla Dawg II wrote:
Wed Apr 19, 2023 3:55 pm

I'd say....go to Idaho to get the upper.
Or Arizona
Or Texas
Or Nevada
Be careful there. The importation of items outlined in HB1240 is unlawful. However, you might already have owned items deemed outlawed in HB1240 at your friend's cabin in Idaho and it may be legal for you to bring them back into WA. This is a last minute amendment that State senate added but the House has to pass today before the Gov can sign it tomorrow.
I love the way our Washington Government passes laws they have no way of enforcing.
I.E.: What can they prove?
Cash transactions
Out of state purchases
No receipts

Fucking stupid!!
Sure the laws on its cover are just making it difficult for good law abiding people to buy and own guns. But say, hypothetically, your out of state purchase is stolen after it was unlawfully imported into WA. Then a criminal uses in a crime which the gun was confiscated and the serial number was research back to the place of purchase, the purchaser, and date of purchase. The question will them be, will the DA try to charge you for importation with this data knowing that you are a WA resident and you own no out of state property? Addional thought, would you report that gun stolen if you brought it into WA illegally?

These are interesting hypotheticals for anyone thinking about attempting an unlawful importation of a firearm into WA

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Re: Gun Control is About Control, Not About Saving Lives

Post by Walla Walla Dawg II » Wed Apr 19, 2023 7:28 pm

First, the fucking stupid was intended toward our government, not you.

Private sales in other states are just that. If our state is requiring a serial number on the 'device' and other states don't, there is no way to trace the 'device' back to any state, owner or date of purchase if there isn't a serial number on the 'device'.

It's our state that is requiring a serial number be placed on the 'device' so our state can track it's citizens purchases.

Did you see the stupidity in Illinois; a judge struck down the injunction to hold their "weapons ban" law. That doesn't surprise me, but what I find interesting is that their weapons ban includes 50cal weapons. How many crimes are committed with 50cal equipment?

It's about control and not the safety of citizens.
It's about making sure our government has better equipment than us citizens.
[but you already know this]

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Cascade Kid
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Re: Gun Control is About Control, Not About Saving Lives

Post by Cascade Kid » Wed Apr 19, 2023 9:51 pm

Walla Walla Dawg II wrote:
Wed Apr 19, 2023 7:28 pm
First, the fucking stupid was intended toward our government, not you.

Private sales in other states are just that. If our state is requiring a serial number on the 'device' and other states don't, there is no way to trace the 'device' back to any state, owner or date of purchase if there isn't a serial number on the 'device'.

It's our state that is requiring a serial number be placed on the 'device' so our state can track it's citizens purchases.

Did you see the stupidity in Illinois; a judge struck down the injunction to hold their "weapons ban" law. That doesn't surprise me, but what I find interesting is that their weapons ban includes 50cal weapons. How many crimes are committed with 50cal equipment?

It's about control and not the safety of citizens.
It's about making sure our government has better equipment than us citizens.
[but you already know this]
I didn't even read into your thoughts other than your meaning about our government, so all good brother. :lol:

But ATF form 4473 is filled out by the FFL when you purchase a lower receiver. This will include the serial number.

I have a good friend that is a retired 4 star Admiral. He was telling me how he and other 4 star generals think a 50cal should be ban. Their reasoning was around some outside possibility that 10 snipers could take out 10 governors simultaneously in a corrdinated effort for 1.5 miles away. I told him that his and the other 4-star general's fantasies have no jurisdiction over the 2nd Amendment. And I told him that a good sniper wouldn't use a Barrett 50, but likely a flatter, more accurate Chey Tac .375 at that range. :lol: But I invited to take the ole Admiral to the ELR range for some long range shooting later this season, so we'll go and he'll see many capable mile long shooting options he can complain about :lol:

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Re: Gun Control is About Control, Not About Saving Lives

Post by Walla Walla Dawg II » Wed Apr 19, 2023 11:27 pm

But ATF form 4473 is filled out by the FFL when you purchase a lower receiver. This will include the serial number.
The lower receiver yes (I have 3 registered to me), but not the upper assembly....well maybe in Washington if this law passes.

I don't believe other states will require the upper to have a serial number. But our great little shit-hole Washington our governor wants that too. Way to try to try to change FEDERAL LAW.

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Re: Gun Control is About Control, Not About Saving Lives

Post by Cascade Kid » Thu Apr 20, 2023 1:12 am

Walla Walla Dawg II wrote:
Wed Apr 19, 2023 11:27 pm
But ATF form 4473 is filled out by the FFL when you purchase a lower receiver. This will include the serial number.
The lower receiver yes (I have 3 registered to me), but not the upper assembly....well maybe in Washington if this law passes.

I don't believe other states will require the upper to have a serial number. But our great little shit-hole Washington our governor wants that too. Way to try to try to change FEDERAL LAW.
I was just answering your question "what can they prove". My example did not specify tracking the upper. Again, just answering your question.

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Re: Gun Control is About Control, Not About Saving Lives

Post by Walla Walla Dawg II » Thu Apr 20, 2023 2:39 pm

It's all cool.

I'm just in a little of a fluff about our state deciding they can do the job of the ATF and take our 2nd Amendment rights away. Well they say they are not taking anything away, but in reality if government knows what we own, they are invading our privacy and taking our rights away.

When are they gonna come a knocking?

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Re: Gun Control is About Control, Not About Saving Lives

Post by Cascade Kid » Thu Apr 20, 2023 3:49 pm

Walla Walla Dawg II wrote:
Thu Apr 20, 2023 2:39 pm
It's all cool.

I'm just in a little of a fluff about our state deciding they can do the job of the ATF and take our 2nd Amendment rights away. Well they say they are not taking anything away, but in reality if government knows what we own, they are invading our privacy and taking our rights away.

When are they gonna come a knocking?
It doesn't matter really. Remember, you sold all of those guns to friends and family long ago and can't recall a single person's name that you sold a gun to. :lol:

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Re: Gun Control is About Control, Not About Saving Lives

Post by Walla Walla Dawg II » Thu Apr 20, 2023 4:43 pm

Cascade Kid wrote:
Thu Apr 20, 2023 3:49 pm
Walla Walla Dawg II wrote:
Thu Apr 20, 2023 2:39 pm
It's all cool.

I'm just in a little of a fluff about our state deciding they can do the job of the ATF and take our 2nd Amendment rights away. Well they say they are not taking anything away, but in reality if government knows what we own, they are invading our privacy and taking our rights away.

When are they gonna come a knocking?
It doesn't matter really. Remember, you sold all of those guns to friends and family long ago and can't recall a single person's name that you sold a gun to. :lol:
So very true.

I was taking a boat across the Columbia River to an island to shoot, then the boat flipped over and I lost everything except this break-action 20 gauge shotgun.

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Re: Gun Control is About Control, Not About Saving Lives

Post by Cascade Kid » Thu Apr 20, 2023 5:56 pm

Today is the day Commrade Chairgenderneutralpronoun Inslee signs HB1240 effectively taking about a piece of your 2A rights. BTW- take note on how the media has shifted from using the term "assault rifle ban" to "semi-automatic rifle ban" since the Bill had passed through the House yesterday. Now the cover is beginning to truly reveal to the public what is actually in the pages of HB1240. It's all about taking your 2A rights away, it's not about just "assault rifles" which everyone was being sold on.

Remember, these people work for us to pass common sense legislation on matters that operate the govenment within the boundries of the US and State Constitutions. They no longer want to play by the rules, so they need to be voted out. Learn more about your 2A rights and what is really wrong with criminals and begin to have logical discussions with people on both sides about these concerns.

George Mason thought long and hard about your Bill of Rights so much so that he refused to sign the US Constitution without it. The Bill of Rights Mason authored for the Virgina Commonwealth along with its Constitution become the constitutional framework for nearly every state in the Union as well as the US Constitution and Bill of Rights. Mason argued that the Bill of Rights, though states adopted its own, were important to guarantee the rights of individuals and to ward off a tyrannical government. And that the US Constitution supersedes any and all State Constitutions and State amendments, therefore once again stressing the importance of having the US Constitution ratified to include the Bill of Rights.

I encourge people interested in futher understanding of history to read the Declarations of Independence to understand why our forefathers adopted a new independent government. You'll find plenty of meaning as too your Constitution and Bill of Rights by reading that first. And I encourage reading the Bill of Rights through the lens of, 'what the government can't do' instead of 'what you are allowed to do'. Here's the language in the Bill of Rights I'm referring to:

1A: "Congress shall make no law"
2A: "shall not be infringed"
3A: "No Soldier shall"
4A: "The right of the people to be secure"
5A: "No person shall be held to answer for"
6A: "In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right"
7A: "the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court"
8A: "Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted"
9A: "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people"
10A: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution"

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Re: Gun Control is About Control, Not About Saving Lives

Post by Walla Walla Dawg II » Thu Apr 20, 2023 6:45 pm

And when reading the Bill of Rights, try doing it with the word "I"; as they are all INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS!
I have the freedom of the press.
I have freedom of religion.
I have the right to assemble.
I have freedom of speach.
I have the right to bear arms.
I have the right to privacy.
I have the right to be judged by my piers.
I have the right to not self incriminate myself.

It all ends at the 9th.

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