The bizarre thing about Daylight Saving

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Re: The bizarre thing about Daylight Saving

Post by mostonmike » Wed Nov 08, 2023 10:12 am

DanielVogelbach wrote:
Mon Nov 06, 2023 1:55 am
bpj wrote:
Mon Nov 06, 2023 12:36 am
The one argument I've heard that makes sense for Daylight Savings Time is that kids in the last few weeks, in my area at least, are walking to their bus stops when it's still pretty dark out.

They could probably leave it how it is now and not have to change it, but then we wouldn't have light extra late in the summer.

Just change the start time of school. You don't have to force everyone to mess with their clocks. Is it really easier to move all the clocks back versus just telling the kids to show up at 9 AM instead of 8 AM? I'm assuming this is how things are handled in places that don't observe DST, and I'm assuming this is how things were handled since the beginning of time before some ass clown had his bright idea to mess with the clocks.

I've heard when they change the clocks people get tired and have more car wrecks. no sources, but that's what I heard. Basically, DST kills. It fucks with your rhythms. It's useless. Of course, we'll still have extra light in the summer. The only thing changing is the label we put on a particular hour. We change the name of 7 to 6, 6 to 5, etc... it's pointless.
I am on your team with this of course, I started it.

But you wouldn’t have to change the start times of school at all as you won’t have this sharp change in the time. 9am is still 9am x 365 days a year. Tomorrow will be darker by about 2 minutes earlier each day until December 20th then it will start getting lighter by the same amount. So you don’t really notice it like you do when you abruptly shift the time forward or backwards by that hour.

“It goes dark at 4pm instead of 5pm” just isn’t a thing, it will go dark at 4:58, 4:56, 4:54, 4:52 and take a whole month to start going dark at 4pm by which point (approx of course) it goes darker later 4:02pm, 4:04pm, 4:06pm and so on. You don’t need to change any opening times or school times at all. People won’t notice it.

DT - great that technology sorts itself out, but my mum is 78 years old and needs every single clock, timer on lights and heating system changing manually twice a year and I have to do it because she’s now getting up an hour earlier or later every day because the world tells her to do so. Maybe I am just angry at that? :mrgreen:

bpj- When are kids walking to bus stops in the dark? November to March? We are not changing the times in winter - that’s the time we keep all year. October? Well it shouldn’t be that time anyway scrapping DST means it’s that hour earlier already as we never put the clocks artificially forward in March.

e.g. Seattle Sunrise was 7:59 on November 5th and 7:01 on November 6th. Without DST it would have been 6:59 on November 5th so those telling you it’s darker are BECAUSE it’s DST and are talking shit.


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Re: The bizarre thing about Daylight Saving

Post by mostonmike » Thu Mar 07, 2024 8:40 pm

mostonmike wrote:
Tue Oct 31, 2023 12:13 am
But here is the most bizarre thing about this weird practice.

Imagine if next Spring every factory, office and workplace is called to a random meeting and told, “ I know you are all used to working 9am to 5pm - but from next week we want every single one of you to finish at 6pm instead. Oh yeah and it’s compulsory for 7 months, not an option”

Unanimously you would all tell the bosses to f*ck right off. Even if they tell you that it’s ok to start an hour later, again you’d tell them to still f*ck off. Yet everyone in the country follows that instruction, but does so by convincing themselves that it’s an hour later and changes their clocks.
I believe you will all be told to stay in work an hour later from Sunday. :lol: Our bosses are more sympathetic as they don’t force it on us until 31st March - we get a three week stay-of-execution.

Get over it British guy :mrgreen:

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Re: The bizarre thing about Daylight Saving

Post by ddraig » Thu Mar 07, 2024 9:51 pm

Hey, I'm still trying to figure out when a certain program is going to be on TV here on the West Coast. Is it three hours before or after EST or EDT? And what about CST/CDT? And why do they show only those two and not MST/MDT and PST/PDT?

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