Virus Schmirus

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Re: Virus Schmirus

Post by IStillLoveTheMs » Sun Apr 12, 2020 11:33 pm

BaseHitDerby wrote:
Sun Apr 12, 2020 11:27 pm
IStillLoveTheMs wrote:
Sun Apr 12, 2020 11:09 pm
BaseHitDerby wrote:
Sun Apr 12, 2020 10:32 pm

He was well-liked by the media and Hollywood before he became Prez. Now, half of the country are against him. He could've not been President and have a happier and less stressful life. But instead, he chose this path to try and do good for the country.
Or he's a narcissist who loves attention and wanted to stick it to the financial and political elite who always made fun of him behind his back... he did so by becoming President. And no, he was not well liked lol... he had his toes sucked cause people always like to leach off the rich.

Given his obsession confronting anyone and anything that has a critique of job in office like a blithering, childish idiot... I think his motivations are a bit different than simply being a swell guy who only wants to help the country.
The guy had a big popular TV show. Now, half of the country hate him and the liberal media are always attacking him. I don't see people bashing Obama for recently purchasing a $11M mansion. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think Obama was a millionaire before coming to office. It appears to me that he used the presidency to become wealthy. On the other hand, the media are always bashing Trump regardless of what he does. They try to skew people's perceptions' of him.
A lot of people have big popular TV shows and aren't well liked. He's any entertainer... doesn't mean people liked him. They liked that he entertains them... stupid or not.

He's always been known as a egotistical loud mouth. He's very fragile and when people diss him his biggest motivation in life is revenge. Although I think he wasn't quite aware of what he was getting into when he did in this attempt at revenge.

To your point about the media... maybe Trump shouldn't say and do so much stupid shit, then the media wouldn't have anything to write about right?

Even Fox News calls him out when he says something so crazy that you possibly can't ignore it.

Obama was well liked because even if you don't agree with his policies... he acts like an adult and a man fit to lead a country... not a petulant child who gets in Twitter spats like a 14 year old girl.

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Re: Virus Schmirus

Post by D-train » Sun Apr 12, 2020 11:37 pm

IStillLoveTheMs wrote:
Sun Apr 12, 2020 11:33 pm
BaseHitDerby wrote:
Sun Apr 12, 2020 11:27 pm
IStillLoveTheMs wrote:
Sun Apr 12, 2020 11:09 pm

Or he's a narcissist who loves attention and wanted to stick it to the financial and political elite who always made fun of him behind his back... he did so by becoming President. And no, he was not well liked lol... he had his toes sucked cause people always like to leach off the rich.

Given his obsession confronting anyone and anything that has a critique of job in office like a blithering, childish idiot... I think his motivations are a bit different than simply being a swell guy who only wants to help the country.
The guy had a big popular TV show. Now, half of the country hate him and the liberal media are always attacking him. I don't see people bashing Obama for recently purchasing a $11M mansion. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think Obama was a millionaire before coming to office. It appears to me that he used the presidency to become wealthy. On the other hand, the media are always bashing Trump regardless of what he does. They try to skew people's perceptions' of him.
A lot of people have big popular TV shows and aren't well liked. He's any entertainer... doesn't mean people liked him. They liked that he entertains them... stupid or not.

He's always been known as a egotistical loud mouth. He's very fragile and when people diss him his biggest motivation in life is revenge. Although I think he wasn't quite aware of what he was getting into when he did in this attempt at revenge.

To your point about the media... maybe Trump shouldn't say and do so much stupid shit, then the media wouldn't have anything to write about right?

Even Fox News calls him out when he says something so crazy that you possibly can't ignore it.
Those are all great points. But they refuse to credit him for any of the positive things that he has done so they lose all credibility.

Good discussion guys. Thanks for being civil. gives me hope.

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Re: Virus Schmirus

Post by BaseHitDerby » Sun Apr 12, 2020 11:39 pm

IStillLoveTheMs wrote:
Sun Apr 12, 2020 11:33 pm
BaseHitDerby wrote:
Sun Apr 12, 2020 11:27 pm
IStillLoveTheMs wrote:
Sun Apr 12, 2020 11:09 pm

Or he's a narcissist who loves attention and wanted to stick it to the financial and political elite who always made fun of him behind his back... he did so by becoming President. And no, he was not well liked lol... he had his toes sucked cause people always like to leach off the rich.

Given his obsession confronting anyone and anything that has a critique of job in office like a blithering, childish idiot... I think his motivations are a bit different than simply being a swell guy who only wants to help the country.
The guy had a big popular TV show. Now, half of the country hate him and the liberal media are always attacking him. I don't see people bashing Obama for recently purchasing a $11M mansion. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think Obama was a millionaire before coming to office. It appears to me that he used the presidency to become wealthy. On the other hand, the media are always bashing Trump regardless of what he does. They try to skew people's perceptions' of him.
A lot of people have big popular TV shows and aren't well liked. He's any entertainer... doesn't mean people liked him. They liked that he entertains them... stupid or not.

He's always been known as a egotistical loud mouth. He's very fragile and when people diss him his biggest motivation in life is revenge. Although I think he wasn't quite aware of what he was getting into when he did in this attempt at revenge.

To your point about the media... maybe Trump shouldn't say and do so much stupid shit, then the media wouldn't have anything to write about right?

Even Fox News calls him out when he says something so crazy that you possibly can't ignore it.

Obama was well liked because even if you don't agree with his policies... he acts like an adult and a man fit to lead a country... not a petulant child who gets in Twitter spats like a 14 year old girl.
Why would people spend an hour each week of their lives to watch his TV show if they didn't like him? Those people helped make up some of his base.

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Re: Virus Schmirus

Post by D-train » Sun Apr 12, 2020 11:40 pm

Hopefully Hanigers Nuts will be ready to rock by OD and we might even have a chance to take the AL west from the AssholeStrohs! :D

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Re: Virus Schmirus

Post by BaseHitDerby » Sun Apr 12, 2020 11:44 pm

D-train wrote:
Sun Apr 12, 2020 11:40 pm
Hopefully Hanigers Nuts will be ready to rock by OD and we might even have a chance to take the AL west from the AssholeStrohs! :D
The AL West is wide open. All the Asshoes' main players will be on the DL for all the beanings and beatdowns they'll be absorbing.

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Re: Virus Schmirus

Post by Double Mocha Man » Mon Apr 13, 2020 1:04 am

BaseHitDerby wrote:
Sun Apr 12, 2020 10:32 pm

He was well-liked by the media and Hollywood before he became Prez. Now, half of the country are against him. He could've not been President and have a happier and less stressful life. But instead, he chose this path to try and do good for the country.
Or, it could be argued he ran for President to feed his ego. And to improve his bottom line. He, like every President, will leave office richer than when he entered. I'd be careful of casting him in the light of being benevolent Though, at times, I think he tries to do good.

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Re: Virus Schmirus

Post by Double Mocha Man » Mon Apr 13, 2020 1:08 am

D-train wrote:
Sun Apr 12, 2020 11:40 pm
Hopefully Hanigers Nuts will be ready to rock by OD and we might even have a chance to take the AL west from the AssholeStrohs! :D
The guy's a nut case. Seriously, I'd be embarrassed as hell if people were writing about my nuts on a daily basis... what a legacy to have...

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Re: Virus Schmirus

Post by godawgs28 » Mon Apr 13, 2020 2:28 am

IStillLoveTheMs wrote:
Sun Apr 12, 2020 11:05 pm
ddraig wrote:
Sun Apr 12, 2020 10:12 pm

Why am I so afraid of government? Well lets see. A guy was arrested for playing catch with his daughter in a park. Individuals sitting in their cars with the windows rolled up while attending an outdoor church service were issued tickets. The government, in some places, is asking people to call numbers and report their neighbors for not keeping their distance. A married couple sitting side by side on a park bench with no one around were arrested. All actions by government over-reach. I'm certain there are other examples I can find if you wish.

And obviously you didn't read how I feel about both political parties. There isn't a dimes difference between the two. Well, perhaps I shouldn't say a "dimes difference." Maybe it is more appropriate to say that it takes a Republican two weeks longer to screw you over than it does a Dem-Soc. A pox on both their houses. Neither is looking out for you or me.

Take Chicago or Detroit. How long have the Dem-Socs been in charge of City Politics there? Yet with all the restrictions and laws against gun ownership, one city or the other is at or near the top of gun violence on a yearly basis. Has government fixed that? Or California, where migrants have more rights than do legal citizens. Shouldn't government be helping citizens before they help people who are "undocumented?"

OK, I'm through. I'm not going to change anyone's mind on a sports forum. But you need to get out more and read things other than just articles that you agree with.
Quite simply... I believe most people think this thing is dangerous, so don't go out and do shit. Stay home, be patient, and eventually you will be able to go out and live your life as normal when this thing is over with. It's how pandemics work... I'm not sorry it doesn't fit people's schedules.

Imagine if we didn't do ANY social distancing... imagine if Trump + rich CEO's had their way... millions would have died. Luckily he listened and things have gotten better.

I've stayed home, I've found things to do, I've worked from home, and I haven't caved in to the impulse to go out and do things.

I'm not sure what you're so afraid of here though when referencing the things you're referencing. You really think that this is the first step of a government takeover? I have faith that the government and its many branches are doing what they're doing to keep us healthy, why do I have faith? Because I have no evidence that the government is truly trying to limit my freedoms as means of takeover... until that happens, why would I believe otherwise? Especially seeing that thousands of people have died of this over a short span.

Trump's current motivations:

1. Getting re-elected. He knows that if the economy stays shut down that he's going to have a hard time getting re-elected because all of his rich buddies just fired all his poor electorate.

2. He's in the swamp... pretending he's not is insane... he has rich people in his ears telling him to open the economy for their financial gain... this includes stakes of his own. Yes, I believe rich people ultimately care more about being rich than the health of poor people. Their vote says so over and over again...

Why isn't he opening the economy? Because smart people are in his ear telling him it's suicide to open it prematurely and many more people will die before the sickness is curbed.

Why is he baiting opening the economy? Because he knows he's fucked if he does, knows he's fucked if he doesn't... so baiting it saves face. Him saying every day that he's going to do it, that he's thinking about it, at least gives his electorate hope that he cares about their economic standing.

The panic and hysteria is where we went too far.

We could have done social distancing and targeted quarantines and been just fine without wrecking the economy and people's livelihoods. We've burned down our homes to kill the spider in the corner. It worked! But wasnt there a more efficient way?

Too many unnecessary closures related directly to local leaders egos and desire for power and nothing more.

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Re: Virus Schmirus

Post by TLO Idaho » Mon Apr 13, 2020 5:20 am

Double Mocha Man wrote:
Sun Apr 12, 2020 7:14 pm
They need to open the damn golf courses! Everything else can stay closed...

Actuallly, I mentioned in an earlier post, there is one open, on the hush hush, no fee basis... in Lynden, conservative/right wing/tea party/Republican North County. So I think they're defying Governor Inslee and saying f/u to him. Thank god for Republicans, when it comes to golf and my right to bear a 9 iron. :lol:
The public golf course owner here loves Inslee. SAys he's never had a busier spring ever.

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Re: Virus Schmirus

Post by Millikin » Mon Apr 13, 2020 7:53 am

I can tell you that the law enforcement officers I work with have zero interest in enforcing the stay at home order. I'm sure they would break up a large gathering and maybe even issue fines in extreme cases, but they're not going to bug people who are out and about. Case in point: parking lots along bike/walking paths are full of cars, driven by people who willfully left their own neighborhoods. No cars are getting ticketed, no law enforcement
presence whatsoever. I'm ok with this non-approach, and even if you're seriously concerned about the virus, take comfort
knowing there's no real "gathering" that takes place on bike trails.

What's interesting is that in Western Washington all the National Wildlife Refuges are closed (feds left it to the states, even on federal lands), but they're open in Eastern Washington. It's open defiance by Eastern Washington, because people are traveling to the refuges... no one lives there, so it's not like a neighborhood walk. I'm all for this, because if you've ever been to refuges in Eastern Washington, you'll rarely come within 6 feet of another human, even on a sunny Saturday. And, I guess I can understand why Nisqually NWR is closed on the west side, because that place can be downright crowded.

Anyway... I think next weekend I'm heading to the Spokane area. I've always socially distanced myself, so have no fear of catching anything from me. I'm much more interested in watching birds/wildlife than breathing moistly on strangers.

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