Gamethread... M's v Padres.... Dipoto showcases trade chip

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Re: Gamethread... M's v Padres.... Dipoto showcases trade chip

Post by D-train » Thu Aug 27, 2020 5:07 pm

DavidGee24 wrote:
Thu Aug 27, 2020 5:04 pm
So they're going to play a doubleheader today. Wow...what an utterly POINTLESS gesture yesterday. I mean, seriously, what was even the point? Dee Gordon probably genuinely thinks he "raised awareness'. Like none of us is aware of what's going on in this country because we've all been living on a remote Pacific island with Amelia Earheart's skeleton. What an idiot.

On top of it, we can't DFA or even bench him anytime soon because he'll probably cry racism.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I swear I think I would rather be there having sex with her skeleton than see the insanity of what is going on in this country these days.

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Re: Gamethread... M's v Padres.... Dipoto showcases trade chip

Post by DavidGee24 » Thu Aug 27, 2020 5:10 pm

I actually was going to post "banging her skeleton" but then I thought, what kind of perv would say something like that? :D

AT Funchal-Madeira
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Re: Gamethread... M's v Padres.... Dipoto showcases trade chip

Post by AT Funchal-Madeira » Thu Aug 27, 2020 5:20 pm

DavidGee24 wrote:
Thu Aug 27, 2020 5:10 pm
I actually was going to post "banging her skeleton" but then I thought, what kind of perv would say something like that? :D
You heard about the guy who "hated every bone in her body except his own"?

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Re: Gamethread... M's v Padres.... Dipoto showcases trade chip

Post by Coeurd’Alene J » Thu Aug 27, 2020 6:00 pm

Counseling At It’s Best

A desperate looking woman stood poised on the edge of a cliff, about to jump off.

An old homeless bloke who was wandering by stopped and said,”Look, since you’ll be dead in a few minutes, and it won’t matter to you, how about a quickie before you go?”

She screamed, “NO! Bugger off you filthy old bastard!”

He shrugged and turned away saying, “Okay then, I’ll just go and wait at the bottom.”

She didn’t jump.

Counseling can work!!!

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Re: Gamethread... M's v Padres.... Dipoto showcases trade chip

Post by gil » Thu Aug 27, 2020 6:45 pm

D-train wrote:
Thu Aug 27, 2020 2:52 pm
Sibelius Hindemith wrote:
Thu Aug 27, 2020 2:31 pm
gil wrote:
Thu Aug 27, 2020 1:43 pm
I certainly support better trained, better paid, and better supported police. And I don't feel that is at odds with the *goals* of the Black Lives Matter movement.
Huh? Isn't BLM pushing the "defund the police" movement as well as providing funding to bail rioters out of jail and probably providing them with equipment too? How naive can you be? Yeah, they want a well trained, well-funded police force that acts entirely on behalf of the Marxist goals of its founders.
Just stunning how people blindly support BLM without doing 5 minutes of research. Fucking stunning.
Not sure I agree. BLM supports defund the police. I don't. I said I support their goals, and I just don't see that as one of their goals. Yes, I know that is probably playing with words (i.e., it's a means to an end, not the goal). I think we should listen to what people say, rather than what others say about them. I'm no more willing to believe what Foxnews says about BLM than I am to believe what MSNBC says about Trump.

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Re: Gamethread... M's v Padres.... Dipoto showcases trade chip

Post by Double Mocha Man » Thu Aug 27, 2020 7:37 pm

AT Fresno wrote:
Thu Aug 27, 2020 4:37 pm
I would never, ever support "Black Lives Matter". It is rat poison.
Mocha "Man" says this:
White officers shouldn't shoot a black man in the back. Or anyone in the back.
It is rat poison. The poster reveals that he is prideful, self righteous, spineless... Why cause people that use poison are spineless...

What is rat poison? First it's something you shouldn't pay attention to, it's something you shouldn't take a whiff of. It's been set in front of you by someone cunning who wants to destroy you... He wants you to smell it, taste it, chew it, and then swallow it.
It's bait and if you swallow it it will kill you. But what stupid person would swallow something that would kill them? And if it is poison why does it smell good, taste good, and go down easy? Cause it's 95 % TRUTH and only 5% RAT POISON. Hell, you can't even see the lie.... RAT POISON is 5% of a well prepared piece of meat that smells good and tastes good and is set out there for the rat to enjoy..The Meat is good, but it's the Rat Poison that kills the rat.

What is the rat poison in BLM and in Mocha Man''s statements? It's the Racist part... the word Black or the word white.... The meat is there..... and the meat is true....

LIVES MATTER!! Officers shouldn't shoot a person in the back...there's no skin color inserted in those two principles... we can chew on that, discuss it, talk about situation ethics and it won't kill us... but the second you insert a skin color, you insert your racist motives.... you are a racist.... period.

When Martin Luther King Jr. talked about judging a man "not by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character", I'm sure he was referring to Biblical teachings because he was a man of the Word.... possibly drew that principle from an Old Testament verse in first Samuel 16:7... "man looketh on the outward appearance, but God looketh upon the heart"

If you really want an authentic "Social Justice" stop dispensing "rat poison", eliminate racist devisiveness, and I'll join the dialogue...
"Lives Matter.....
Well AT, you certainly got a little deep into the rat poison analogy. Kinda weird. I support fairness, regardless of race or ethnicity. You guys tend to hear what you want to hear. You could go back 100 years in this forum :D and you won't find a statement of mine that says I support BLM. Though I do support a lot of the things they stand for.

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Re: Gamethread... M's v Padres.... Dipoto showcases trade chip

Post by Michael K. » Thu Aug 27, 2020 7:45 pm

gil wrote:
Thu Aug 27, 2020 1:43 pm
Hanjag wrote:
Thu Aug 27, 2020 4:26 am
Double Mocha Man wrote:
Thu Aug 27, 2020 12:37 am
White officers shouldn't shoot a black man in the back. Or anyone in the back. I saw the video... and I saw Jacob Blake just walk away and get into his SUV. I realize the bells & whistles that must have set off. But c'mon, tackle and taze the guy. Where's your training??? Or follow the guy and arrest him later. Any sane person could have seen that something was seriously wrong there. I will miss tonight's game. Dammit, I wanted to see how our young guys could hold up against this ace.
He could have got a gun and then turned and popped the cops. He had just fought them and then he was going into the car. I don't see how anyone is questioning that Mr. Blake was in the wrong. The cops were called on him for a reason. I can't stand the MOnday morning quarter backing. I have played shoot- don't shoot games as part of my military training. Have you? I would guess not because if you had, you would have had the experience of being humbled over and over again. Why, because you had waited too long to respond. The next time you get popped for over correcting.

Note: I don't hate you I can appreciate a lamen's perspective but in this case, NO! You are NOT a subject matter expert. You do not have a better strategy than the people that are paid to do it. I admit they need more funding for high-stress shoot-no shoot realistic scenarios like what I did but defund = less well trained police.
It's good to see these thoughtful posts. Thanks guys. My grandfather was a cop in New York City and I wish I had known him better. I do know that it's an incredibly difficult and stressful job. I share DMM's frustration that a confrontation like this couldn't have been stopped with less force. And I agree with Hanjag about the potentially fatal consequences of waiting too long (or not responding enough). I believe that standard police training is that when you decide someone is a threat who needs to be subdued, you take the appropriate action and don't stop until the person no longer is a threat. That's the reason for multiple shots in many situations. But it's going to be an adrenaline-filled situation, not one in which a cop decides logically. Training matters.

I certainly support better trained, better paid, and better supported police. And I don't feel that is at odds with the *goals* of the Black Lives Matter movement.

Go Ms!

They used Non Lethal force, like everyone wants. It didn’t work, so people wanted more Non Lethal. If they had jumped him and beat him with their nightsticks? Non still makes the news. If they let the guy get into his car and they get shot? No news. If he gets in the car and harms those kids? No news, well, except what would be aired about how they fucked up by not shooting him!

What kind of world sees a man with an arrest warrant, who had the cops called on him, refused to comply, didn’t stop when tased, had a knife, said he had a gun in the car, was heading towards said car with kids in it...and sees a victim! Do you think the mother of those kids would have wanted him in the car with them?

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Re: Gamethread... M's v Padres.... Dipoto showcases trade chip

Post by bpj » Thu Aug 27, 2020 9:26 pm

Michael K. wrote:
Thu Aug 27, 2020 7:45 pm
gil wrote:
Thu Aug 27, 2020 1:43 pm
Hanjag wrote:
Thu Aug 27, 2020 4:26 am

He could have got a gun and then turned and popped the cops. He had just fought them and then he was going into the car. I don't see how anyone is questioning that Mr. Blake was in the wrong. The cops were called on him for a reason. I can't stand the MOnday morning quarter backing. I have played shoot- don't shoot games as part of my military training. Have you? I would guess not because if you had, you would have had the experience of being humbled over and over again. Why, because you had waited too long to respond. The next time you get popped for over correcting.

Note: I don't hate you I can appreciate a lamen's perspective but in this case, NO! You are NOT a subject matter expert. You do not have a better strategy than the people that are paid to do it. I admit they need more funding for high-stress shoot-no shoot realistic scenarios like what I did but defund = less well trained police.
It's good to see these thoughtful posts. Thanks guys. My grandfather was a cop in New York City and I wish I had known him better. I do know that it's an incredibly difficult and stressful job. I share DMM's frustration that a confrontation like this couldn't have been stopped with less force. And I agree with Hanjag about the potentially fatal consequences of waiting too long (or not responding enough). I believe that standard police training is that when you decide someone is a threat who needs to be subdued, you take the appropriate action and don't stop until the person no longer is a threat. That's the reason for multiple shots in many situations. But it's going to be an adrenaline-filled situation, not one in which a cop decides logically. Training matters.

I certainly support better trained, better paid, and better supported police. And I don't feel that is at odds with the *goals* of the Black Lives Matter movement.

Go Ms!

They used Non Lethal force, like everyone wants. It didn’t work, so people wanted more Non Lethal. If they had jumped him and beat him with their nightsticks? Non still makes the news. If they let the guy get into his car and they get shot? No news. If he gets in the car and harms those kids? No news, well, except what would be aired about how they fucked up by not shooting him!

What kind of world sees a man with an arrest warrant, who had the cops called on him, refused to comply, didn’t stop when tased, had a knife, said he had a gun in the car, was heading towards said car with kids in it...and sees a victim! Do you think the mother of those kids would have wanted him in the car with them?
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Re: Gamethread... M's v Padres.... Dipoto showcases trade chip

Post by Double Mocha Man » Thu Aug 27, 2020 9:26 pm

Coeurd’Alene J wrote:
Thu Aug 27, 2020 12:39 pm
Minnesota v. Derek Chauvin et al: The Prosecution’s Dirty Little Secret
Medical examiner’s memorandum on Floyd’s toxicology report proves cause of death to be drug overdose, not murder.

Many of you may be familiar with Parry, but it bears repeating:

George Parry is a former federal and state prosecutor. From 1978 to 1983 he was Chief of the Police Brutality/Misconduct Unit of the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office, which investigated and prosecuted use of deadly force by police. He blogs at and may be reached by email at

He actually knows what he's talking about and has a lot of experience in the specific area of police use of force.

In the first part of the article Parry cuts through the chaff and comes to the obvious conclusion. It's worth reading through, once again. Then he concludes by listing the legal issues that arise from the unpardonable hiding of the documents in this case from the public:

It is quite telling that this explosively exculpatory June 1 memorandum was not released by the prosecution until August 25, 2020. All of which prompts these questions:
First, why did the prosecution wait three months to release this memorandum?
Second, if the prosecution had released this information in a timely fashion, would that have helped to quell the anti-police outrage that has fueled the nationwide orgy of rioting and looting?
Third, in light of Floyd’s toxicology results and the medical examiner’s assessment that Floyd’s fentanyl overdose caused him to essentially drown in his own bodily fluid, why haven’t the charges against all of the police defendants been dropped?
The handwriting is on the wall. Through all of the rioting, looting, and burning, the prosecution has kept secret its knowledge that George Floyd died as the result of a self-administered overdose of fentanyl. The Chief Medical Examiner of Hennepin County said as much way back on May 31, 2020.
But, now that the truth has finally emerged, it’s well past time to call a halt to this illegal and unfounded “murder” case and to let these wrongfully accused men go free.

This has always been nothing other than a politically motivated frame up of innocent police officers who were doing their jobs to the best of their ability. What it all says about America--about the Left and their complicit media enablers--at this juncture is deeply troubling.
In a lot of cities if the cops come across a fentanyl-juiced up subject who has overdosed they're headed for their cruiser to grab the narcan, not putting a knee on the neck of the guy/gal.

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Re: Gamethread... M's v Padres.... Dipoto showcases trade chip

Post by bpj » Thu Aug 27, 2020 9:27 pm

Hey, gif's actually work on this website. Thats awesome.

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