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Re: It's time to get back to playing baseball

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 1:59 pm
by D-train
Awesome interview with Howie Kendrick by Harold. Usually interviews don't do anything for but I feel like I know Howie now. He is totally different than what I expected. ... 7785273345

Re: It's time to get back to playing baseball

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 2:35 pm
by Donn Beach
got a kick out of Bud Black opening baseball cards ... 22851.html

Re: It's time to get back to playing baseball

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 4:07 pm
by D-train
MLS suspends to June 8th. I think that is a good target date for OD after getting back to ST around memorial day weekend. ... -pandemic/

Re: It's time to get back to playing baseball

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 4:44 pm
by D-train
I swear this virus has brought out the freaks in society or maybe they just have more time to post nonsense.

These are comments are related to a simple poll about which sport you are miss most. My response in red.
None. Their absence causes one to clearly recognize how truly unimportant they are and how much time and money are wasted on them. Essentially, it’s mainly one, huge advertising effort. Better to use the time not watching and spending but actually playing and gathering with friends. And silly to think professional sports should be someone’s job for life. At best, it should be a diversion for a time.
16 hours ago
A strong opinion, but hard to argue with.

I'm expecting these billion-dollar marketing organizations will very quickly figure out how to monetize their brands on-line. They don't need fans in the stadia, they just want their money. (Local businesses will suffer, obviously.)

Indeed, even before the current kerfuffle, I'll bet TV revenues are as big as ticket revenues.
in 3 minutes
Only about a third of revenues are from ticket sales for MLB.
in 2 minutes
I feel sorry for you "friends" that you gather with. I would rather stay in quarantine the rest of my life than hang out with someone as pretentious, self righteous, judgmental, pseudo elitist and condescending as you. btw Why are you even on a sports oriented web page if you think you are so far above sports fans???? LOL

Re: It's time to get back to playing baseball

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 5:57 pm
by Double Mocha Man
You know, this is 2020... and most people have discretionary income and spare time on their hands. We're not a 12 hour per day labor workforce anymore. Sports are not vital in the big picture but they are critical in providing entertainment and something to look forward to. Sports are a backbone to our society. I would not want to be gathered with those friends either, especially if I couldn't drop a quip about Hanniger's balls and have it understood and appreciated.

Re: It's time to get back to playing baseball

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 7:39 pm
by Hy Feiber
D-train wrote:
Sat Apr 18, 2020 1:59 pm
Awesome interview with Howie Kendrick by Harold. Usually interviews don't do anything for but I feel like I know Howie now. He is totally different than what I expected. ... 7785273345
I like the guy, great competitor, clutch hitter, all-around straight shooter.

Re: It's time to get back to playing baseball

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 10:02 pm
by BaseHitDerby
Just play without fans in the stadium until this situation gets resolved. I can't stand the people that are opposed to this. It's not like they would be affected by it, but still have to complain.