GT 4/16: Flexen is going to make Verlander his b****

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Sibelius Hindemith
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Re: GT 4/16: Flexen is going to make Verlander his b****

Post by Sibelius Hindemith » Sun Apr 17, 2022 3:55 am

Winker and Suarez. Just call them the .172 boyz. :roll:

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Re: GT 4/16: Flexen is going to make Verlander his b****

Post by seth8734 » Sun Apr 17, 2022 3:57 am

DavidGee24 wrote:
Sun Apr 17, 2022 3:53 am
There goes our modest winning streak.

JK now 3-25
J-Rod now 3-28

Meanwhile, virtually every rookie the Asstros call up produces immediately. It's just mind-blowing.
Cause they actually have good instructors and coaching to build up these players. Apparently we don't and I can't wait to get a hitter we can actually produce.

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Re: GT 4/16: Flexen is going to make Verlander his b****

Post by acctingman » Sun Apr 17, 2022 5:07 am

JK is Ackley 2.0

If JRod doesn't pan out this org is fucked for many years to come.

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Re: GT 4/16: Flexen is going to make Verlander his b****

Post by Pharmabro » Sun Apr 17, 2022 5:10 am

seattlefan-daBronx wrote:
Sun Apr 17, 2022 3:39 am
JK.....warning track power.
No, he has had a couple of them that he has driven and I looked at them going and was like ride it out and the defender goes to the wall and there it is.

If those 2 drives go out he is at a .846 OPS :idea: :arrow:

Hit them a little harder it is that obvious

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