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Re: Virus Schmirus

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 5:20 pm
by Coeurd’Alene J
D-train wrote:
Tue Apr 07, 2020 2:58 pm
UW model is whacked.............
As is the global warming tards. AOC’s model has us all dead in 10 yrs anyway. Might as well just give up. Lol

Re: Virus Schmirus

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 5:22 pm
by D-train
godawgs28 wrote:
Tue Apr 07, 2020 5:19 pm
Great article on Sweden ... soc_trk=fb

Kept schools open.

Only quarantined those at risk.

Their numbers never spiked, and are falling.

We killed the economy for nothing folks.
Thankfully it will snap back quickly. Dow is already up 5k points from the bottom. Hoping I can get my house on the market soon so I can get the proceeds in the market before it fully rebounds.

Re: Virus Schmirus

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 5:29 pm
by Donn Beach
I thought the COVID measures had killed the economy?...

Re: Virus Schmirus

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 6:20 pm
by Hanjag
godawgs28 wrote:
Tue Apr 07, 2020 5:19 pm
Great article on Sweden ... soc_trk=fb

Kept schools open.

Only quarantined those at risk.

Their numbers never spiked, and are falling.

We killed the economy for nothing folks.
This makes more sense to me. They talk about high density and Sweden is not urban with Stockholm being the biggest exception. They did close schools and limited large gatherings. But the idea is that the Covid spreads through the non-susceptibles and then you eventually wind up with heard immunity for the those you had in isolation.

Re: Virus Schmirus

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 6:41 pm
by D-train
Donn Beach wrote:
Tue Apr 07, 2020 5:29 pm
I thought the COVID measures had killed the economy?...
It has but thankfully temporarily. Will be a brutal a temporarily for displaced employees though.....

Re: Virus Schmirus

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 6:49 pm
by gil
CDC website reporting more than 43,000 new cases for the 24 hours ending yesterday (April 6 at 4pm EST). This is the highest to date. My calculation of average daily new cases over the past 5 days has shown increases each day. Wikipedia has different numbers, with the highest day to day increases (absolute numbers) on April 3 and April 4, and with daily increases in total cases still above 8%.

Re: Virus Schmirus

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 7:02 pm
by D-train
gil wrote:
Tue Apr 07, 2020 6:49 pm
CDC website reporting more than 43,000 new cases for the 24 hours ending yesterday (April 6 at 4pm EST). This is the highest to date. My calculation of average daily new cases over the past 5 days has shown increases each day. Wikipedia has different numbers, with the highest day to day increases (absolute numbers) on April 3 and April 4, and with daily increases in total cases still above 8%.
Yeah I just saw that. Usually CDC and World meters are very close but not yesterday. World meters now at 388k which would only be 14k new cases today if you go with 374k from CDC yesterday.

Re: Virus Schmirus

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 7:38 pm
by Coeurd’Alene J
We need to end this experiment with communist China. Bring everything back to America and shut the commie basterds off completely

Locals in Wuhan, where the Chinese coronavirus pandemic originated, have heard screams coming from funeral home furnaces, and some treated in hospitals say they saw workers put living coronavirus patients in body bags, Radio Free Asia (RFA) reported on Monday.
They are not human. They are communist animals

Re: Virus Schmirus

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 8:06 pm
by BaseHitDerby
D-train wrote:
Tue Apr 07, 2020 2:14 pm
D-train wrote:
Tue Apr 07, 2020 11:49 am
NY times suggesting that Trump is pushing it ONLY because he owns a mutual fund that has Sanofi, the manufacturer of this CHEAP GENERIC drug as one of its hundreds of holdings. People are so f-ing sick in the head.
According to Trump’s financial disclosure, he owns between $1,000 - $15,000 of Dodge & Cox fund.

Dox & Cox’s fund has 2.9% of its money in Sanofi.

Trump owns 2.9% of btw $1,000 - $15,000.

Trump owns $29 to $435 of stock.

lol NYT didn't think anyone would do the math.
Libs are immune to math/numbers. Here's an example:
Liberal economist Noah Smith estimated that the cost of the Green New Deal without all the promises listed in the FAQ would be $6.6 trillion annually. That is three times as much as the federal government collects in tax revenue and about 34% of U.S. GDP.
I wonder how the AOC/Sanders supporters plan to pay for these things. Slavery for the next 100 years!

Re: Virus Schmirus

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 8:08 pm
by BaseHitDerby
Coeurd’Alene J wrote:
Tue Apr 07, 2020 7:38 pm
We need to end this experiment with communist China. Bring everything back to America and shut the commie basterds off completely

Locals in Wuhan, where the Chinese coronavirus pandemic originated, have heard screams coming from funeral home furnaces, and some treated in hospitals say they saw workers put living coronavirus patients in body bags, Radio Free Asia (RFA) reported on Monday.
They are not human. They are communist animals
Totally agree, the world needs to abandon China. They have been trying to take over the world. So, it's time the world fights back.