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Re: Stanton on Root Sports

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2023 7:16 pm
by D-train
GL_Storm wrote:
Thu Dec 21, 2023 6:33 pm
D-train wrote:
Thu Dec 21, 2023 10:44 am
GL_Storm wrote:
Thu Dec 21, 2023 12:16 am

What I'm saying is that you aren't magically creating new paying viewers. If you break the market into two segments, local (regional viewers) and out-of-market, both of those segments are being served right now under the existing system.

As for what the numbers would be under a single system, I'm willing to believe 10 million total would be payers at some price level, but certainly not $300.
If Root dissolves you are LITERALLY non Magically creating new viewers willing to pay. I went to the Seahawks SB Parade in 7 degree weather attended by 1 MILLION people. Are telling me that in WA, AK, OR, ID and Western MT (12M people) there aren't 333k (2.5%) people willing to pay less than 2 freaking dollars a game to watch if that is there ONLY option????
Yes, if the only choice is to pay $300 for the entire season you won't get that many.
That is almost what it costs to take a family of four to ONE game. I think there are at least 300k people willing to pay that to watch 162 games on TV for that vs. the alternative which is listening on the radio.

Re: Stanton on Root Sports

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2023 7:51 pm
by D-train
10M fans is only 5.8% of all MLB fans. So they can pay $1.85 to watch on TV or listen on the radio for free. I can guarantee you there aren't going to have more than 161M people sitting around the radio like it is f-ing 1947 to save less than $2 which is about 1/3 of the cost of their morning Latte.
While the NFL remains the most-popular league out of the major North American sports leagues, MLB ranks strongly in second. Based upon Vision Insight data, the NFL sees 188.4 million fans, MLB has 171.1 million fans, followed by the NBA at 155.9 million and the NHL at 136.2 million.