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The 2001 Microsoft Baseball Puppetshow

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 1:31 am
by AmericanPig
Ever see that movie 119? From before 116 games got turned around for 911. 119 minutes is how long the original Shall We Dance is that Richard remade. I knew a Sicilian violinist named Lisa who was a regular little Japanese agent, used to say she built me up to the heavens just to tear me down. Now how bout that Brett NYC TV dude who worked with Justin whatshisname? He got me to pen this poem for the shaman center BEFORE this song just bout hadda be made, and what's this?? PEPSI ripping me off? Man, dat homage. W is for wicked muh huh.

Brett Leonard says whoosh, and when Brett Leonard says whoosh you KNOW Pener Gabriel is at NASA saying his uteris is telling him hafta do fulfillment some more.