How to beat SF.

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Re: How to beat SF.

Post by ThePro » Sat Nov 02, 2019 3:31 pm

Michael K. wrote:
Sat Nov 02, 2019 3:18 pm
Huh? I said I have never heard anyone but you say Belichek has the same gameplay sixteen times a year. Your quote was short a sentence.

And if you have never heard Pete say we did what we do then you aren’t listening.
No I didn't say that either.. Now your mincing words
Another strawman. Now its "gameplay". . You were saying scheme. Every football team and coach from High School to NFL adjusts, changes alters or whatever word you want to use ( please pick one) to their opponent from game to game. They all make adjustments at halftime and in game.. Including Pete Carroll, Schottenheimer and Norton.

This is not exclusive to the Patriots. Its like saying "Patriots watch gamefilm of their opponents the week before and talk to each other with headsets during the game. No other team does this"

Whatever they do the Patriots aren't changing their scheme , philosophy and or playbooks. Everything they do is still in the parameters of their playbooks. They aren't changing their scheme or game play from week to week.

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Re: How to beat SF.

Post by ThePro » Sat Nov 02, 2019 3:33 pm

Michael K. wrote:
Sat Nov 02, 2019 3:29 pm
Donn Beach wrote:
Sat Nov 02, 2019 3:20 pm
actually I think Shotty said something when he was hired along the lines of...we want to be able to run the ball when the other team knows we are going to run it, which kind of fits that. Is it time to adopt? I mean i keep hearing that season after season, but Pete the dinosaur just keeps winning. Sure the 6-2 record this season is just luck but honestly until he actually puts up a losing record it seems hard for me to second guess the guy
Super Bowl win
Super Bowl loss
Second round exit
Second round exit
Miss the playoffs
First round exit

And now they are two games back and needed a missed FG at home to not be in third in the division. But, we should just bow down to the over all record for the rest of his days because Don is afraid of what might happen if someone came in and ran an offense that wasn’t from the 80s.

Everybody else is looking for the next young hotshot and we need to wait for Pete to decide he actually is too old. Remind me how many coaches are older than him? Why is it completely up to him? Oh, because he is also the head of football operations.
His offense isn't from the 80s. So it's Superbowl or bust now with Seahawks? :roll:

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Re: How to beat SF.

Post by Donn Beach » Sat Nov 02, 2019 3:40 pm

Michael K. wrote:
Sat Nov 02, 2019 3:25 pm
Donn Beach wrote:
Sat Nov 02, 2019 2:53 pm
yeah, that little incidental called his PC has won a lot of games for the Hawks and you can't wait to get rid of him, ok, that is fine with me. PC isn't going to be around much longer anyway. But the new young gun that replaces him is going to have to win at a pretty damn high rate to match what PC has delivered. Be careful what you wish for, a new coach might not be an improvement
And yet he might be. Lots of hand wringing over replacing Sark and Roman. Seems the University of Washing WAS happy with this. The Rams held on to Fisher for ever worrying about what if. You think they are upset with their choice?

Pete would only be moving upstairs. Not sure the culture would change much, and he is still going to be building the team. But his in game has been lacking for years, if not the entire time he has been here. If every team had to keep coaches that won a Super Bowl around until the coach decided to leave Tony Dungy and Jimmy Johnson wouldn’t be doing television, George Seifert would have stayed another ten years and Mike Holmgren wouldn’t be riding his Harley all over the Nation..he’d be coaching.
you are honestly going to compare the Rams replacing Jeff Fisher with the Hawks replacing PC?...Fisher had a losing record as the Rams coach. You seem to ignore that fact that PC has a .622 win percentage as HC for the Hawks. You are confident the guy that replaces PC to do better than that. And he isn't going to get kicked upstairs, he is going to retire to LA which is his home...

Michael K.
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Re: How to beat SF.

Post by Michael K. » Sat Nov 02, 2019 3:44 pm

If I mixed words I apologize. I am willing to say, you could watch film of the Pats in three games in a row and see very little similarity. You could watch film from the Seahawks from three straight games and only know the difference because the uniforms changed. That is my point. When is the last time you saw us do something unexpected, that was obviously designed to attack what the other team doesn’t do well?

Our offense has been under attack for failing to protect Wilson for years...yet we do the same thing over and over. Never running a screen pass, basically never adopting a quick passing attack (the one that made Wilson an MVP candidate to finish a season not that long ago) until we have sputtered for two quarters asking Russ to run around and make it happen, the same run game, the same conservative play on ever second and long, the same the same the same. Sorry, that is the biggest staple of a Pete Carrol coached team. Undisciplined, we do what we do, every game, and shitty clock management. A coach does more than motivate talent, but, IMO, what Pete does well ends Saturday night. Not sure he couldn’t do what he does well as Head of Football operations and allow someone that does the other stuff well to coach.

This team doesn’t have the defense it used to, and as much as I love Carson, this run game isn’t the same. Beast and Wilson ran the read option to perfection. Wilson doesn’t pose that same threat anymore and the league has caught up. We have weapons in the passing game, and the run game needs to adapt. That won’t happen. We will continue to play like Wilson is Lamar Jackson and the LOB is playing defense. We will continue to watch read option even though everyone in the stadium knows Wilson won’t run it until the 4th quarter and we will continue to run long developing deep routes even though Wilson will need to make magic happen to have time to throw. Zero adapting.

Michael K.
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Re: How to beat SF.

Post by Michael K. » Sat Nov 02, 2019 3:46 pm

ThePro wrote:
Sat Nov 02, 2019 3:33 pm
Michael K. wrote:
Sat Nov 02, 2019 3:29 pm
Donn Beach wrote:
Sat Nov 02, 2019 3:20 pm
actually I think Shotty said something when he was hired along the lines of...we want to be able to run the ball when the other team knows we are going to run it, which kind of fits that. Is it time to adopt? I mean i keep hearing that season after season, but Pete the dinosaur just keeps winning. Sure the 6-2 record this season is just luck but honestly until he actually puts up a losing record it seems hard for me to second guess the guy
Super Bowl win
Super Bowl loss
Second round exit
Second round exit
Miss the playoffs
First round exit

And now they are two games back and needed a missed FG at home to not be in third in the division. But, we should just bow down to the over all record for the rest of his days because Don is afraid of what might happen if someone came in and ran an offense that wasn’t from the 80s.

Everybody else is looking for the next young hotshot and we need to wait for Pete to decide he actually is too old. Remind me how many coaches are older than him? Why is it completely up to him? Oh, because he is also the head of football operations.
His offense isn't from the 80s. So it's Superbowl or bust now with Seahawks? :roll:
Not Super Bowl or bust, but t can you guarantee the regression doesn’t continue? You can change things up in more ways then just getting rid of the players that don’t buy in. Maybe the guys that didn’t buy in five years later did so because we hadn’t changed a damn thing in five years?

I was on board with the rebuild, removing the cancer. What I am not on board for is coaching every team the exact same, even though Wilson and Wagner are the only guys still here.

Michael K.
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Re: How to beat SF.

Post by Michael K. » Sat Nov 02, 2019 3:48 pm

Weird, Don posted Pete’s record. Dude, if I need to know his record I will scroll back to every post you have made on the topic of Carrol. Jesus. Belichek dominates every year, but isn’t a genius, but Pete is the man because he won one ring and lately still wins more than he loses.

Holmgren was a God, then he stuck around too long and won 4 games his last year. Did he forget football, or did everyone else catch up with him and he didn’t adapt?

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Re: How to beat SF.

Post by IStillLoveTheMs » Sat Nov 02, 2019 3:49 pm

You really have to only look at one game to see what the power of a small change or wrinkle has in influencing positive results. What made a monster impact in Super Bowl 48? Oh yeah, 2 jet sweeps to Percy Harvin... The Bronco's D looked fkn lost after the Hawks ran a play they hadn't seen all year from our offense. It had them shook and chasing every misdirection we threw at em.

IMO you should show something, or try something just a little bit different 1 or 2 series a game to keep the opposing team on their toes.

Anyone see how vanilla the Rams offense has looked this year compared to the last couple? They threw the kitchen sink at you playbook wise the last 2 seasons... I'd ask, the hell has happened to McVay? He's falling into the same trap of conservatism if you ask me.

Michael K.
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Re: How to beat SF.

Post by Michael K. » Sat Nov 02, 2019 3:53 pm

IStillLoveTheMs wrote:
Sat Nov 02, 2019 3:49 pm
Anyone see how vanilla the Rams offense has looked this year compared to the last couple? They threw the kitchen sink at you playbook wise the last 2 seasons... I'd ask, the hell has happened to McVay? He's falling into the same trap of conservatism if you ask me.
It’s because if a coach plays it safe and loses, the conversation post game is about the other team out executing them. It isn’t nearly as big of a sin if you take a shot and lose...then the coach is questioned. The problem is, Pete takes his shots in stupid ways. The fake FG against Atlanta, challenging dumb ass plays, long bombs on third and fourth and short, etc.

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Re: How to beat SF.

Post by ThePro » Sat Nov 02, 2019 3:56 pm

Michael K. wrote:
Sat Nov 02, 2019 3:46 pm

Not Super Bowl or bust, but t can you guarantee the regression doesn’t continue? You can change things up in more ways then just getting rid of the players that don’t buy in. Maybe the guys that didn’t buy in five years later did so because we hadn’t changed a damn thing in five years?

I was on board with the rebuild, removing the cancer. What I am not on board for is coaching every team the exact same, even though Wilson and Wagner are the only guys still here.
It's not the same offense. That was the point of bringing in a new OC. This offense is different. Defense is still the same. No reason for Carroll to change . Your precious Belichick still runs a 3-4 just like he did with Giants. Its not like defensive and offensive systems go stale.

Posts: 3460
Joined: Wed May 15, 2019 2:12 am

Re: How to beat SF.

Post by ThePro » Sat Nov 02, 2019 3:58 pm

IStillLoveTheMs wrote:
Sat Nov 02, 2019 3:49 pm
You really have to only look at one game to see what the power of a small change or wrinkle has in influencing positive results. What made a monster impact in Super Bowl 48? Oh yeah, 2 jet sweeps to Percy Harvin... The Bronco's D looked fkn lost after the Hawks ran a play they hadn't seen all year from our offense. It had them shook and chasing every misdirection we threw at em.

IMO you should show something, or try something just a little bit different 1 or 2 series a game to keep the opposing team on their toes.

Anyone see how vanilla the Rams offense has looked this year compared to the last couple? They threw the kitchen sink at you playbook wise the last 2 seasons... I'd ask, the hell has happened to McVay? He's falling into the same trap of conservatism if you ask me.
No but Gurley pulled a full Shaun Alexander and like I've always said Goff sucks.. Everyone else is starting to realize this now.

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