Trump has been Indicted

Mel Bradford
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Re: Trump has been Indicted

Post by Mel Bradford » Thu May 25, 2023 10:37 pm

Chappaqua NY....80% white, 0% black....Like all liberal kings and queens who preach racial diversity to the masses....they don't live it and wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole. "good for thee, but not for me".

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Re: Trump has been Indicted

Post by ddraig » Fri May 26, 2023 1:37 pm

When NY starts taking in more illegals, you think they will be going to Chappaqua on their busses? Or will they be headed upstate to the counties that voted for Trump in 2020? I hope DeSantis and Abbott continue shipping the illegals out to "sanctuary" cities and states. Those Dem run entities sure talk a good game of virtue signaling but when the rubber meets the road, they cry like the little babies they are. We have no one to blame for this but ourselves. We've allowed the schools to teach that "American Values" mean nothing.

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Re: Trump has been Indicted

Post by douche » Fri May 26, 2023 2:46 pm

Mel Bradford wrote:
Thu May 25, 2023 10:37 pm
Chappaqua NY....80% white, 0% black....Like all liberal kings and queens who preach racial diversity to the masses....they don't live it and wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole. "good for thee, but not for me".
It's akin to bad parenting... Do as I say, not as I do.

Grandma Lynn
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Re: Trump has been Indicted

Post by Grandma Lynn » Sun May 28, 2023 3:24 am

What happened to free speech?
Now that woman is trying to sue
Trump again, after she got $5 million!

Mel Bradford
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Re: Trump has been Indicted

Post by Mel Bradford » Sun May 28, 2023 2:23 pm

IMHO The case is that insidious intersection between a pseudo celebrity advice columnist as willing accuser and a billionaire Democrat doner as willing finiancer working in tandem to ironically 'defame' Donald Trump.... E Jean Carroll is alleging defamation by Trump because he denied her allegations in public. This is her 'walk of fame' joining the throng to 'save America" from the MAGA man.

Lady Justice has had her blindfold and sword removed. Installed is a pull-string on the back of her neck for the Demonic apparatchiks to create their own law, narrative and from the constraints of objective truth.

Its actually hilarious to see ms. Carroll in those Hollywood script sunglasses (the Audrey Hepburn mystique) being assisted through crowds by security (like an innocent victim/ distressed damsel) with press in tow (like groupies/ clueless morons) and as horderve and main course for the "oh so smart' talking heads who take to the television (news) screen daily to perform their vudu on the former President.

Haven't witnessed this much hate heaped on one man since Stephen went before the Sanhedrin.

Grandma Lynn
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Re: Trump has been Indicted

Post by Grandma Lynn » Sun Jun 04, 2023 8:39 pm

Wonder how much she's getting
from the Democrats? Money,
that is.

Mel Bradford
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Re: Trump has been Indicted

Post by Mel Bradford » Mon Jun 05, 2023 1:36 am

Gee, it only took 28 years for Ms Carroll to come forward.

IMHO, money is secondary. Fame comes first.

Every fish wrap in the country has been in her corner....without question. Oh what weak people we have become.

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Re: Trump has been Indicted

Post by seattlefan-daBronx » Fri Jun 09, 2023 3:51 am

Well. Here we go folks. Trump has now been indicted by the Feds.
Are we supposed to all of a sudden put faith in these corrupt and wicked institutions?

Trump gave a somber but hopefull message on Truth Social and it posted on Twatter.
Notice how he spoke in front of interesting painting?
Monroe Doctrine.jpg
Monroe Doctrine.jpg (113.43 KiB) Viewed 339 times ...

The Monroe Doctrine asserted that any intervention in America's political system by a foreign power could be considered a hostile act against the United States. Hmmm. Interesting. The demons will enjoy themselves all over social media and news networks Friday and probably early into next week too when trump will appear in court to receive charges. Let them have their twisted moment. The gallows are still there awaiting these traitorous fools.
Pronouns: Kiss/My/Ass

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Donn Beach
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Re: Trump has been Indicted

Post by Donn Beach » Fri Jun 09, 2023 6:16 am

The Monroe doctrine was about intervention in the political system of another country in the western hemisphere, under the Monroe doctrine that would be viewed as a hostile act towards the united states'. The Monroe doctrine was expanding America's influence over the rest of the Americas. It was basically declaring a halt to European colonial expansion and political influence in the Americas

Mel Bradford
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Re: Trump has been Indicted

Post by Mel Bradford » Fri Jun 09, 2023 1:31 pm

Jim Tasty Trump Attorney lays it out. Identifies DOJ criminality. False indictment.

"abject hatred for President Trump" JT

Trump 2024

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