Donn Beach wrote: ↑Tue Feb 11, 2025 4:04 pm
The point of a conflict of interest is the availably of person'al gain. The current administration is rampant with conflict of interest situations, with trump and musk leading the way. Everyone is outraged it seems with the swamp but nobody minds the trump administration's various avenues of personal gain . I'm not outraged. I think it's hilarious, drain the swamp! love it lol
Here's an illustrated guide to Trump's conflicts of interest, sure drain the swamp, what a joke ... erest.html
Honestly dude, posting a NT Times article as some kind of proof of anything - is insulting to my intelligence. All they have done for 20 years is pump up the dems and fan trump outrage - one of the most hilariously biased publications on the planet - and you expect me to take this seriously.

Grow up. I have no idea what your NYT outrage list is, but my biggest concern about Trump is about developing Gaza and the surrounding area for personal gains. He's a real estate dude, that place is the perfect target, that's what I would be worried about, and I am. Especially having full Israel support.
Anyone pretending DOGE is a bad thing is an absolute idiot or is profiting from the scams. Period.
Where was your outrage at the Biden's criminal activity? Dude, you're a hypocrite. All you do is whine about Trump while giving the dems a pass.
Wash, rinse repeat.