Epstein in danger?

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Re: Epstein in danger?

Post by YallCanFoff » Sun Jan 26, 2020 9:53 pm

Donn Beach wrote:
Sat Jan 25, 2020 3:35 pm
its funny really, they had him killed, but who is "they" exactly?...Hillary?..the Queen of England?...the Donald?...its like an Agatha Christie mystery, they all have a motive...my money is on the Donald
In case you missed my earlier post, this is how it went down :twisted: :
It was an unbearably muggy Friday afternoon in Chappaqua when Hillary Rodham Clinton pushed the coats in her walk in closet aside so she could reach the digital panel operating the armored hidden door guarding her secret Invincibility Wardobe. She bent down to the retinal scanner and placed her palm on the touchscreen with her thumb extended and middle and ring fingers parted.

A brief smile passed across her lips as the tumblers started to turn. Incorporating the Vulcan salutation into the identification protocol was her own little inside joke. Nobody knew she was a Star Trek junkie let alone a complete Spock fangirl. Spock's cold, calm, logical and stoic nature had always appealed to her. Too bad he was burdened at times with flashes of human weakness. If his mother had been Klingon instead of an earthling, he could have conquered the universe. "Oh well," she thought: "world domination and conquering the universe is HRC's destiny - it was never Spock's."

Once inside the secret compartment, Hillary prepared for the task at hand. She knew all too well that if you needed a job done right you had to do it yourself. The failed pesidential bid was all she will would ever need as a reminder. If only she had relied on her own instincts and simply applied the Death Touch, or Dim Mak as it is called, on Trump during the third debate, things would be different now. After "The Donald's" lurking behavior in debate number two, nobody would have thought twice about her putting her hand on his chest she argued. If the overweight gas bag dropped dead from an exploded heart minutes later everyone would have chalked it up to a heart attack induced by the stress of the debate and the rigors of an arduous campaign.

Unfortunately, the higher council of the cabal pushed back on the assassination idea and talked her out of it. They were concerned that the rumors about the deep state and the Clinton Foundation floating around the alt right blogs were already hitting too close to the bone. Even "Pizzagate" had made it's way into the mainstream. Although Bannon and his flunkies at Breitbart had missed the mark on that one by thinking it fronted a child sex ring, the pizza parlor was in fact meeting the demands of Hillary's voracious appetite for young human flesh. When the story went viral, the operation had to be shut down. With the source of Hillary's vitality temporarily disrupted, she quickly found herself in a weakened state in the fall of 2016 and was forced to stage the pneumonia cover story. Taking out Trump on live television in front of the American public was just too risky the council felt. She may have acquiesced to their pantywaist knee knocking at that time but she vowed to herself "Never Again!"

The council had actually been split over what to do about current events. On the one hand, the operation had been wildly successful excceeding everyone's expectations. It had a good run. Why not just let it run it's course? On the other hand, power was power. If you felt things starting to slip didn't it make sense to tighten the grip?

Hillary originally got the idea for the program during the Monica Lewinsky scandal. After all, it was Bill's narcissistic tendencies that lead him down that path. The same need for adulation and immediate gratification that made him a successful politician was also his kryptonite driving him to seek the attention of younger women. Exploiting these frailties held by all men in power was going to be incredibly easy she predicted and she was right.

All they had to do was raise the stakes and lower the bar. First, the young women had to be underage so that nobody could claim consent. Second, they needed a discrete location like an island where they could control all surveillance while visitors let their guard down. Last but not least they needed a pigeon to be fall guy if something went south - someone outside of politics who moved in the right social circles and had his own deviant side. Bill knew just the guy.

For years now the cabal held compromising information on not only numerous legislators but also several world leaders. Hillary was not shy about using the power it provided to move the agenda of the global elites along while at the same time feathering the nest of the Clinton empire. If the lurid details got out now and careers ruined, Hillary knew she would lose all of her leverage. She might not be sitting at the desk in the oval office but as long as she had leverage, she was the puppet master pulling the strings behind the scenes. She fancied herself a cross between Jean Luc Piccard and Darth Vader - just because you were following a perceived moral imperative didn't mean you couldn't be ruthless, right?

It was unfortunate but things had come to a crossroads. Trump's foolish appointment of Acosta as Labor Secretary got the ball rolling prompting additional oversight and new investigations out of New York. Hillary knew the path they needed take and time was of the essence. It took some persuasion but she was able to finally get the council on board. In typical fashion though, they had sent a boy to do a woman's job. Once again, she had to pick up the pieces and take matters literally into her own hands and turn that pigeon into squab.

The humidity inside the wardrobe enclosure was stifling. "Geez, I'm going to sweat tonight more than Bill during the Paula Jones deposition," she thought as she wrestled to squeeze into her kevlar spanks. With protective under garments in place, Hillary took a step back so she could take in all her pant suits at once. How many did she have now? Sixty-five, seventy?

Each one had been commissioned for a different covert operation customized with state of the art weaponry. There was the Bazooka Pant Suit she wore when she took out Bin Laden while her double sat with Obama in the Situation Room. There was also the gray one made out of teflon that she wore during the Benghazi Hearings. Her favorite, of course, was the aquamarine radiation proof pant suit she wore when she personally hand delivered Uranium One to the Russians. Oh, what memories.

No time for nostalgia now though. She needed the one that gave her the ability to go anywhere without detection - her Pant Suit of Invisibility. But where was it? Invisibility suits sound great in theory but the only problem, of course, is that they are themselves invisible. She rooted around the rack looking for the one hangar that looked empty. The last time she had worn it was in 2014 during her covert visits to Kiev where she single handedly fostered the public discord that resulted in the ousting elected Ukranian Prasident Viktor Yanukovyc and overthrow of the Ukranian government. During those trips she was also able to sow the seeds of disinformation that laid the groundwork for the Steele Dossier. That was a good year.

"It has to be somewhere" - frustrated Hillary tossed an armfull of garments to the floor accidentally discharging the bevy of Baretta's concealed in different pant legs. Slugs ricocheted about the bullet-proofed wardobe barely missing her several times. As she turned away from the crossfire, it was then that she noticed it in the back - a shadow without a source revealing her formal wear for the night.

It was normally an hour's drive from Chappaqua to the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Manhattan but Hillary had decided to take public tranit - a three hour journey by bus and subway. Earlier in the day, she had given her chauffeur and the rest of the staff the weekend off so she could prepare in private for what needed to be done. She was actually looking forward to the trip. It had been over two years since she had been able to rub elbows with the masses so to speak. She even missed the deplorables. Her Pant Suit of Invisibility gave her the ability to go anywhere and do anything unnoticed. The freedom was welcomed.

As she took a seat on the bus picked up outside of White Plains, she noticed a mother sitting across the aisle with her two young children. No wonder she was hungry she thought. It was already 8:00 PM and she hadn't eaten a thing since lunch. Oh well, dinner would have to wait. The bus would be pulling into Port Authority in about 30 minutes giving her just enough time to get to the jail and slip in as visiting hours ended and the doors closed to the public. Once inside the facility, all she needed to do was get to get to the right cell before the night's lockdown. Arrangements had already been made to suspend the suicide watch protocols from midnight until 6:00 AM. She would have a six hour window to get the job done.

Before she knew it, she was quietly standing in the corner of the cell in the dark patiently waiting for the right opportunity to present itself. She passed the time smugly pondering the irony of Trump's "Lock her up!" chants.

As if on cue, a little bit past 2:30 AM, her "cellmate" abrupty sat upright on the prison cot burying his head in his hands after emerging from another night terror. He stood up and moved towards the front of his cell placing his hands on the cold metal bars. From behind he thought he detected a faint rustling sound. As he turned his head, Mr. Epstein wispered: "Hillary?... is that...

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Donn Beach
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Re: Epstein in danger?

Post by Donn Beach » Mon Jan 27, 2020 1:34 am

pretty compelling...I don't know, the Queen of England has some pretty deadly ninja qualities, not sure who i back in a Hillary vs the Queen battle...

Grandma Lynn
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Re: Epstein in danger?

Post by Grandma Lynn » Mon Jan 27, 2020 3:26 am

Donn Beach wrote:
Sun Jan 26, 2020 4:03 am
Trump was known for a bit of flying himself, he was the one that was supposedly sued by a 13 year, accusing him of raping her at one of Epstein's parties
And you believe this?
They, the Democrats, have
tried over and over to find
something that would stick
to Pres. Trump. Since 2016
no less!

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Donn Beach
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Re: Epstein in danger?

Post by Donn Beach » Mon Jan 27, 2020 4:43 am

You mean that guy?...I never believe a word of it
“I’ve gotta use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her,” Trump says. “You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful – I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait.”

“And when you’re a star they let you do it,” Trump says.

“You can do anything.”

“Whatever you want,” says another voice, apparently Bush’s.

“Grab them by the (crotch),” Trump says. “You can do anything.”

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Moe Gibbs
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Re: Epstein in danger?

Post by Moe Gibbs » Mon Jan 27, 2020 12:51 pm

Donn Beach wrote:
Mon Jan 27, 2020 4:43 am
You mean that guy?...I never believe a word of it
“I’ve gotta use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her,” Trump says. “You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful – I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait.”

“And when you’re a star they let you do it,” Trump says.

“You can do anything.”

“Whatever you want,” says another voice, apparently Bush’s.

“Grab them by the (crotch),” Trump says. “You can do anything.”
If you ever posted equal disdain for Bill Clinton your "outrage" over these locker room quotes would seem much more believable.

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Moe Gibbs
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Re: Epstein in danger?

Post by Moe Gibbs » Mon Jan 27, 2020 1:03 pm


The list of bodies and the chronoloque of circumstances is staggering.

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Donn Beach
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Re: Epstein in danger?

Post by Donn Beach » Mon Jan 27, 2020 1:29 pm

Moe Gibbs wrote:
Mon Jan 27, 2020 12:51 pm
Donn Beach wrote:
Mon Jan 27, 2020 4:43 am
You mean that guy?...I never believe a word of it
“I’ve gotta use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her,” Trump says. “You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful – I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait.”

“And when you’re a star they let you do it,” Trump says.

“You can do anything.”

“Whatever you want,” says another voice, apparently Bush’s.

“Grab them by the (crotch),” Trump says. “You can do anything.”
If you ever posted equal disdain for Bill Clinton your "outrage" over these locker room quotes would seem much more believable.

who said i was outraged over anything?...

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Moe Gibbs
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Re: Epstein in danger?

Post by Moe Gibbs » Mon Jan 27, 2020 1:55 pm

Donn Beach wrote:
Mon Jan 27, 2020 1:29 pm
Moe Gibbs wrote:
Mon Jan 27, 2020 12:51 pm
Donn Beach wrote:
Mon Jan 27, 2020 4:43 am
You mean that guy?...I never believe a word of it

If you ever posted equal disdain for Bill Clinton your "outrage" over these locker room quotes would seem much more believable.

who said i was outraged over anything?...
You ask this same question over and over every single time any forum member makes fun of your "conveniently partisan" sense of morals.

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Donn Beach
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Re: Epstein in danger?

Post by Donn Beach » Mon Jan 27, 2020 2:20 pm

who made fun of my partisan sense of morals?...I want names!

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Re: Epstein in danger?

Post by D-train » Fri Jan 31, 2020 11:31 pm


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