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Grandma Lynn
Posts: 863
Joined: Mon Jul 15, 2019 3:34 am


Post by Grandma Lynn » Thu Feb 20, 2020 3:42 am

Years ago when Rant and Rave had
a website my first time I wrote was
about Seattle wanting to make Fort
Lawton a place for homeless!
That went nowhere, and now it's
up again!
I wonder what the people who bought
expensive homes in the old Fort are
thinking? No, it's not a good area for
the homeless. It's not close to anything
they need. Just close them off?
It should be a park for people to enjoy.
Can you imagine what would happen to
I say work on fixing the drug problem
and it would help tremendously.
No one seems to know what to do about it!
Mayor seems to be pushing it.
Drive though it sometime, if you can.
There's a graveyard as you enter it, up
a little ways to the right. There's an
Indian Center in there too. ( no, not
in the graveyard!)

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