The Coming Insurrection

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The Coming Insurrection

Post by bpj » Sun May 31, 2020 3:37 am

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Re: The Coming Insurrection

Post by bpj » Sun May 31, 2020 8:25 am

Important current events as we go forward:

1) The declaration of a state of National Emergency
2) Trumps subsequent takeover of the Federal Reserve
3) Defunding the WHO
We are here
4) New power structures (UK, US)
5) NESARA enacted to:
a) end income taxes
b) forgive predatory interest
c) Treasury takes over Federal Reserve
c1) currency once again backed by precious metals
d) implementation of Constitutional Law

When we hear things like "This isn't another 4 year election", and we see the presidential seal missing, we see the gold fringe disappear from the flags, we see the British royal family disintegrate, and now we see the last ditch efforts to make the world burn to keep us beholden to them.

"It's going to be Biblical."

"Christ" returns, albeit as the King (of England), King John III.

The Unites States of America Corporation, Babylon, has come to an end.

There is something much, much, much bigger than people understand coming.

Bigger than an election. Bigger than a new King of England.

Even the election is a dead giveaway. The Democrats didn't even try because they know the world is about to change.

Power will be given back, a government run by the people.

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Re: The Coming Insurrection

Post by DavidGee24 » Sun May 31, 2020 3:19 pm

bpj wrote:
Sun May 31, 2020 8:25 am
3) Defunding the WHO
Even though they haven't had a hit single in 39 years, isn't that kind of harsh?

Grandma Lynn
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Re: The Coming Insurrection

Post by Grandma Lynn » Mon Jun 01, 2020 3:06 am

DavidGee24 wrote:
Sun May 31, 2020 3:19 pm
bpj wrote:
Sun May 31, 2020 8:25 am
3) Defunding the WHO
Even though they haven't had a hit single in 39 years, isn't that kind of harsh?

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Re: The Coming Insurrection

Post by bpj » Mon Jun 01, 2020 10:02 am

"I'll believe it when I see it!"

without understanding that if you believed it,
You'd already see.

Most people can't fathom that all cable news networks are owned by a single handful of George Soros' friends, so how can we expect them to see the full picture?

Some people simply aren't wired to question authority. Not challenge authority. But question it. They'll assume that what they're being told is true. It's the news after all.

They are right about one thing. The riots are the work of a white supremacist- George Soros.

Unfortunately, the type of people who don't question authority are the ones who become policemen and arrest a mom for taking her kid to the park when she was illegally forced inside.

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Re: The Coming Insurrection

Post by bpj » Mon Jun 01, 2020 10:27 am

"Socialism is precisely the religion that must overwhelm Christianity... Socialism will triumph by first capturing the culture via infiltration of schools, universities, churches, and the media by transforming the consciousness of society"

Antonio Gramsci , Marxist philosopher

What we are witnessing is the culmination of 50+ years of subversion in this country. Trump is about to lop the heads off of the many headed snake of insurrection. It's exactly what he was brought in to do.

Power back to the people!

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Re: The Coming Insurrection

Post by Coeurd’Alene J » Mon Jun 01, 2020 12:43 pm

A summation of where we are by ... ifted.html
It's pretty clear: these leftist party leaders failed miserably trying to blame the virus on Trump. Polls show he is the one most trusted, not they. Their own failed policies in their states and cities are legion. They not only failed, but consigned tens of thousands of seniors to death with their horrifying nursing home edicts and failed policies. Manslaughter in plain sight.

Now the hard left has opened up another front for us to fight. The leftists are trying to scare us with violence dressed up as racial protest. They are using the horrible death of George Floyd to foment racial division. They want us to believe that these are organic protests, when they are fomented by Antifa and paid for by George Soros. Oh, for sure, there are common looters joining them, but this is the leftists' plan: foment violence so they can once again claim that Trump is causing violence in America — and deal the race card as hard as they can.

America, understand one thing: this is a civil war, one that is upon us from the hard left. It is stoked by leftist leadership, stoked by leftist media toadies, and unfortunately bought by too many of the Democrat Party voters. Do not be deceived: the war has one end, and one end only: the removal of Donald Trump and his coalition and the ascendance of the hard left to power and dominance.

The fronts all have the same hope: each one hopes to isolate Trump, to tear down his support, to delegitimize his presidency and accomplishments.

Here are some of those battles: the Russian collusion story. The hate Trump personally story. The Ukraine hoax. The Mueller team vitriol, inclusive of destroying Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, and Roger Stone (a warning to anyone supporting Trump). The blame Trump rather than China for the virus narrative. And now the transparent attempt to stoke violence, with Trump to be blamed as the initiator of the violence, and the racial hatred.

This is an awful war, brought to us by awful people. They do not care whom they hurt, what laws or mores they break, nor that they themselves are the reprobates in all of this. They have no shame, never have, never will. Let's unwrap a few of their incivilities:

The set-up of people in the Trump campaign, and Trump himself with a made-up narrative, fabricating crimes to excuse their own hard-left madness. They destroyed Michael Flynn and others as examples of what they can do.

They did it with Russia, and then the impeachment over the Ukraine hoax.

They tried to use a pandemic to further their political power. Instead of helping, they stoked fear, disinformation, and blame. They tried to blame it on Trump, tried to hang it around his neck like a noose.

Their governors have extended their lockdowns well beyond the flattening of the curve, and it's clear they hoped to further depress economic numbers that they could then hang around the president's neck.

Consider how awful these people are to have perpetrated the above.

Failing in all of these attempts, now they want to hang Donald Trump with their violence and their charges of racism. Make no mistake: this is a planned series of events coordinated and funded by the hard left. There is nothing spontaneous about it other than those foolish looters who help the left's narrative.

Once again: An awful war, brought on by awful people who simply do not care about anything other than their own political power. It's clear now that they will do anything to hold on to the power that Trump is denying them. It's clear that all these fronts are part of their war — their war on America, their war on us.

But the fog has lifted.

They can be seen for what they are: a group attempting a naked political power-grab. One more attempt to sow chaos in the American system. One more attempt to take over from an American public that wants to bring the normal processes of American life back. One more attempt to shock America into rejecting the Trump presidency. One more attempt for them to overthrow us. One more attempt to sell their utopia to us.

All these fronts were staged by a criminal left (and these people are criminal), pushed by a politically motivated FBI, a rogue bureaucracy, and a series of horrible leftist politicians. Their tactics and plans are being exposed, one by one.

If you are a normal citizen who wants to do something positive in this war, know that you must simply stand fast. Know this latest violence for what it is. Know that this isn't going to be their last front opened. Gird yourselves; they will try to pull off several more things in their attempt to fog over everyone's ability to see. They will muddy the waters until Election Day and beyond.

Stand up, because now is the time. Stare these people down. Get rid of as many as we can by voting them out. Stop pretending these are nice, civil people to discuss things with. Stop pretending, or fearing, they have won because of all the chaos they are sowing. They have won nothing. They win only if American stops standing against them. They win only if we let them. They win only if we fail to stand against them, point them out, and send them into irrelevance.

We have until November to execute a decisive blow to them. This is a call to stand, a rallying call to oust them, a call to stop fearing them. We must work as hard as we can to beat them. We must mock them and out them as the criminals they are. They will not go gently into the night, so let's usher them out decisively. Use their fog and their tactics against them. Make them live up to their own rules.

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Re: The Coming Insurrection

Post by D-train » Thu Jun 04, 2020 10:19 am


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