I am never surprised anymore but this takes the cake

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Moe Gibbs
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Joined: Wed May 01, 2019 5:26 pm

Re: I am never surprised anymore but this takes the cake

Post by Moe Gibbs » Sun Jul 05, 2020 6:33 am

ddraig wrote:
Sun Jul 05, 2020 4:58 am
If Shaun King is a "historian," he was asleep when the Revolutionary War was studied. I'd like to ask Mr. King two questions. First, How many of the signers of the Declaration felt slavery was wrong but didn't know what to do about it? I can think of one, Thomas Jefferson. John Adams and Ben Franklin were strident adversaries of the "peculiar institution." George Washington owned slaves but he didn't like the institution. He was not an original signatory.

Second, would the United States have survived the Revolution if the voting members decided on the spot to include slaves in the argument that "All Men Are Created Equal?" Sadly, these men knew that Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina would not have agreed to the Declaration had slavery been outlawed. Thus those three colonies would not have moved to break with Great Britain. All the signers of the Declaration knew that ALL of the colonies needed to revolt in order for our Country to be born. They had to compromise to get the three southern states to vote yes. Most of those individuals in the painting with a red dot on their face were certain slavery in the United States would die quietly in 20 or 30 years. They were wrong, but they were sincere.

Mr. King is probably more well versed in History than I am. After all, I only have a B.A. in History and he likely has at least a Masters. I would love to see Mr. King debate this subject with either James M. McPherson or Victor Davis Hanson. My opinion is that Mr. King was asleep in class when the Declaration was discussed. He's an idiot.
The economic reality back then dictated that if you were going to be competitive as a farmer of labor intensive crops on a large scale, you could either be a slave owner or you could be a spectator. A faggot like Shaun King who has never in his life raked a pile of leaves or pulled weeds for an hour has any clue what an unforgiving, fickle, economic trend dependent business farming was, is and always will be.

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