Anti-Green Party Statement

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Anti-Green Party Statement

Post by AmericanPig » Thu Aug 13, 2020 12:55 am

The unprovoked assassins from Dialectical UWism have long held forth that a deaf person who has never lived above the poverty line is top suspiciously a radical white libertarian of the sort who must be raided and exterminated or the earth will perish from global warming. However, the atypical alliance the Seattle Green Party enjoy by being supported by the extreme and radical right wing of police administration, as well as the Trump machine belies what really has gone on. The reality is that you can’t possibly believe you can solve the climate crisis when you allow in cold blood the rape, murder and torture for profit of defenseless persons by the criminally insane.

The first menace from Dialectical UWism always seems to be the clear and present one, that what you see is what is wrong. For example, it is easy to get the idea of them subjecting a prey to mutilation in order to generate an injury claim that they can steal. One way to steal it is by Union predators. The manner of choice is by film rights. Nothing, however, in this radical mission of Axis revenge is that simple. Murdering my father after his long career by agents publishing as joint authors, the assassins disabled me deliberately in order to make sure I didn’t have a similar helpful career. They prevented a useful lifetime.

The murderers, led by Peter Gabriel who is trusted by Donald Trump, has a mind and set of fascist hirelings spinning an endless web of psycho-extensive abuses that was well situated with the internet first went on. Advertising his NASA society building of the deep web, he wrote to me personally carrying on with comments like, “I have grown web feet!”

This is the brutal fist that smacks anyone grieving the Kennedys, especially Saoirse, who they also apparently raped. Lisa Ann Miles, hireling of Midori Goto, initialled for Lennon and McCartney, covering for the viciousness and brazen-ness of Pitt’s torrid hand in the AIDS attack, is as guilty as Bob Dylan in raising the stakes on their putrid so-called Mason films from Asian Cult Cinema and Warhol Museum. By igniting yammers from Scotland Yard that went on forever, black market conneisseurs like Olivers Stone and North secure snuff movies worth a lot more money on the cult film back room exchanges of Sotheby’s with buyers like Brian Eno.

When I think that these pieces of shit lured me here with promises of safety as a deaf man and then castrated me so I would be even more humiliated by the murder of Saoirse, I shudder under the weight of disbelief watching them bray so brazenly of the bonus attack. Why the hell do you think they struck first at Kirkland? Earth was Kirk’s homeland. The whole thing operates that ways.

I was actually bred in captivity for this by a so-called family.

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