Joe Biden

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Joe Biden

Post by AmericanPig » Fri Aug 21, 2020 1:50 pm

Russia has certainly not rehabilitated themselves and their making Trump into the concubine has sealed their place in American legend. Meanwhile, I have been tortured and poisoned, supposedly for having an open mind about left wing thought, but it has never made the newspapers because they say I am not an opposition leader. What I appear to be is a creation made in malice by a society centuries older than our own who have a genre of calamity Janes like the monk in the hills around 16th century Edo after the earthquake who wrote Hojoki. While my Community College journalism professor mentoring my Honors Project on A History of Jaywalking commented, “I can’t you believe you write things like this and don’t get paid,” another school of black letters stalk me with threats to cut off my food, and have mouth poisoned me, if I fail to turn over reports of their chapters, as they reap a storyline by tactical union crimes.

The problem with Joe Biden is that he has his hands full. Obama proved that in order to clear the floor for his finest speech he wouldn’t stop from using the Trump support base as a pool of piranhas into which he can cast upstart attempts to discuss politics that review him unfavorably. The magnitude of the crime wave that Geffen authored with the help of Obama towards me is criminally insane.

Howard Dobrushin, a deaf psychologist, once asked me, are they doing this to anyone else? And with a toss of the head he shrugged when I said no, as if then so what? That’s not exactly defending a deaf client whose civil rights have been abused, but the question becomes by who? By the Civil Rights Movement itself as understood in Allegheny County and City of Pittsburgh. The poacher Dr. Proctor defends this as reasonable because provincial, and heaps it up with African sorcery to enhance the flavor, defending cruel abuse by, for example, the poison in the food at Sound Mental Health in Seattle, with the notion that Hospital Violence is a tactic that Black people have endured. The white as rag doll to abuse comes from the imagery in Japanese pornography from Neva Corporation with whom the Pittsburgh NAACP made their deal at Warhol by a script.

The question: “are they doing this to anyone else” has blown up in the faces of the public who refused to listen to any of it, and Jimmy C., the mysterious cheshire cat, has come with the loaded dice of a new plague, asking us, lo, to ponder his namesake. This defaults the golem into a National Treasure confederacy both genuine and counterfeit to use as a sissy they kidnapped and mutilated for poetry. Dialectical UW-ism came to the rescue of the Civil Rights Movement being found out for rapists with a captive they have been raping and molesting, by sneering if the white doesn’t help someone in need we will poison it in the mouth.

None of this is suspicious enough for Biden to investigate because he has his hands full, that’s nice. Biden is a family man and has to be careful about justifying the AIDS attack or listening to the crying wails of a mutilated deaf golem who just wants a new pillow. There may be some sort of sympathies perceived for the behavioral guinea pig that was modeled up to demonstrate as an example why the AIDS attack was administered as behavioral modification. It shouldn’t have worked. Not only were Pittsburgh attackers playing this game of looting our cultural trust by the use of loaded dice as any glance at the deafness and facial nerve poison makes obvious, but the fact that Lennon was the author of the behavior being modified isn’t even contested by the hypocrites in power. If anything, they announce their grudge by seething that the imitation was insufficiently extreme. In declaring as doctrine that the victim lied about having fun the Warhol Museum, with their Sotheby’s ranking child pornography, fulfill the script with the words that Reagan was a partner of Lennon. That may sound strange to someone who lived through the 60’s. You mean they were friends all along? Maybe that explains why the assassins who have mauled me cradle to grave with terror hate crimes screw up with a laugh and say, now go be a Civil Rights Movement robo-golem unit and forgive us our abomination. Biden has his hands full, after all.

Whatever the outcome there is certainly nothing saintly about forgiving war criminals.

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