Who Killed JFK?

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Who Killed JFK?

Post by AmericanPig » Tue Aug 25, 2020 1:51 pm

People don't have much patience for this subject so I'll keep it short. Before JFK was killed, he sent troops to Univ. of Mississippi to escort a black student named James Meredith to classes. The riot against this action was led by Gen. Edwin Walker of Dallas. I am attaching two items for your confirmation of this important fact. Walker was arrested and locked up for threatening to kill JFK. On the dust jacket of a 1962 book by Colin Cross, Walker is mentioned as a threat to American safety. The book is titled, The Fascists in Britain, and is about Oswald Mosley, leader of the British Union of Fascists.

Despite this, Walker was the star witness for the Warren Commission, because he claimed Oswald shot at him, too. There was no proof. Documents were destroyed. A reel of home movies made at Walker's house also has footage of Oswald in New Orleans.

The rifle Oswald may have owned was in Michael Paine's garage 24/7. Oswald visited Paine's house once a week to see his wife who lived there. He did not go to visit his rifle. Paine knew employees of the Book Depository, he probably knew the people at Texas Theater where Oswald was arrested. I've read that he did. Paine's Uncle sat on the Board of the Directors of United Fruit Company. His mother was a friend of a notorious lover of Allen Dulles, Director of the CIA who Kennedy fired. Dulles also sat on the Board of Directors of United Fruit Company. The driver of the limousine who brought the car to a halt and waited for Kennedy's head to explode, William Greer, also worked for United Fruit Company.

Dulles worked for Schroeder Bank in 1933 and met with Adolf Hitler to forgive his campaign debts so he could become Chancellor. Dulles sat on the Warren Commission. John McCloy, who also sat on the Warren Commission, was a guest of Hitler at the Munich Olympics and sat with Hitler in his personal booth at the Olympics. Melvin Belli, who beamed down as a guest star from Star Trek, an episode called The Children Shall Lead, volunteered to be Jack Ruby's attorney. He was also the attorney for Hermann Goering's estate, the highest ranking member of Nazi's leadership to be trialed and found guilty at Nuremberg. Belli may have been one to cruise on Hitler's yacht, a favorite past time of post-war Hollywood moguls.

George Takei starred in TImage with John Wayne which opens with a Marine singing in German. There is a photograph in existence you can find in the web of John Wayne sitting in a mess hall with Oswald present. Takei also was on Star Trek.

What this tells you is that the case wasn't investigated. These are the first facts of reality in the category of what took place. The truth is very sad and strange.Image

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