Social Justice Is Here

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HawkBowler 2.0
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Re: Social Justice Is Here

Post by HawkBowler 2.0 » Thu Jun 04, 2020 2:25 pm

Governor Cuomo of New York ordered corona positive patients to be released from the hospital and sent to nursing homes. It was well known at this time that the elderly were the most vulnerable and nursing homes were the biggest hot spots. It's impossible to think of a good reason for doing that, and it's impossible not to think about the obvious -- spread the disease, drive up the death count.

Cuomo's excuse is that they were worried about the hospitals overflowing. But Trump had built the 2,000 bed covid center and he sent a naval hospital ship. Both were solely dedicated to covid patients and both were hardly used.

Cuomo forced people that wanted Hydroxicloriquin to go to the hospital for a prescription. He downplayed the positive results of using the drugs early on to greatly reduce the odds of having to go to the hospital. This was real treachery at hand on the part of the Democrats and the media scaring people away from the treatment. This is a $20 prescription. The roads are open, mail is being delivered, people are stuck at home sick with covid and the only advice they receive is Tylenol and Gatorade. Mail these people the damn drugs. There's blood on Cuomo's hands for this as well. This guy is truly evil (pierced nipples and all).

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Moe Gibbs
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Re: Social Justice Is Here

Post by Moe Gibbs » Thu Jun 04, 2020 3:30 pm

Nice to have you here HB..!
Here is more about New York from "The Headlock Press"...
On the front page of a recent Sunday edition, the New York Times printed a thousand names of people who died during the pandemic. Six weeks ago, the Times reported that the mayor of NY added 4,000 deaths of people who weren't tested to the City’s pandemic death toll, calling them “presumed” coronavirus deaths. The deaths were probably not identified either, since many of the coronavirus deaths in NY up to that point were labeled "Unassigned."
If a politician said he was adding 4,000 untested and unidentified deaths to a list that is used to determine the amount of federal assistance his state or city would receive, wouldn’t you ask some questions? Well, the New York Times didn’t. They just took the mayor’s word that it was all legit, figuring, I guess, that a politician wouldn’t lie. Chief Executive Servants of other states said they did the same thing. “They fell out a window,” goes the joke, “and died of the virus.”
20,000 deaths in NYC in one month. Usually there’s around 4,000 in a month. You’d think there would have been more coverage of crying families. But no. It seems families and friends of the deceased were fine with mass burials and cremations and not attending their loved ones’ funerals…even though cremation goes against the beliefs of many Christians and Jews. Of course, there was that front-page story in the tabloids about dead bodies rotting in a truck in front of a funeral home. It smelled, they said. And that was good enough for mourners in favor of continuing the lockdown.
Did it smell like 20,000 bodies were in that truck? How about 4,000? No. The tabloid said it was "up to 60." And if they had to approximate, it means they didn't count the bodies. Which means they didn't see them. New York jumped from a normal 150 deaths a day to 700, every day, for over a month. If the average patient stays in the hospital 8-10 days before they die, the patients would have overflowed from the hospitals into the Mercy Ship, the Javits Center, the MASH Units in Central Park, and all the other auxiliary care stations. But they didn’t. So where were the bodies? “Home deaths,” the State said. “A rash of home deaths like no one has seen before.”
According to the CDC, 25% of all U.S. deaths happen at home. But with the pandemic panic at such a high pitch, you've got to figure people at risk would go to the hospital at the first sign of a symptom. Anyway you look at it, home deaths are not going to cover all the deaths that never made it into the overflow units. So then New York said nursing home deaths had suddenly spiked. Yeah, well I'd like to see their names and test results. Maybe the Times can print them in a special Sunday section sponsored by Disney.
Even though the timing of the sudden rash of home deaths and nursing-home deaths in NYC happened when the Department of Health was looking for a place to hide statistics, the New York Times wasn’t suspicious. What were the names of the deceased? “In the rush to save lives,” the State said, “the names of the deceased were not recorded and no county was assigned.”
If you don’t know the name and county of someone who died at home, when would you know it? And if you want to say half of all U.S. pandemic deaths happened in nursing homes, then why didn't they quarantine the nursing homes? And why did the governor of NY knowingly send people with the virus back into nursing homes if the virus was so dangerous?
The bloodhounds at the Times didn’t bother to ask those questions or pursue those leads. Guess they didn’t smell a story.
Institutions often exaggerate their need to get more funding from higher ups…but the Times didn’t think the city and state’s funny numbers were worth looking into. That’s how the Times has covered this pandemic. They don't ask questions if the answers won't serve their purposes. They tell you what they want you to hear, and bury the rest. The Times is a commercial news-outlet, so their goal is to make as much money as they can for their stockholders, and their obsession is getting the Chief Public Servant removed from office—by any means necessary. A captive audience is the media’s best customer, and the longer the lockdown lasts, the better chance the Times and its many unscrupulous allies have of replacing the Chief Public Servant with one of their own choosing.
It’s not paranoia or a conspiracy theory that leads me to that conclusion. The Times writes anti-administration editorials right on the front page and calls them “News Analysis.” They’re not even trying to hide their extreme prejudice against the Chief Public Servant. So forgive me if I’m not moved by the Times’ phony tribute to those “lost in the pandemic.” As far as I’m concerned, they’re grandstanding and playing to people’s emotions because that’s the easiest way to sell something. If you want to sell somebody something, scare them. If you want their sympathy, make them cry. Then sell them something. ... SEARCH_BOX

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HawkBowler 2.0
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Re: Social Justice Is Here

Post by HawkBowler 2.0 » Sat Jun 06, 2020 4:17 am

MoeG wrote: A captive audience is the media’s best customer, and the longer the lockdown lasts, the better chance the Times and its many unscrupulous allies have of replacing the Chief Public Servant with one of their own choosing.
It’s not paranoia or a conspiracy theory that leads me to that conclusion. The Times writes anti-administration editorials right on the front page and calls them “News Analysis.” They’re not even trying to hide their extreme prejudice against the Chief Public Servant. So forgive me if I’m not moved by the Times’ phony tribute to those “lost in the pandemic.” As far as I’m concerned, they’re grandstanding and playing to people’s emotions because that’s the easiest way to sell something. If you want to sell somebody something, scare them. If you want their sympathy, make them cry. Then sell them something.
Good points. Something dark has over taken the grey lady. Tom Cotton, A US Senator, writes and op-ed advocating bringing in military forces to back up police for the big protesters. They had to retract. The Mayor of DC sent the national guard home and changed the town square to Black Lives BLVD.

What in the hell is the end game? They can't possibly believe they can take the White House by force. Trump could just hop on Marine One and take off... he's the presidency wherever he resides.

No, I think they're planning more destructions and attacks on police. They're hoping for dead martyrs... something like a Kent State situation where armed soldiers open fire.

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