At least one human in this country has fucking balls

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HawkBowler 2.0
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Re: At least one human in this country has fucking balls

Post by HawkBowler 2.0 » Fri Jul 03, 2020 3:06 pm

Moe Gibbs wrote:
Thu Jul 02, 2020 9:44 pm

Facing prison time for defending your property from Black Intruders is the sort of stuff that will lead to White matter how much of a monetary loss the Whites have to suffer. This is how you "get reparations" the legal way..when you use the legal system to "encourage" Whites to sell cheap to the Blacks before they turn the whole town into AFRICA USA. This is how you turn BLACK USA into South Africa of today.
Interesting theory, and you could be correct, but let's not lose sight of the white socialists who are calling the shots. It's racist liberal white people who want this new segregation, not blacks.

The Democrats and their lapdog media are doing their best to condition blacks to be suspicious, hateful and entitled when it comes to how they view whites. By no coincidence, we're seeing a huge rise in black on white racism. I fear that tomorrow is going to be open season on unsuspecting white people.

This video below looks to be a tactical confrontation by BLM:

The Marxist agitators will start a fight, claim they heard the N word or something, and then proceed to harass the white victims. The intended effect, as you point out Moe, scare white communities into obedience or force them to move away.

The disparities between white and black are very small in the year 2020. Yes, African Americans do have more troubles with crime, education, jobs, but those gaps have been closing for years. 98% of black people are good law abiding citizens. 99% of white people are good law abiding citizens. The white liberal, though, believes that 98% of the black community is oppressed while the black liberal believe that whites live in easily earned opulence... even though the average white person's living conditions may not be all that different from their own.

The point, Moe, is that we have to elevate above the arguments of race and racism. The Democrats want a race war. Their problem is that white people are not nearly as racist as they need to be for their purpose. There's huge international money when it comes to woke racism... there's no money in white racism.

This is not about racism. It's about Marxism. The more people think that racism is the problem the more power the socialists gain. They love your arguments about how white people are better. They want you to stir up animosity among whites because this is a conflict they win no matter what.

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Re: At least one human in this country has fucking balls

Post by ddraig » Fri Jul 03, 2020 3:29 pm

And who has been running these liberal cities for the past four or five decades or even more? Heck, Seattle has been run by Dems for more years than When Stalin was in power in the Soviet Union. Unemployment for Blacks ages 18-30 has been in the 20% area prior to 2016.

Dems want to bring in more illegals to undercut their pay of our own citizens. Sadly, some Reps agree with them. I can sympathize with some of what the protesters are saying, but Trump has it right. We need to take care of our own before we bring in others who are outside the country and even then put a halt to people who don't belong here. They depress wages and increase unemployment.

Michael K.
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Re: At least one human in this country has fucking balls

Post by Michael K. » Fri Jul 03, 2020 4:09 pm

Dems have run this state and the city of Seattle for something like 56 of the last 64 years. People will protest, demand change, and then vote in another Dem. It would be funny if it wasnt so damn stupid.

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Re: At least one human in this country has fucking balls

Post by HawkBowler 2.0 » Fri Jul 03, 2020 9:22 pm

The difference now is that we have socialists in charge. Moderate liberals are guilty of having bad policies, but they didn't purposely set out to undermine the system from within.

Jenny Durkan loves to grow the homeless problem.
Jay Inslee is a Climate Change disciple, intent on spending our tax dollars to consolidate socialist control over the energy sector.

Cuomo in New York is an especially vile socialist. Knowingly sending covid positive patients into nursing homes to spread the disease and drive up the death count.

Whitmer in Michigan denying doctors the ability to prescribe Hydroxychloriquin. New study out yesterday confirms that it works. How many people could have been saved.

Deblasio is hated by everyone in New York. Right and Left. It's almost as if he's purposely trying to do the wrong thing every time. He's not a bad mayor, just a good socialist... bringing in the totalitarian control better than all the others. New York is on life support right now.

Clinton and Obama putting the country through the Russian Illusion followed by the Plandemic... all to keep the socialist takeover in tact.

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Coeurd’Alene J
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Re: At least one human in this country has fucking balls

Post by Coeurd’Alene J » Sat Jul 04, 2020 1:05 pm

Tucker Carlson 2024

Has a nice ring to it

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Re: At least one human in this country has fucking balls

Post by D-train » Sat Jul 04, 2020 1:16 pm

Love Tucker!

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Re: At least one human in this country has fucking balls

Post by ddraig » Sat Jul 04, 2020 3:54 pm

I'm holding out for Kayleigh McEnany. Iron fist, velvet glove. Watch her press conferences. Tells it like it is and moves on. She doesn't take three questions by the same "reporter." Is polite to them but doesn't take shit, either. And it is very difficult for the "reporters" to hate her. If they do, they can't show it. It would look like they are picking on her! Her press conferences are fun to watch.

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Re: At least one human in this country has fucking balls

Post by HawkBowler 2.0 » Sun Jul 05, 2020 7:19 am

Yeah, K Mckeaney is the real deal. She's knows the arguments of the left extremely well having been the CNN lone dissenter panel member for a long time. Five people bashing Trump, K Mac defending... and she held her own.

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Re: At least one human in this country has fucking balls

Post by ddraig » Sun Jul 05, 2020 4:43 pm

She has more balls than the entire list of personnel at CNN.

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Coeurd’Alene J
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Re: At least one human in this country has fucking balls

Post by Coeurd’Alene J » Mon Jul 13, 2020 3:18 pm

This is from one of my favorite actors

Clint Eastwood:
"I love when people call Trump Stupid..
You mean the multi-billionaire who kicked every Democrats butt, buried 16 career Republican politicians, and continues to make fools out of once reputable news organizations ..
You mean the guy who won the presidency?
You mean the guy with the super model wife?
You mean the guy whose words alone put a massive slow down on illegal border crossings?
You mean the guy whose mere presence made the stock market smash its previous records?
You mean the guy who created 1 million jobs in his first 7 months in office?
Are you sure you even know what it is you're resisting?
Are you sure you back a party that enables the decimation of every core principal of Christianity?
Are you sure you back a party that voted 100% against the abolition of slavery?
Are you sure you really take a politician like Maxine Waters seriously?
Are you sure you don't see anything wrong with someone who has a 40 yr career as a public servant living in a $4.5 mansion representing a district she doesn't even live in?
Are you sure you see nothing wrong or peculiar about Hillary Clinton a woman being involved in politics for the last 30 yrs having a net worth of $240 million?
Are you sure you're not just basing your opinion on hatred spewed by a crooked paid for media platform?
Could you even tell me 5 things the Democratic Party has done to improve you're day to day prosperity as a hard working American citizen?
Probably not..
Do you realize the debacle you are sending your children into once they become adults by continuing to support a political party that has done nothing for the poor except kept them poor, gave them free abortions, and a few hundred a month to keep food in their fridge?
The prosperity and safety of its citizens is job one of your government.
Get with the program.
Everyone else has horribly failed you!
Smarten up and take a position for the sake of your children.
I promise you a country full of illegal immigrants, abortions, $15 an hour jobs, and non-gender specific people aren't gonna make your country and life any more prosperous.
Rosie, Madonna, Katy Perry, and Robert Deniro are not just like you. They don't have to live through the real world day to day disparity of an average American.
Men don't hate women, white people don't hate black people, and Donald Trump is not a racist.
Stop allowing yourself to be brainwashed by a party that has continuously failed you.
Be about your prosperity, your safety, your children, and an America First mindset.
Dump these crooked politicians that have stunted your growth.
Dump these crooked politicians that have stunted your children's growth.
Toughen up, take a stand, and act like a proud American.
See the spirit of Trump supporting and freedom loving Americans and just imagine where we could be as a country if everyone had the same priorities”

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