Trump has been Indicted

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Cascade Kid
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Re: Trump has been Indicted

Post by Cascade Kid » Fri Mar 31, 2023 4:18 pm

This is just another example on how the left and the right attack each other. They think tactics like this somehow will rise them to the top, but in fact, these two parties are just racing to the bottom. Both are constantly distracted by each other and ignore the visable problems out there.

Trump might be a dirty asshole, but indicting him is simply wrong and a waste of time and taxpayer money.

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Re: Trump has been Indicted

Post by maoling » Fri Mar 31, 2023 4:21 pm

Dude, I have not watched ANY mainstream network/cable news in nearly ten years.

I watch all news because I used to be a reporter and have "ink in my blood," lol.

But this is a far cry from news, or reporting -- or anything I was taught in journalism school decades ago. And this disgrace we call our government is a far cry from the routine dirty tricks of days gone by.

I am listening to a lot more music nowadays, however. And playing more golf.

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Re: Trump has been Indicted

Post by Cascade Kid » Fri Mar 31, 2023 4:21 pm

Walla Walla Dawg II wrote:
Fri Mar 31, 2023 4:18 pm
This is very much like what President Lincoln did by throwing his political rivals in prison.

Love this video.
Love it when people 'show their work.'

It's a long video, but well worth it.
Writ of Habeus Corpus

“The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.”

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Cascade Kid
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Re: Trump has been Indicted

Post by Cascade Kid » Fri Mar 31, 2023 4:26 pm

Cascade Kid wrote:
Fri Mar 31, 2023 4:21 pm
Walla Walla Dawg II wrote:
Fri Mar 31, 2023 4:18 pm
This is very much like what President Lincoln did by throwing his political rivals in prison.

Love this video.
Love it when people 'show their work.'

It's a long video, but well worth it.
Writ of Habeus Corpus

“The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.”
President Grant used it to imprison members of the Ku Klux Klan. It was used for a short time in 1905 in an issue with the Philippines, during World War II to imprison suspected foreign saboteurs, and it was used by President Clinton in 1996 following the Oklahoma City bombing. But that’s where we start seeing these congressional acts using the word terrorism.

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Walla Walla Dawg II
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Re: Trump has been Indicted

Post by Walla Walla Dawg II » Fri Mar 31, 2023 4:30 pm

Cascade Kid wrote:
Fri Mar 31, 2023 4:21 pm
Walla Walla Dawg II wrote:
Fri Mar 31, 2023 4:18 pm
This is very much like what President Lincoln did by throwing his political rivals in prison.

Love this video.
Love it when people 'show their work.'

It's a long video, but well worth it.
Writ of Habeus Corpus

“The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.”
You are not wrong. But to throw someone in prison just because they are talking 'smack' about you?
Seems wrong to me!!

And it was done dozens of times. He threatened the Virginia House of Representatives because they disagreed with him. And please remember, it was Lincoln that destroyed the 10th Amendment.

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Re: Trump has been Indicted

Post by seattlefan-daBronx » Fri Mar 31, 2023 5:05 pm

maoling wrote:
Fri Mar 31, 2023 4:21 pm
Dude, I have not watched ANY mainstream network/cable news in nearly ten years.

I watch all news because I used to be a reporter and have "ink in my blood," lol.

But this is a far cry from news, or reporting -- or anything I was taught in journalism school decades ago. And this disgrace we call our government is a far cry from the routine dirty tricks of days gone by.

I am listening to a lot more music nowadays, however. And playing more golf.
Maoling. Me too. I don't watch any of it and I'm much happier.
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Re: Trump has been Indicted

Post by douche » Fri Mar 31, 2023 6:17 pm

Walla Walla Dawg II wrote:
Fri Mar 31, 2023 4:18 pm
This is very much like what President Lincoln did by throwing his political rivals in prison.

Love this video.
Love it when people 'show their work.'

It's a long video, but well worth it.
The sad part is that videos such as this accomplish NOTHING in terms of change. Few people watch this sort of thing. The average person couldn't even be bothered to entertain this video, and even if you could convince them to, their reaction would be nothing more than a shrug of the shoulders. People simply aren't interested in the truth. On top of that, history bores most people.

There's a reason everyone carries a 'device' now. It's the perfect distraction from what's really going on. And it's immediate and consoling, designed for those who possess minimal attention spans to begin with. In addition, most people don't possess the motivation or inclination to learn anything. Most of them are coasting. Path of least resistance. People are 'sheeple'.

And you're right, it is an eye-opener, worth watching.

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Re: Trump has been Indicted

Post by gil » Sat Apr 01, 2023 7:23 pm

auroraave wrote:
Fri Mar 31, 2023 4:06 pm
maoling wrote:
Fri Mar 31, 2023 3:51 pm
Walla Walla Dawg II wrote:
Fri Mar 31, 2023 1:44 pm
And Nancy P came out and said....

"He will have to prove his innocence just like everyone else"

The dumb bitch doesn't even know how our legal system is set up.
-Huge eye roll-
Did that hag really say that? Just wow...

Indict a front-running political candidate to hamstring him as he runs for president. But find some low-life local DA to bring charges in a liberal bastion, when federal prosecutors wouldn't touch it. Then make the assertion of guilty until proven innocent.

Why don't they just take him out and stone him, like in Iran or somewhere? Every time I think I can't be more disgusted by the Democrat party, they continue to lower the bar and plumb new depths of treachery.

I really have to stop watching the news.
Dude, I have not watched ANY mainstream network/cable news in nearly ten years. Life is just so much better. Go on line and watch the alt news sources - rogan, the hill, saagar and ball, they have loony leftists on on the regular - and even they are calling bullsbhit on all this stuff. Go find Matt Taiibi - another 'leftist' that speaks real truth - find Dave Rubin. Tons of same alternatives.

Honest question for the Trump haters - does this "indictment' honestly seem legit? Consider this - huge riots in Israel and France going on right now, the nordstream pipeline situation, highest energy prices in my lifetime, highest food prices in my lifetime, the dollar is tanking and the Russia/China/Saidi Arabia about to go off the dollar, highest inflation in decades, the border crisis, a sitting president who may be brain dead, the US desperately trying to start a war with Russia, and out of all those things that actuallty matter and have an effect on our lives - the "let's make it all about Trump" ilk still using him as a distraction instead of what really ails us.

Does that seem fair? is that reasonable? Do you seriously see this as anything other than a distraction? I really want to know. Some dude giving hush money to his side piece is more relevant than everthing I posted above?

Honest answers only.
I don't consider myself a "Trump hater." But I didn't vote for him either time (although it was close in 2016) and I'd rather see a different republican be nominated - so maybe that qualifies me after all? :?

I agree 100% that the things you cite are more important than the Manhattan/Stormy Daniels case - at least what I think I know about it, because the charges won't be public until Tuesday.

But here's how I look at it:

1. Alvin Bragg isn't in charge of foreign policy, the economy, or protecting the borders. He is only doing what he feels (rightly or wrongly) is best regarding law violations in little old Manhattan.

2. If there WERE some sort of grand plan by Democrats to "get Trump", this case would not be the first to come to an indictment. It's a weak case, it's hard to understand at best.

3. Apparently, the Department of Justice CAN intervene with local jurisdictions and officials (such as the Manhattan DA), and say, in effect, "hey there are federal issues here too; back off and let us take care of it." Again, if there were a grand plan/coordination, the DoJ would have taken over the Manhattan case and the Georgia election interference case. It would then be handling these, plus Jan 6 and the classified documents thing, and THEN the DoJ would have led with its first indictment in the strongest case against Trump.

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Re: Trump has been Indicted

Post by DanielVogelbach » Sat Apr 01, 2023 8:09 pm

They want you focused on Trump. So, look the other way. This has no meaning in your life. It's just a stage show put together to distract you.

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Re: Trump has been Indicted

Post by Walla Walla Dawg II » Sun Apr 02, 2023 3:12 pm

2. If there WERE some sort of grand plan by Democrats to "get Trump", this case would not be the first to come to an indictment. It's a weak case, it's hard to understand at best.
Payoff, Payoff, Payoff
He grabs women by their pussies
He likes to be pissed on by hookers
Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia
Impeachment #1
Impeachment #2
January 6 hearings

From the time he announced he was running against Hillary, the press and ALL the Dems have been out to get him, spread rumors and lies.

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