Epstein in danger?

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Re: Epstein in danger?

Post by D-train » Mon Jul 20, 2020 6:37 pm

AmericanPig wrote:
Mon Jul 20, 2020 5:25 pm
Most of you are allies of Epstein so it isn't worth much debating you.
I am an ally of this one:

https://www.google.com/search?q=juan+ep ... 20&bih=937

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Re: Epstein in danger?

Post by AmericanPig » Mon Jul 20, 2020 7:07 pm

D-train wrote:
Mon Jul 20, 2020 6:37 pm
AmericanPig wrote:
Mon Jul 20, 2020 5:25 pm
Most of you are allies of Epstein so it isn't worth much debating you.
I am an ally of this one:

https://www.google.com/search?q=juan+ep ... 20&bih=937
Celebrities, as such, are ruled out for support and friendship because of what has been done to me by them over the years. It's hard to find friends, but thanks for putting a storyline up, Mariners fandom, that I can sometimes handle since I love baseball.

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Re: Epstein in danger?

Post by ddraig » Mon Jul 20, 2020 8:41 pm


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Re: Epstein in danger?

Post by ddraig » Mon Jul 20, 2020 9:32 pm

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Re: Epstein in danger?

Post by ddraig » Tue Jul 21, 2020 4:40 pm

Somebody is getting a new roommate!

https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020 ... sted-next/

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Re: Epstein in danger?

Post by ddraig » Wed Jul 22, 2020 4:24 am

Babylon Bee is must read. If you've never seen anything by them, its pure satire! Here is their latest:

https://babylonbee.com/news/oops-ghisla ... -19-deaths

And who says conservatives have no sense of humor?

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Re: Epstein in danger?

Post by YallCanFoff » Fri Jul 24, 2020 3:43 am

The buzz of the intercom was followed by the Chief of Staff saying: "Bill's here Mr. President."

"Thanks Mark, show him in," replied the president.

The door to the Oval Office opened. As Attorney General Barr lumbered towards the Resolute Desk in his slightly rumpled suit, President Trump stood up to greet him:

"Come on in Bill, come in. Take a seat. How are you doing? How's Christine?

I'm fine. Christine's good. Um thanks. Uh, I didn't realize you were in a meeting, I..."

"You mean Mike? No problem man, we were just talking about VaChina" As Trump chuckled, the vice president lowered his gaze towards the floor. He was always embarassed whenever Trump made any kind of reference to a woman's private parts. Even after 4 years, he couldn't get used to it. It made him uncomfortable and Trump knew it. Just one of many ways the president constantly reinforced that he was the alpha in the pack.

"So what's up Bill. You seem a little tense. You asked for this meeting. What's going on?".

"Well Mr. President, it has to do with Ghislaine Maxwell. This conversation might be better to have in private," Barr said subtly glancing in
the vice president's direction.

"Oh come on Bill, we're all friends here aren't we? I want Pence to stay." Trump replied knowing full well the vice president would probably be squirming the whole time given the subject matter. "So fill me in Bill. It's been almost three weeks. As you know, I was glad that we were able to pick up Maxwell. She'll be safe in our custody. God only knows what would have happened if Hillary's people had gotten to her. Where are you guys at in processing everything?"

"Well, to be honest, as you expected, we acquired a trove of material." Barr answered. "There are still a few things we need to look at but we've gotten through most of it. The bulk of it was encrypted but that was fairly easy to crack. I've got admit though, we haven't exactly come up with what we were expecting or hoping. Um...". Barr's face turned pale as he started to hesitate.

"What do you mean Bill? Spit it out! If I know Ghislaine, I'm sure she did her best to protect herself. She was involved in some horrible things but she's no fool. There's got to be videos, pictures, email and text communications, etc. There's no way she went on the lam without insurance. God knows I tried in the 90's to get SDNY to nail Epstein but this should be exactly the evidence we need to finally publicly shine the light on the Clinton Cabal... the child sex ring... ties to Obama and Sleepy Joe... the whole thing. If your guys haven't found it, Maxwell's got it somewhere. Come on, tell me. What have we got. Who's implicated? What can we corroborate?"

Barr started to ramble: "Well that's just it, Mr. President. It's you. It's you, and it's me. It's Rudy, Derschowitz, Ken Starr, David Nunes. I'm telling you it's bad. There's material involving your family, Eric, Don Jr., hell even Ivanka. Sex tapes - not just sexual massages with underage girls but full sex, S&M, everything. There's video on a bunch of other people too that we're trying to confirm but at first blush it looks like a lot of your close cronies from New York and people involved with you early on when you were first considering entering politics. Oh yeah, and Roger... Roger Stone. God, and right on the heels of the commutation."

The white's of Pence's eyes grew wider than the pews of Indiana's First Baptist Church of Hammond. Ever since the leak of the Entertainment Tonight tape and the Stormy Daniels payments, he suspected something like this would come up.

Barr braced for the eruption he expected would rival Krakatoa....

Instead, Trump burst out laughing. He leaned back and forth in his chair pounding his fist on the Resolute Desk howling with hysterical laughter. "This is freakin' hilarious. Man, I'm disappointed but I've got to give her credit. This has Hillary written all over it. That bitch though, trying to tarnish Ivanka - that pisses me off for sure but the rest is a riot." Looking over at the vice president, Trump noticed he was visibly shaken. "Get a grip Mike. You better not throw up in the Oval Office, ha ha."

In utter disbelief, Barr blurted "I'm failing to see the humor here Mr. President."

"Bill, Bill, relax... look, you know I keep people on a need to know basis only. This is no different than the pee tape. It's all fake and we'll prove it. You don't know this but we actually first got wind of that alleged pee tape durng the 2016 campaign. Russia got us a copy. I had Brad Pascale have one of his guys analyze it. They basically tore it apart - identified all the editing and digital fingerprints, etc. Completely debunked. Traced it back to Clinton operatives. If the dossier hadn't been leaked after I took office, nobody would have even heard of it. When Comey tried to extort me with it, you should have seen his face when I told him I already had the forensics video analysysis done on it and he could Fuck Off. That was the moment he realized he didn't know who he was dealing with and his days at his great FBI were numbered." Trump added a tone of sarcasm at the end not only to mock the former director but also to belittle the deep state agency itself. "Comey didn't know which way was up. Couldn't tell if his own staff leaked us the tape and the intel behind his back or if it was the CIA or what. He never had a clue we did it on ourselves with Brad's people before the election."

The attorney general tried to process what he just heard as fast as he could. Was this true? He knew the Maxwell videos showing himself were valid but... were most of the others fake? Damn it! He never should have worn the gimp suit without the hood. Even with the ball gag in his mouth, nobody would have a problem identifying him. He took a deep breath and his composure started to return.

"So are you saying you want me to keep this inhouse?" Barr's question was practical but also self serving. If he could get Trump to agree to have the FBI run the analysis, then Barr knew he could undercut Christopher Wray and control the narrative to have his own videos included with the other's that would get discredtied as actually having been altered. "I'll get an agent on this right away. That's an excellent idea, sir. Excellent idea." Barr brought his hands together under his chin pressing his fingertips together for one more drawn out: "Eeeeexcellent."

Trump's rebuttal was swift. "Whoa, slow down there Billy Boy. No offense but we're not going to trust this to any analyst from your department. No Bureau Brats! Got it? There were enough low level leaks by agents and prosecutors at DOJ before you got here. You've done a great job cutting the heads off the snakes at the district offices but you and I both know there are rats still lurking in the ass crack of the bureau. The first thing you need to do Bill is calm down. The forensics analysis will clear most everyone. We'll be fine unless there's something you're not tellng me. Look, once we know which materials are fake we'll know what we can use as actual evidence and better yet we'll know whom we have leverage over and/or can prosecute. The guy I'm worried about is Roger. There's no doubt that Stone is into some weird shit. Hell, his best friend is Kristin Davis for crissakes. We've all heard the rumors that he likes to role play as The Penguin and Willy Wonka. I could care less about that but if there are under age girls involved, he'll have to take a bullet regardless of the political fall out."

From Barr's perspective, this was less than ideal. If Trump was dead set on Pascale's team being involved, maybe he could limit what they actually got their hands on. That would still be risky though. He tried to thwart the idea appealing to the president's sense of paranoia: "You know, Mr. President, you just demoted Pascale. Are you sure you can trust him with something this big? Like you implied, the less people involved right now the better until we know what we have."

"I couldn't agree more Bill." The Attorney General prematurely breathed a sigh of relief as Trump continued: "I can trust Brad. I've got complete faith in him doing the forensics but, no, I want to keep this closer to the vest. It's too sensitive. The stakes are too high. You're going to hand everything over to Jared effective immediately. He'll handle it. In fact, I want you to make arrangements with Meadows for having everything transferred to Jared before you leave the West Wing. We also need to get a message out to Ghislaine - I can take care of that. She needs to know I've got her back and that she'll be protected as long as she plays ball. We'll need her to verify the fakes and validate what's authentic. After getting everything to Jared, the only thing need you need to do is keep Maxwell safe. Capiche!"

Barr nodded his head "Understood Mr. President."

"Fine," Trump said as he hit the intercom - "Mark, I need you to help Bill get some files transferred to Jared ASAP. He'll be right out."

"Yes, sir," replied the Chief of Staff.

"Trump looked Barr over up and down. "We done here?"

"Yes Mr. President," Barr got up to leave.

Once the door closed, Trump turned to the vice president and asked: "You ever watch The Simpsons, Mike?"

"Uh, no sir," a confused Pence replied.

"Well, I have to admit that there are times that Barr creeps me out." Trump added - " I'm mean, he's doing a great job but sometimes he reminds me of a fat Mr. Burns."

Meanwhile in Chappaqua, New York, a roundtable of the cabal was convened at the Clinton compound....

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Re: Epstein in danger?

Post by ddraig » Tue Jul 28, 2020 2:06 am

Gislaine seems to be spilling her guts as rapidly as possible!

Court Docs: Ghislaine Maxwell Case Evidence Includes ‘Sexualized’ Photos, Video

https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020 ... tos-video/

Will she be safe after she tells all? Not likely, but she will, perhaps, live a little longer.

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Re: Epstein in danger?

Post by Coeurd’Alene J » Tue Jul 28, 2020 11:49 am

ddraig wrote:
Wed Jul 22, 2020 4:24 am
Babylon Bee is must read. If you've never seen anything by them, its pure satire! Here is their latest:

https://babylonbee.com/news/oops-ghisla ... -19-deaths

And who says conservatives have no sense of humor?

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