My VP picks in order of preference

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Walla Walla Dawg II
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Re: My VP picks in order of preference

Post by Walla Walla Dawg II » Thu Jul 18, 2024 5:53 pm

I agree in principle with each of the 5 things you listed, but does that make me MAGA? I don't think so
People consider me MAGA because I support the policies of Trump. Does that make me the MAGA of the MSM and lefties? I don't think so. Thus I believe you don't understand the difference between the extreme right and MAGA.
How about government stay the fuck out of my business? Sounds good, unless your business involves harming me or my family. The Libertarian philosophy is that people should be free to do what they want unless an act harms others, right? Perfect IMO. But what about when harm is caused? Say you live upstream from me and you are dumping toxic crap on your property or in a stream we share, and that toxic crap poisons my drinking water. I might ask you nicely to stop doing that and for you to pay for a new well for my property, but what if you refuse? I definitely want the government to get the fuck IN your business. Government should be limited, but protecting people is one of the essential functions.
I am already confused. Basic government says that my rights only go as far as affecting your rights. How or what has Trump done that says this is a MAGA view. This is something I learned back in Civics class in the 1980's but in your regards, government should get involved.

At no point did I say that our government shouldn't be involved what so ever. I said they need to stay out of peoples business....... you mush have this shot or that shot.

I am a big believer in the states rights and your right that if you don't like what your state is doing, you have the right to leave.
You didn’t mention a few things I think of when I think of MAGA:
1. Ending support for Ukraine and pulling away from NATO. MAGA doesn’t want to support other countries … except apparently Israel.

I have no problem with aiding Ukraine and have not heard of any MAGA that want's Russia to take it over.
I DO BELIEVE that NATO is as corrupt as they get. When they support terror on regular basis, I do get angry. I have not problems evicting them from our country and leaving it.

2. Strict restrictions on abortion.

I also have no issues with a couples right to choose. Since I don't believe it should be considered a 'valid' form of birth control, I think we need a lot of regulations on it.

3. Few restrictions on assault weapons.

What the fuck is an assault weapon?

Have you read the text of the law that makes a semi-automatic (not fully automatic) weapon an assault weapon? It includes text like; any gun that has any two of the following items:
-Extendable stock
-Flash suppressor
-Picatinny grips
-Flashlight lug
-Bayoneted lug
And the list goes on. But the bottom line, is none of these things help you shoot more or straighter. They just make the gun look more menacing.

4. Tariffs. I’m a free trade person. I try to buy American, but if I can get a better product made somewhere else, I will do it. (And having tariffs is the opposite of “get the government out of my business”, isn’t it?)

I do believe some tariffs are needed to help the American Worker. If there were no tariffs, we would all buy too much product from countries that enslave their populations (China comes to mind).

And what do we do with the countries that have tariffs on our products?

5. Not accepting that Biden won in 2020.

A lot of weird shit happened in the 2020 election. Many states broke their own laws by having fully mail-in ballots and there is a reason a lot of countries DON'T have mail-in voting any longer (France found it ripe with corruption).

I could go into a lot more, but wont.

6. Being hypocritical about law and order and supporting law enforcement. Young black men have to toe the line and say “yes sir” and deserve what they get if they don't, but the rich and powerful are the victims of political persecution. Law enforcement (the Capitol police, the FBI) who go against MAGA are demonized.

You are just parroting the MSM here. I personally believe that our prisons have more people of color is because there are more people of color in gangs and living on the wrong side of the tracks. I also believe the the cops do DESERVE a bit of respect, after all, they are just trying to get home every night.

7. General demonization of people who share different opinions. The opposite of trying to understand and find areas of agreement. Just throw out the insults: hates America, intentionally opening the borders, is mentally ill. Any woman in a powerful position who has opposite political opinions gets labeled a bitch, a ho, a cunt.

I have no issues with people sharing differing opinions. As for the mud slinging:
Biden has opened the boarders.
Biden is old and can't handle the job.
Biden did cause inflation.
Biden had a under 3% inflation rate when he came in, now we pay over 20% more.
Is there a lie in here that Trump or the right is wrong about?

Is President Trump a nice man? Sometimes he comes across as a bad person, but he does want what's best for America.

As for strong women with differing opinions, I have never heard of any right leaning politician calling a woman a cunt or bitch. That said, do I like Hillary? Fuck no. She is schrill and has horrible policies. Nancy was just a horrible person that started most of her fights with President Trump and Maxine Watters was way to far left. As for AOC, she is a bitch, ho and cunt....but not because she is a woman, but because how she acts, things she says and her policies. She is the worse kind of person that won't accept anyone else's opinion.

Obviously, feel free to disagree that these are part of MAGA (I realize #7 is style rather than substance). But this why I consider MAGA to be extreme, not in the center. As I said, your points sound reasonable but to me are not the whole story.
And finally, I'll ask you this......?
How do you think we, as a country, are in the political middle? As far as I'm concerned, we are way too far left. Why?
The 1st Amendment is under fire because some people want pronouns to the lawfully enforced.
The 2nd Amendment is under fire because people like you don't understand the bullshit associate with the term assault weapon.
The 4th Amendment is under fire by Apple, Microsoft, Samsung with devices that listen to you in your homes.
The 6th Amendment is under fire because of the shit President Trump is going through with all the court cases. Seriously the one is NY is horrible.
The 8th Amendment is under fire because they are letting dangerous people out of jail with little to no bail.
The 10th Amendment has been under fire since Lincoln destroyed it. Now the government believes they have the right to tell the states and people what to do (Abortion, speed limit, etc...).

We are way to far left, and the left is trying to get further left, not by passing laws and amendments, but by legal means:
Enlarge the Supreme Court
Remove the filibuster
Get rid of the super majority to pass new laws
Term limits on the Supreme Court
Make additional states that they know will bring 2 more Democrat senators

Dude, we are going in a very bad direction.

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Re: My VP picks in order of preference

Post by bpj » Thu Jul 18, 2024 6:06 pm

Walla Walla Dawg II wrote:
Thu Jul 18, 2024 5:53 pm
I agree in principle with each of the 5 things you listed, but does that make me MAGA? I don't think so
People consider me MAGA because I support the policies of Trump. Does that make me the MAGA of the MSM and lefties? I don't think so. Thus I believe you don't understand the difference between the extreme right and MAGA.
How about government stay the fuck out of my business? Sounds good, unless your business involves harming me or my family. The Libertarian philosophy is that people should be free to do what they want unless an act harms others, right? Perfect IMO. But what about when harm is caused? Say you live upstream from me and you are dumping toxic crap on your property or in a stream we share, and that toxic crap poisons my drinking water. I might ask you nicely to stop doing that and for you to pay for a new well for my property, but what if you refuse? I definitely want the government to get the fuck IN your business. Government should be limited, but protecting people is one of the essential functions.
I am already confused. Basic government says that my rights only go as far as affecting your rights. How or what has Trump done that says this is a MAGA view. This is something I learned back in Civics class in the 1980's but in your regards, government should get involved.

At no point did I say that our government shouldn't be involved what so ever. I said they need to stay out of peoples business....... you mush have this shot or that shot.

I am a big believer in the states rights and your right that if you don't like what your state is doing, you have the right to leave.
You didn’t mention a few things I think of when I think of MAGA:
1. Ending support for Ukraine and pulling away from NATO. MAGA doesn’t want to support other countries … except apparently Israel.

I have no problem with aiding Ukraine and have not heard of any MAGA that want's Russia to take it over.
I DO BELIEVE that NATO is as corrupt as they get. When they support terror on regular basis, I do get angry. I have not problems evicting them from our country and leaving it.

2. Strict restrictions on abortion.

I also have no issues with a couples right to choose. Since I don't believe it should be considered a 'valid' form of birth control, I think we need a lot of regulations on it.

3. Few restrictions on assault weapons.

What the fuck is an assault weapon?

Have you read the text of the law that makes a semi-automatic (not fully automatic) weapon an assault weapon? It includes text like; any gun that has any two of the following items:
-Extendable stock
-Flash suppressor
-Picatinny grips
-Flashlight lug
-Bayoneted lug
And the list goes on. But the bottom line, is none of these things help you shoot more or straighter. They just make the gun look more menacing.

4. Tariffs. I’m a free trade person. I try to buy American, but if I can get a better product made somewhere else, I will do it. (And having tariffs is the opposite of “get the government out of my business”, isn’t it?)

I do believe some tariffs are needed to help the American Worker. If there were no tariffs, we would all buy too much product from countries that enslave their populations (China comes to mind).

And what do we do with the countries that have tariffs on our products?

5. Not accepting that Biden won in 2020.

A lot of weird shit happened in the 2020 election. Many states broke their own laws by having fully mail-in ballots and there is a reason a lot of countries DON'T have mail-in voting any longer (France found it ripe with corruption).

I could go into a lot more, but wont.

6. Being hypocritical about law and order and supporting law enforcement. Young black men have to toe the line and say “yes sir” and deserve what they get if they don't, but the rich and powerful are the victims of political persecution. Law enforcement (the Capitol police, the FBI) who go against MAGA are demonized.

You are just parroting the MSM here. I personally believe that our prisons have more people of color is because there are more people of color in gangs and living on the wrong side of the tracks. I also believe the the cops do DESERVE a bit of respect, after all, they are just trying to get home every night.

7. General demonization of people who share different opinions. The opposite of trying to understand and find areas of agreement. Just throw out the insults: hates America, intentionally opening the borders, is mentally ill. Any woman in a powerful position who has opposite political opinions gets labeled a bitch, a ho, a cunt.

I have no issues with people sharing differing opinions. As for the mud slinging:
Biden has opened the boarders.
Biden is old and can't handle the job.
Biden did cause inflation.
Biden had a under 3% inflation rate when he came in, now we pay over 20% more.
Is there a lie in here that Trump or the right is wrong about?

Is President Trump a nice man? Sometimes he comes across as a bad person, but he does want what's best for America.

As for strong women with differing opinions, I have never heard of any right leaning politician calling a woman a cunt or bitch. That said, do I like Hillary? Fuck no. She is schrill and has horrible policies. Nancy was just a horrible person that started most of her fights with President Trump and Maxine Watters was way to far left. As for AOC, she is a bitch, ho and cunt....but not because she is a woman, but because how she acts, things she says and her policies. She is the worse kind of person that won't accept anyone else's opinion.

Obviously, feel free to disagree that these are part of MAGA (I realize #7 is style rather than substance). But this why I consider MAGA to be extreme, not in the center. As I said, your points sound reasonable but to me are not the whole story.
And finally, I'll ask you this......?
How do you think we, as a country, are in the political middle? As far as I'm concerned, we are way too far left. Why?
The 1st Amendment is under fire because some people want pronouns to the lawfully enforced.
The 2nd Amendment is under fire because people like you don't understand the bullshit associate with the term assault weapon.
The 4th Amendment is under fire by Apple, Microsoft, Samsung with devices that listen to you in your homes.
The 6th Amendment is under fire because of the shit President Trump is going through with all the court cases. Seriously the one is NY is horrible.
The 8th Amendment is under fire because they are letting dangerous people out of jail with little to no bail.
The 10th Amendment has been under fire since Lincoln destroyed it. Now the government believes they have the right to tell the states and people what to do (Abortion, speed limit, etc...).

We are way to far left, and the left is trying to get further left, not by passing laws and amendments, but by legal means:
Enlarge the Supreme Court
Remove the filibuster
Get rid of the super majority to pass new laws
Term limits on the Supreme Court
Make additional states that they know will bring 2 more Democrat senators

Dude, we are going in a very bad direction.
Great responses.

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Donn Beach
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Re: My VP picks in order of preference

Post by Donn Beach » Thu Jul 18, 2024 6:45 pm

I have no problem with aiding Ukraine and have not heard of any MAGA that want's Russia to take it over
Wants Russia to take over? How about indifference to Russia taking over

JD Vance
. “I don’t really care what happens to Ukraine one way or the other,”

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Re: My VP picks in order of preference

Post by Donn Beach » Thu Jul 18, 2024 6:49 pm

But this is what always kills me. The anti regulations, get government out of our lives crowd, except when it's something I think needs lots of regulating lol
I also have no issues with a couples right to choose. Since I don't believe it should be considered a 'valid' form of birth control, I think we need a lot of regulations on it.

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Walla Walla Dawg II
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Re: My VP picks in order of preference

Post by Walla Walla Dawg II » Thu Jul 18, 2024 7:01 pm

Donn Beach wrote:
Thu Jul 18, 2024 6:49 pm
But this is what always kills me. The anti regulations, get government out of our lives crowd, except when it's something I think needs lots of regulating lol
I also have no issues with a couples right to choose. Since I don't believe it should be considered a 'valid' form of birth control, I think we need a lot of regulations on it.
Ya know what.....that's valid.

But as long as a woman has a right to force a man to pay for that child for 18 years, I see no reason why the father can't force the woman (who want's the abortion) to have the child and take it from her at birth and have no contact for 21 years.

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Re: My VP picks in order of preference

Post by Walla Walla Dawg II » Thu Jul 18, 2024 7:19 pm

And thank you bpj.

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Re: My VP picks in order of preference

Post by bpj » Thu Jul 18, 2024 7:56 pm

Donn Beach wrote:
Thu Jul 18, 2024 6:49 pm
But this is what always kills me. The anti regulations, get government out of our lives crowd, except when it's something I think needs lots of regulating lol
I also have no issues with a couples right to choose. Since I don't believe it should be considered a 'valid' form of birth control, I think we need a lot of regulations on it.
Like murder? Yeah...

Seattle or Bust
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Re: My VP picks in order of preference

Post by Seattle or Bust » Thu Jul 18, 2024 10:00 pm

bpj wrote:
Thu Jul 18, 2024 7:56 pm
Donn Beach wrote:
Thu Jul 18, 2024 6:49 pm
But this is what always kills me. The anti regulations, get government out of our lives crowd, except when it's something I think needs lots of regulating lol
I also have no issues with a couples right to choose. Since I don't believe it should be considered a 'valid' form of birth control, I think we need a lot of regulations on it.
Like murder? Yeah...
And Donald Trump was almost murdered by an AR-15... the gun used in the murder of many children in school shootings over the years.

But no side wants to have a good-faith conversation on the topics they vehemently defend.

I'm down for politicians to look at abortion and come to sound decisions based on the facts for what it looks like to regulate the practice.

I'm down for politicians to come to sound decisions around civilians purchasing the tool most utilized to cause mass destruction in the US.

But we won't do it.

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Re: My VP picks in order of preference

Post by Walla Walla Dawg II » Thu Jul 18, 2024 10:18 pm

There is a huge difference between the 2nd Amendment and abortion....

One of them has the words.....SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED after it.

The other can vary from state to state depending on how much they like/want to kill babies.

And my definition of baby is after 20 weeks.

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Re: My VP picks in order of preference

Post by bpj » Thu Jul 18, 2024 10:52 pm

Seattle or Bust wrote:
Thu Jul 18, 2024 10:00 pm
bpj wrote:
Thu Jul 18, 2024 7:56 pm
Donn Beach wrote:
Thu Jul 18, 2024 6:49 pm
But this is what always kills me. The anti regulations, get government out of our lives crowd, except when it's something I think needs lots of regulating lol

Like murder? Yeah...
And Donald Trump was almost murdered by an AR-15... the gun used in the murder of many children in school shootings over the years.

But no side wants to have a good-faith conversation on the topics they vehemently defend.

I'm down for politicians to look at abortion and come to sound decisions based on the facts for what it looks like to regulate the practice.

I'm down for politicians to come to sound decisions around civilians purchasing the tool most utilized to cause mass destruction in the US.

But we won't do it.
Such a lib argument. He wasn't almost murdered by an AR-15.

He was almost murdered by a deranged kid who was raised by a couple quacks, who listened to and believed too many lies about Trump (just like you), who is probably on a med cocktail like most of the shooters seem to be.

Murdered by an AR-15. Lol, clown.

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