Shocking: Deadly shooting in CHAZ/CHOP

Mel Bradford
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Re: Shocking: Deadly shooting in CHAZ/CHOP

Post by Mel Bradford » Fri Jun 26, 2020 2:40 am

Profound Moe

Where do the liberals live ? Classic example are the Hollywoods who cry in shame on YouTube....and then go back to their tony far away from the hood as possible.

As do all the masters-of-shame at the Capitol.

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Re: Shocking: Deadly shooting in CHAZ/CHOP

Post by ddraig » Fri Jun 26, 2020 3:30 am

Some of the BLM hierarchy are vowing to stay where they are even though the Mayor has "asked" them to leave.

What happens now, Mayor Durkan? Who is in charge? You or them? The entire nation is waiting for your answer!

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HawkBowler 2.0
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Re: Shocking: Deadly shooting in CHAZ/CHOP

Post by HawkBowler 2.0 » Fri Jun 26, 2020 12:59 pm

Moe Gibbs wrote:
Fri Jun 26, 2020 12:36 am
Just out of curiosity I found that there are 3 housing units on Vashon Island that accept "Section 8" vouchers.
Here are the racial demographics....

The 5 largest ethnic groups in Vashon, WA are White (Non-Hispanic) (91.8%), White (Hispanic) (3.88%), Asian (Non-Hispanic) (2.07%), Two or More Races (Non-Hispanic) (0.633%), and American Indian & Alaska Native (Non-Hispanic) (0.509%).
Those White girls who were blocking the Vashon Isle intersection, they might consider themselves "Enlightened" but I'd ask them to rent an apartment next to any MLK Blvd in the USA and also find work as a cashier at any liquor store near the nearest MLK Blvd. Do that for a year, then let everyone know how "Culturally Enlightened" you gals really are.
Vashon teens love to go into Seattle with their friends and hang out. You're absolutely right, they've been given the wrong attitude. They should be told to look for certain things and walk away. Instead, they're told that it's racist to be afraid of black people. Any thoughts about black people that are different from how they think about white people are to be rejected wholesale. All of the teens believe that makes you a bad person.

The main bus stop that the Vashon teens use is the one on 3rd and Pike by the McDonalds. It's the worst part of town. And the people waiting for other buses in the area are going to South Seattle so it's mainly minorities. So here you have white spoiled teens mixing with a large part of the criminal underground. And now we have a culture in which blacks randomly attack whites out of social justice.

One day I was at the same bus stop. a black man in his 20s approached me and asked me if his bus stopped there. I said yeah. He seemed nice.. not dangerous at all. Later some white Vashon teen girls showed up (very attractive). This black guy stood behind them looking them up and down with bad looks on his face, mumbling to himself. The girls were absolutely oblivious to what he was doing. I thought to myself he must be thinking: "I'd rape this white bitch"... I'm pretty sure that's what he was thinking. As he was doing this I say, "Hey bud, you're bus is here." He kind of startles to, thanks me and goes to his bus.

So you're right Moe. But this is serious. How do you educate these kids while not triggering them?

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Coeurd’Alene J
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Re: Shocking: Deadly shooting in CHAZ/CHOP

Post by Coeurd’Alene J » Fri Jun 26, 2020 1:44 pm

ddraig wrote:
Fri Jun 26, 2020 3:30 am
Some of the BLM hierarchy are vowing to stay where they are even though the Mayor has "asked" them to leave.

What happens now, Mayor Durkan? Who is in charge? You or them? The entire nation is waiting for your answer!
Can we order more popcorn please. This is gonna be a show

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Re: Shocking: Deadly shooting in CHAZ/CHOP

Post by Michael K. » Fri Jun 26, 2020 4:30 pm

ddraig wrote:
Fri Jun 26, 2020 3:30 am
Some of the BLM hierarchy are vowing to stay where they are even though the Mayor has "asked" them to leave.

What happens now, Mayor Durkan? Who is in charge? You or them? The entire nation is waiting for your answer!
You can't bend over and take it for weeks and then try to enforce rule. She is an idiot, and will have a war on her hands to get them out. So lucky for those businesses that she sat back and told us about beautiful artwork and a summer of love, while devastation, destruction and vandalism were going on!

I posted a pic yesterday that was from King 5 talking about the lawsuits. It showed in the EF would anyone think THAT was beautiful art work? Certainly not someone that actually lives or works there!

My sister sent me a video of a local man going nuts, throwing signs and kicking up tents and tables, etc. Telling them all to "Go the F home!" One of the signs was painted by someone that lives here in Wenatchee. At least it was on a big piece of plywood and not on the side of the building...but does anyone really think the people that are an actual part of that "neighborhood" wanted this? I read lots of quotes from people afraid to speak out because they feared backlash! Seriously? What an effed up city. I will probably never set foot in that POS again.

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Re: Shocking: Deadly shooting in CHAZ/CHOP

Post by ddraig » Fri Jun 26, 2020 5:35 pm

Saw that video as well. Some idiot pulled a knife on the guy and he responded by placing his hand in his pocket and pulled out what looked fleetingly like a gun.

And yes, I'm gonna go get some popcorn to see how Mayor Turducken gets out of this one. Will she ask her police to clean the area up? Send in Social Workers to start moving everyone out? Just let it fester? Ask mealy-mouth Inslee to send in the State Patrol or National Guard. Anything she does, she's hoist on a petard of her own making. Politically, she's dead. I'm really hoping Sawant runs for Mayor. That would be a hoot!

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Re: Shocking: Deadly shooting in CHAZ/CHOP

Post by auroraave » Fri Jun 26, 2020 5:58 pm

Right now would be the ideal time to get into politics in Seattle. The carnage the left has dumped on that city - imagine you are running for City Council, Mayor or Governor - literally all your campaign has to do is focus on is the collective damage they have reigned down on the law abiding, tax paying citizens of Seattle, and the state.

Now it's going to be much worse fiscally - someone has to pay for all the damage - YOU. Someone has to pay for the lawsuits - YOU. Someone has to pay for turning Seattle into a sanctuary city - YOU. All of this is a cost of loony leftist's trying to 'defy Trump'. Make NO mistake - this is NOT in anyway a pro Trump statement - it has nothing to do with that. This is about nut jobs literally destroying a city to spite a political party.

The city puts it's citizens lives at risk - put them in jeopardy. The government is supposed to protect it's citizens. Seattle did the opposite - they put their own residents and businesses in harm's way. It's unforgivable. That's borderline illegal. Hence the lawsuits. Where are the protests calling for the Mayor to resign? Why the fuck is someone up there not getting into this? Keep the pressure on. Keep the spotlight on the damage she was complicit it allowing. Where are the protests calling to the resignation of the City Council? Jesus Christ, get on it.

YOU are stuck paying for radical ideologies. I really think that there will be a major shift up there - the left has created death, destruction and cost the city millions of dollars of tax money that could have been used pay for (more) teachers, emergency-responders, pave roads, build infrastructure.

But no, they used your money to sabotage your city. To create a drug crisis, a homeless crisis. Any remotely moderate politician only has to run on that narrative to win in a landslide. They better start now - build on this momentum.

As much as people rage about trump - I always say he may not be who you want - he's what you need - not because of his politics, but his mere presence makes you aware of what is going on. You're involved whether it's love, or hate. I am not pro trump - I am a moderate who is staunchly anti-left. I'm rooting for Trump because I root for whoever is the President.

The beauty of protests calling for her resignation - is that she cannot stop them. Free Speech. If she tries - it makes her look even WORSE. Imagine the headlines. Imagine the police standing down because they, too, want her out. Imagine that kind of groundswell movement - starting in Seattle and spreading across the country. No matter how she responds - she LOSES. If the loony City Council offers her public support - go after them.

You've been playing defense for too long. TIME TO GO ON OFFENSE.

That's the power of the citizens. #IMPEACHDURKIN #RESIGNNOW


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Re: Shocking: Deadly shooting in CHAZ/CHOP

Post by HawkBowler 2.0 » Fri Jun 26, 2020 8:26 pm

I hear what you're saying, Aurora, but it's easier said than done. What you're calling for is similar to telling early 1930s Berlin that they should take to the streets to stop the brown shirts.

The good liberals are frozen in fear. The good conservatives in this area were already banned from speaking. People simply tune you out if you say anything negative about BLM or anything positive about Trump. The conditioning is so saturated at this point.

But take heart... plenty of us are not sitting back. What are you doing Aurora, ... get your ass on a plane and come up here...haha... you're from the area. Do you want to see the racist pink elephant torn down?

Here's a positive prediction: there will be more Trump supporters at Biden events than Biden supporters. It's already happening. Here's Joe's last event: ... 8205232129

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Re: Shocking: Deadly shooting in CHAZ/CHOP

Post by DavidGee24 » Fri Jun 26, 2020 9:00 pm

It's amazing how it's so much easier said than done. This is an overwhelming minority of people who are creating all these problems while the overwhelming majority just lets them. It absolutely is just like 1930s Germany which HawkBowler alludes to where a small group managed to take over the entire country, or 9/11 where people on four airliners allowed a few tards with obviously fake bombs to kill them all, or in fiction Animal Farm where a few pigs gradually screwed over the rest of the animals until they had to resign themselves to their fate. It's the power of Diffusion Of Responsibility, we all seem to think that eventually someone else will do something about it and it is the greatest weapon that these losers have.

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Re: Shocking: Deadly shooting in CHAZ/CHOP

Post by HawkBowler 2.0 » Fri Jun 26, 2020 10:14 pm

DavidGee24 wrote:
Fri Jun 26, 2020 9:00 pm
It's the power of Diffusion Of Responsibility, we all seem to think that eventually someone else will do something about it and it is the greatest weapon that these losers have.
That's it exactly. Fear is their call to power. Do what we say or you will die of disease or have your business burnt down.

I've lost count of how many people I've seen walking out in the middle of nowhere or driving in their car by themselves wearing a mask. Why? This is pure hysteria. These people seem to believe that the virus is floating in the air and will surely go into their nose if they commit the sin of not wearing a mask at all times.

I bring a mask with me. I wear it when the establishment calls for it. I take the damn thing off as soon as I can. You can't breath, it's awful for people who have to work that way all day.

Even when it comes to people, there's no evidence that covid is spread by people not showing symptoms. The best guesstimate... from "science" is that it takes a good 10-15 minutes of close contact with somebody showing symptoms, usually coffing. And whatever happened to herd immunity? Maybe it's a good idea for the young healthy folks to go out and party so we reach that critical point where it stops spreading.

Dr. Fauci is a fraud. I despise this Dr. Doom Socialist. He's in bed with the Clinton Foundation, and he donated $3 million to the Wuhan Kung Flu laboratory. How in the hell did he not know what was happening in March? Why was he telling everyone not to wear a mask when this was the key time to be wearing a mask?

Who elected Fauci president? Anyone can tell that his science oracle hasn't been working. Trust science. Trust Science, all the media propagandist say... trust Fauci they mean. Trust the wizard behind the curtain is what they really mean.

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