What's your opinion?

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Grandma Lynn
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What's your opinion?

Post by Grandma Lynn » Wed Mar 18, 2020 2:51 am

This virus seems to be more than
we all expected, after the swine
flu, etc.
Never been through all that's
going on now. Everything at a
Economy is hurting. What's
your thoughts on the near
Don't say it's Trumps fault!

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Re: What's your opinion?

Post by D-train » Wed Mar 18, 2020 2:58 am

I think we will be getting back to normal at the end of April. Will completely over when Trump wins in November.

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Moe Gibbs
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Re: What's your opinion?

Post by Moe Gibbs » Wed Mar 18, 2020 3:18 am

We are almost 1/4 of the way through the year and there are already 144 DEATHS IN THE USA...!!!!
In 2009 to 2010 there were 12,469 deaths from the Swine Flu that Obama presided over. The difference is, the Globalist owned mass media weren't using all their energy 24/7 in 2009 to blame the disease and the lack of vaccine on Globalist Puppet Obama...and no blame was EVER cast on their very 1st 1/3 Negro President for obvious reasons and/or for ANY reason.

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Re: What's your opinion?

Post by Bil522 » Wed Mar 18, 2020 7:33 am

I struggle to see the Democrats point of view on Trump. Ok so you think he is a buffoon and shouldn't be President...we get that....Can you try making a different point? They just keep playing the same broken record over and over and over. I have a Dem friend who is so tired of the rhetoric from the left, she is thinking about voting for Trump because he is the only candidate with an original thought. Seriously, if Trump would rush into a burning building to save someone's life, Don Lemon would say Trump was an idiot for doing that and should not be President.

I work in public schools and we are supposed to report it to admin if we see or hear of someone being bullied.....so when school is back in session I may report the media for lying and bullying. I can write down the quotes they use and leave out names. My admin would be horrified and want me to give the name of the person being bullied. It will be fun to see their faces when I say President Trump.

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Re: What's your opinion?

Post by D-train » Wed Mar 18, 2020 11:19 am

Anyone see this last night. I could not believe it. Dem Gov. Cuomo.

https://www.dailywire.com/news/watch-ne ... ic-message

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Re: What's your opinion?

Post by auroraave » Wed Mar 18, 2020 6:53 pm

There will be plenty of positives that come out of this. As we have discovered, we have no stockpiles of anything - we are not self sufficient, things like this will change as we lean into protecting the country and our interests first. We need to be self-sufficient, and we are not. That has to change.

We will take a vigorous and honest look at health care with a serious effort to make something honestly work - no more politics, no more agendas, no more big pharma propaganda, we need to take an honest, cold hard look at finding tangible solutions and getting out from under the political bluster that prevents solutions that help the masses.

I think there will be a swing back to political moderation, towards common sense, and a renewed patriotism around the country. All of these things are long overdue, and this may move the needle in that direction.

If Trump is able to navigate this mess, and he is definitely trying without the luxury of any kind of real playbook, he may go down as one of the most historic political figures, especially as Americans move away from the Dems/media's use of hate/fear tactics lose their grip on those that have been toiling in it. This is a time to unite - and that office has a chance to make a historical contribution. How would the Dem party ever come back from that after all their hate mongering? In hindsight - maybe never.

Ever notice how, every election year, the same old clowns trot out the same old narrative of "change" or "look at me, I'm different", and yet they always turn out to be the exact same goons - but when one person actually lives up to the billing (Trump), literally the establishment and media are the only ones that can't handle any actual change. Gonna be interesting to see how this plays out.

I'd like to know who, at this point, is rooting for Trump to fail, especially at this point in time when we cannot afford to be thinking that way.

I've never understood the concept of rooting for people to fail - the negative energy spent hoping other people fail - especially when their success is your success. Doesn't that basically mean you are rooting against yourself? That concept has never made sense to me. It's like drinking the poison and expecting it to harm someone else.

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Re: What's your opinion?

Post by D-train » Wed Mar 18, 2020 9:10 pm

auroraave wrote:
Wed Mar 18, 2020 6:53 pm
There will be plenty of positives that come out of this. As we have discovered, we have no stockpiles of anything - we are not self sufficient, things like this will change as we lean into protecting the country and our interests first. We need to be self-sufficient, and we are not. That has to change.

We will take a vigorous and honest look at health care with a serious effort to make something honestly work - no more politics, no more agendas, no more big pharma propaganda, we need to take an honest, cold hard look at finding tangible solutions and getting out from under the political bluster that prevents solutions that help the masses.

I think there will be a swing back to political moderation, towards common sense, and a renewed patriotism around the country. All of these things are long overdue, and this may move the needle in that direction.

If Trump is able to navigate this mess, and he is definitely trying without the luxury of any kind of real playbook, he may go down as one of the most historic political figures, especially as Americans move away from the Dems/media's use of hate/fear tactics lose their grip on those that have been toiling in it. This is a time to unite - and that office has a chance to make a historical contribution. How would the Dem party ever come back from that after all their hate mongering? In hindsight - maybe never.

Ever notice how, every election year, the same old clowns trot out the same old narrative of "change" or "look at me, I'm different", and yet they always turn out to be the exact same goons - but when one person actually lives up to the billing (Trump), literally the establishment and media are the only ones that can't handle any actual change. Gonna be interesting to see how this plays out.

I'd like to know who, at this point, is rooting for Trump to fail, especially at this point in time when we cannot afford to be thinking that way.

I've never understood the concept of rooting for people to fail - the negative energy spent hoping other people fail - especially when their success is your success. Doesn't that basically mean you are rooting against yourself? That concept has never made sense to me. It's like drinking the poison and expecting it to harm someone else.
All I know is my house is going to sell by the end of April and I will be throwing almost the entire proceeds into the market near the bottom of the buying opportunity of the century. 8-)

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Re: What's your opinion?

Post by D-train » Wed Mar 18, 2020 9:14 pm

auroraave wrote:
Wed Mar 18, 2020 6:53 pm
There will be plenty of positives that come out of this. As we have discovered, we have no stockpiles of anything - we are not self sufficient, things like this will change as we lean into protecting the country and our interests first. We need to be self-sufficient, and we are not. That has to change.

We will take a vigorous and honest look at health care with a serious effort to make something honestly work - no more politics, no more agendas, no more big pharma propaganda, we need to take an honest, cold hard look at finding tangible solutions and getting out from under the political bluster that prevents solutions that help the masses.

I think there will be a swing back to political moderation, towards common sense, and a renewed patriotism around the country. All of these things are long overdue, and this may move the needle in that direction.

If Trump is able to navigate this mess, and he is definitely trying without the luxury of any kind of real playbook, he may go down as one of the most historic political figures, especially as Americans move away from the Dems/media's use of hate/fear tactics lose their grip on those that have been toiling in it. This is a time to unite - and that office has a chance to make a historical contribution. How would the Dem party ever come back from that after all their hate mongering? In hindsight - maybe never.

Ever notice how, every election year, the same old clowns trot out the same old narrative of "change" or "look at me, I'm different", and yet they always turn out to be the exact same goons - but when one person actually lives up to the billing (Trump), literally the establishment and media are the only ones that can't handle any actual change. Gonna be interesting to see how this plays out.

I'd like to know who, at this point, is rooting for Trump to fail, especially at this point in time when we cannot afford to be thinking that way.

I've never understood the concept of rooting for people to fail - the negative energy spent hoping other people fail - especially when their success is your success. Doesn't that basically mean you are rooting against yourself? That concept has never made sense to me. It's like drinking the poison and expecting it to harm someone else.
Trump derangement syndrome is the most bizarre affliction I have witnessed in my life. These people are absolute freaks and you are right they would pluck their own eyes out with spoons if it meant that Trump lose the election. They would literally rather have millions die of Corona than see Trump get re-elected.

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Re: What's your opinion?

Post by D-train » Wed Mar 18, 2020 9:18 pm

Get this, we went to Stop and Shop here in Someville and they had zero TP or paper towels but hundreds of 95 cent boxes of tissue. So these hoarding idiots would rather wipe their ass with Paper towels than Kleenex which is basically TP in a different shape. This is the caveman IQ levels we are talking about with these hoarders.

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Moe Gibbs
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Re: What's your opinion?

Post by Moe Gibbs » Wed Mar 18, 2020 11:39 pm

D-train wrote:
Wed Mar 18, 2020 9:18 pm
Get this, we went to Stop and Shop here in Someville and they had zero TP or paper towels but hundreds of 95 cent boxes of tissue. So these hoarding idiots would rather wipe their ass with Paper towels than Kleenex which is basically TP in a different shape. This is the caveman IQ levels we are talking about with these hoarders.
Kleenex and paper towels will clog your toilet / plumbing bc they doesn't easily dissolve. If you are really up against it..buy a big bag of saw dust or pine shavings at the Co-op, get a 5 gal bucket and wire a toilet seat to the bucket . If you can squat like Johnny Bench for a few minutes while hovering over the untouched bucket, skip installing the toilet seat. Wipe with your paper towel, Kleenex, maple leaf, HS Diploma, etc..then toss in enough of the saw dust or the wood shavings to cover the mess. This arrangement works better / more sanitary than what a huge percentage of wonderfully vibrant and culturally diverse people do in other countries which is to practice open defecation without a single care in the world.

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