David Dorn - a black life that apparently didn't matter

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David Dorn - a black life that apparently didn't matter

Post by DavidGee24 » Wed Jun 10, 2020 6:14 pm

While George Floyd's memorial service was going on, so was David Dorn's. Floyd was killed by a cop, while Dorn was killed by a looter, both the result of the same event.

Floyd was a career criminal who nobody aside from a few people particularly cared about and did some pretty heinous things. Dorn was a retired police chief who also worked with young people to make themselves better and was a pillar-of-the-community type.

Here's what Dorn didn't get that Floyd did: widespread media coverage of his death, murals painted on walls showing him with angel's wings, millions of dollars to his family via GoFundMe, protesters protesting his death, BLM mentioning his death ad nauseum, a celebrity (Floyd Mayweather) paying for his memorial service, scores of celebrities pretending to care and just wanting to be seen showing up at his memorial service, national coverage of his memorial service, a brain-dead celebrity at his memorial service (Ne-Yo) stupidly referring to his "sacrifice" and how he "changed the world", even more celebrities, black and white, going on social media and pandering to the black community just to make themselves look good, and a gold casket.

Here's what Dorn did get that Floyd also did: someone filming his death. Except while Floyd's death went right to the media and became a rallying cry, in Dorn's case it went on Facebook Live for someone's amusement.

Black Lives Matter has said absolutely NOTHING about Dorn publicly, even after getting called out on it by the likes of Candace Owens and others. Apparently Dorn's life didn't matter. Nor does the life of the shooter, who is also black, although if a white cop had shot him dead afterwards one would imagine it would have.

Michael K.
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Re: David Dorn - a black life that apparently didn't matter

Post by Michael K. » Wed Jun 10, 2020 7:35 pm

Well said. I'd add to it, but think you pretty much hit every issue I have with this stuff. What happened to Floyd was terrible, but it blows me away how the people who have died as a result haven't mattered as much. Especially since some of them were black. The only time a black life matters enough to these people to go crazy about it is if it is taken by a cop. Even the black kid that was shot by white men, not that long before Floyd...the guy who was out jogging. That did not get the giant up rising from BLM. It confuses me.

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Re: David Dorn - a black life that apparently didn't matter

Post by DavidGee24 » Wed Jun 10, 2020 10:26 pm

You look at how completely idiotic this sounds in concept, and one really wonders if in reality most black people see through BLM's BS but don't say anything because it's not worth it.

There are about 40 million black people in the US and something like 38 to 39 million (and if I'm off on that figure, correct me) of them did not take part in the protests. Think about that; probably more than 95 percent of the blacks in this country were not out there protesting, over 99 percent of them were not out there looting, and the percentage of whites who are in Antifa, militias and white supremacy groups combined amounts to less than zero-point-something percent of the white population, yet the media makes it look like they're this HUUUUUGE presence and society gets highly influenced as a result. As further examples, you get a couple Karens ranting on video and the media will lead you to believe that this is how white women act. "The bigger the lie, the more people will believe it" as the saying goes.

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Re: David Dorn - a black life that apparently didn't matter

Post by auroraave » Thu Jun 11, 2020 12:56 am

I don't think most people buy it. None of this is truly about race - it's about bait and switch. Diverting the idiot masses from the real story - if Trump gets elected, Obama and many others will go down for a Watergate like scandal for unlawfully spying on a rival political party. All the info is out there, Schiff admitted there was never any evidence or any kind, and all of this is an unraveling of the 'deep state' if you believe that stuff. That is why the Left is so so so so desperate to unseat Trump - and if you watch how he's played it all out - it's been the long game. If he wins, supposedly, there will be a major reckoning and major shift back to the center. We're talking military tribunals for actual treason - and a huge defeat for those trying to create a one-world government and currency.

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