Democratic Convention 2020: Sunrise of Screams

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Democratic Convention 2020: Sunrise of Screams

Post by AmericanPig » Tue Aug 18, 2020 3:48 pm

The opening night of the strange Biden Convention in the midst of the covid spree left me sad. The choices of words to say the least were unfortunate. A woman who lost her dad said that he had no pre-existing conditions except trust for Trump. How ironic. To think that Biden is campaigning against the pre-existing condition of trust after all his jungle warfare in the name of Jesus for the British prog-rockers behind the attacks. Don’t fool yourself. Biden is as much a party to this crime as Trump ever was. By doing the worst job possible Trump gets to hand the torch over to Jesus and his mission of restoration after the ordeal. Anyone who saw how the Geffen Corporation who used Obama as their corporate art installation exploited my pre-existing condition of trust for them must have choked. I guess life in America is just full of ugly laughs.

Joe Biden’s only redeeming trait was the pretzel logic of his doublespeak. Maybe I’m fooling myself, he says but he thinks America is ready for self-government. Must be hard for a man coming from Delaware, land of baseball secrets and the Duponts, with the baggage of having Mickey Obama identify him as her friend. What favors did he do her, say, back in Pittsburgh? Maybe I’m fooling myself, he says as he line items manmade disasters as opposed to natural ones, man of science. It’s cosmic.

Joe is the white rabbit of the hole in the wall gang.

If most cops are good, as Joe Biden contends, why was Gail Burstyn never arrested for her role in what happened to me? Why was Diamonda Galas, her partner at SPIN, not arrested for her role in 911? Why do commentators on the evidence for the profound mental illness of Barack Obama chronically characterize his insane crimes as my having schizophrenia?

The Beatles and Obama put forth a Spin Control they pushed all the way to the murder of Saoirse Kennedy reading BEAT-LES, Les being their agent Leslie, a pun, Beatles lie, les lie, to announce the derange rubbish of Mark Nordenberg Nature of Reality Law School that their lies are worth more money than my truth.

Reagan and Lennon, they snipe, were friends. Both men were into theater. They killed JFK together and used Pentagon Disney to stage Lennon’s safe exit and the fake hit on Reagan, making sure that I was there on the set both times with their prisoner-taking attorneys from the Obama kluk, rancorously announcing Trophy kill pussyball from Carnegie Mellon where Paul Runco worked with his partner Wattenmaker named in the script at Advanced Material and Devices and Neurobehavioral Research, also within their gang was Paul Tieni, pronounced Paul Tyranny. McCartney was making carrot tapes to extrude Lennon’s love for Reagan from the golem while setting up a mission of Zuklear war to punish the United States that the attackers used 911 as a pre-launch to prove they would never do that.

McCartney is a vile turd and a liar. If that were not true they would have admitted a nerve agent was being used to terrorize me and msi-shapen my judgement for their observation.

Black Lives Matters in the bonanza of Biden was telltale. They are the nexus point where the NAACP left Dr. King over issues of riches and spoils. They aligned the NAACP with the Axis Green Party as in so far as they though sending me bronzing cream while they blew up Beirut with a motherless bomb explosion instead of sending me Immunoblast tablets I ordered makes quite a show of Dixon’s FLASH card at the Magic Mountain were the Monks of War and Dialectical UW-ism are sermonizers of many poisons to come. You might say BLM, citing those Dixon FLASH cards of Seattle in proof, are the conspiracy by Black boys to destroy themselves.

Marxism has its place in study at school. The idea that workers are entitled to the fruits of their labors does not lead directly to terrorism until you factor in Geffen Corporation and Lucas Studios, Jesus as he is known in the Biden Campaign. Mutilating a deaf person for sport isn’t Marxism, its common crime.

Lucas always hated me. When he heard about the Heaven and Hell Odysseies he seethed and went into hives of discourse with Penis Sinfield. At the Seattle Clubhouse they announce Jesus for Biden by way, I kid you not, of psychological profiles dictating which Star Wars Character you REALLY are. It’s so terribly slavish in the invincible, troll-like way of the Beatles and how they got rid of JFK, that having them grin through the murder of Saoirse is like an ancient Nordenberg mutter, ‘What is reality?”

For the life of me I don’t see why it is so hard to see what is going on. The Duke of Windsor was always a powerful friend of Adolf Hitler who himself was Disney discovered and raised for battle by Allen Dulles of the Schroeder Bank. Dulles went on to purchase 100 million doses of LSD and had good use for John Lennon, their mutual friend being Ian Fleming.

The Royalists are capitalizing on America’s progressive sensibility to blackmail us by the ignited fury of the NAACP and BLM into joining the Axis Green ticket behind AIDS and Covid. The illegitimate use of racist tags to tar and feather innocent people is highly Trumpish of street gangs like Portland, furiously sneering that Lennon’s SPIRIT demands it.

Well, good old JB, he’ll pick up the pieces with his crocodile fingers.

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