Is Balkanization the way?

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Is Balkanization the way?

Post by bpj » Fri Nov 18, 2022 9:42 am

This graphic illustrates how absurd it is to try and create unity in such a broad area.

It seems that balkanization may be the only peaceful path forward now that the degenerates have gained such a stronghold on the country.

Our values no longer align cumulatively.

I already consider places like California and New York to be another planet. Might as well just scrap the unity BS at this point. I don't know about you guys but I have no interest in a middle ground with these libs.

Mel Bradford
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Re: Is Balkanization the way?

Post by Mel Bradford » Tue Nov 22, 2022 11:42 pm

....then balkinization as suggested would be a form of unity. Or to borrow a phrase from the late 1800's..."separate but equal". We had that in form with the original 13 states...and with a central government just strong enough to settle differences and protect a national economy. Culture and identity was not an issue...we already held that in common under Britain.

Our modern balkanization, if we can call it that is force division under a ruling authority. Americans are divorced from state and local self interest and the benefits of local control from the state house on down. Instead we are cataloged by identity groups and state interest has been reduced to Federal subsidies.....with strings (laws) of course. The current competition is not to be the best state....its to extract from the Treasury as much as possible.

IF, we were to brake into quasi regional states under our current central government it would be not much different than it is now. Wall street would keep electing a king to serve global interests with business and military and the central laws would continue to reflect the utopia of socialism.....which is always just around the corner.

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