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Best Campaign Ads

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2023 3:15 pm
by ddraig
OK, the election season starts early this year. This ad is one of the better ads I've seen. Read the article, then watch the ad. If you have other ads you think are exceptional, post them so we can all see them. What I like about this particular ad is that it doesn't focus on the man's opponents in the primary, but on the real threat from the ones he'll have to compete against to win the election. ... al_ad.html

Re: Best Campaign Ads

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2023 8:27 pm
by Grandma Lynn
We sure need more like him!

Re: Best Campaign Ads

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2023 12:07 pm
by Mel Bradford
The MSM will ignore,,,,while the parasites do 'opposition research'. If the campaign gets traction (which it already has) the smear will begin. Pick a card, any card...homophobic, extremist, toxic masculinity, anti-feminist, anti-immigrant. racist. They will interview him and then twist his words to use against him. Find an associate or a family member with trouble and link him. Interview 'experts' to diminish him. Find a flaw and run with it on GMA.

I hope he wins and wins big.

Re: Best Campaign Ads

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2023 8:23 pm
by douche
Born in Vietnam, unique ethnic name, impressive naval career, the opposite of woke... he may just have a chance. Here's hoping.

Re: Best Campaign Ads

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 7:57 pm
by DanielVogelbach
Every two years they let you put a check mark next to someone's name as if that let's you "change the government". It doesn't matter who you vote for, the government is always the winner and will do everything it can to benefit the ruling class.

The government is it's own entity. You can't change it by playing by it's rules. The only way you can ever change the government is through non-compliance. Nothing could be more compliant than partaking in the "election cycle" and casting a ballot. That's precisely how we enslave ourselves.