Sports team you love to hate the most.
1. Ohio State. Why? Because fuck those guys in general

2. Niners - mostly because their manicured, pony-tailed, chardonnay sippin' fans (that's just the he/hims!

3. Anything and everything associated with the motherfucking OKC Blunder. When that degenerate moved the team and they were awful, I had a blog that only detailed the lowlights of each game; lowest scorer, most turnovers, and it was fun 'cause they were awful. Then those dick heads went and got good so I had to shutter that.
I used to really hate on Miami (The U) 'cause of the rivalry with the Dawgs, and hated BYU cause they fucked us in '84. Sadly, I'm over it. Any one remember The Whammy in Miami? All time fav UW highlight (well, one of the top).
What you got?
CAVEAT: BPJ: you cannot pick the Israeli Olympic team