Get woke go broke

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Re: Get woke go broke

Post by seattlefan-daBronx » Wed Mar 23, 2022 9:17 pm

You know booger boy Ted Cruz is not one of my favorite Senators as I believe he moves as the wind blows.
BUT with that said his words about the process of electing Supreme Court Justices woke or not ring true.
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Re: Get woke go broke

Post by D-train » Fri Jun 17, 2022 1:56 pm

Ha Ha. I guess I wasn't the only one that cancelled my subscription to the Athletic because of their Woke clown writers. ... for-staff/

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Re: Get woke go broke

Post by D-train » Sat Jun 18, 2022 11:58 am


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Re: Get woke go broke

Post by Grandma Lynn » Sun Jun 19, 2022 8:33 pm

ddraig wrote:
Sat Mar 12, 2022 2:14 am
I'm waiting for the U.N. to tell us all we have to prevent volcanos from erupting because they cause climate change. So, asbestos diapers for all potential volcanos, including Yellowstone! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Had to bring this up again!
Don't forget the cows farting!
We all could make a list!

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Re: Get woke go broke

Post by ddraig » Tue Jun 21, 2022 1:43 am

We need to somehow get rid of Turtle McTurtle as Senate Majority Leader. The guy sides with the Dims at least 80% of the time and we need to focus on curbing Executive Orders. Yes, I see the need for them in emergencies, But too many Presidents use them as Biden is now...on a whim. Give Congress five days to validate the EO or it goes away. If Congress validates the EO then it can remain in place. But we must curb the ability for any President to govern by whim. Laws are to be created by Congress.

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Re: Get woke go broke

Post by douche » Wed Jun 22, 2022 8:07 pm

Why even left-wing voters have soured on the rising progressive left

Nine years ago I wrote about a certain rising political force in city politics and how it was turning Seattle into a “leading indicator” for a major shake-up of liberalism.

“The election isn’t for 10 days, but we can already declare the big winner in Seattle,” that 2013 column began. “It’s the socialist.”

The premise was that Kshama Sawant had yet to be elected to the Seattle City Council, but her views, and her protest-fueled style, were signaling a tectonic shift in liberal politics.

Out was the market-oriented liberalism of traditional Democratic politicians like Barack Obama, where equality of opportunity was the goal. In was a sweeping “new new left” with a more radical goal: equality of outcomes, in everything from pay to education.

It’s been a strong run for that rising new left, at least in West Coast incubator cities like Seattle. It led to everything from the $15 minimum wage to major experiments in criminal justice reform, such as slashing police budgets, and pledges to incarcerate so few people that we could close both the adult and youth jails.

Is the run over?

Who can say? — maybe it’s just on pause. But an “old left” vibe sure seems ascendant these days in elections up and down the West Coast.

One San Francisco political pundit called it “the revenge of the Obama Democrats.”

After San Francisco voters on Tuesday overwhelmingly recalled their progressive, light-on-crime district attorney, Chesa Boudin, another local columnist said the city’s famously left-wing voters had simply “tired of ideology taking precedence over real nuts-and-bolts progress.”

People are “fed up that nothing related to city government seems to be working,” wrote Chronicle columnist Heather Knight. “Frustrated that this city with so much potential isn’t remotely living up to it. Irate that a city with so many built-in advantages — wealth, beauty, diversity, creativity, smarts — is so much less than the sum of its parts.”

Sound familiar? These same themes echoed through last fall’s Seattle elections — when voters likewise tossed out a reform-minded city attorney, Pete Holmes, and also passed over the left-progressive candidate in the mayor’s race for a classic “Obama Democrat,” Bruce Harrell.

On Tuesday, voters in Los Angeles also gave first place in a mayoral primary to a former Republican who, like Harrell here, is promising to clear the city’s sprawling homeless encampments.

Seattle political consultant Christian Sinderman experienced both sides of this voter mood shift — he ran Holmes’ losing campaign for Seattle city attorney, but also Harrell’s winning campaign for mayor.

“I think what voters are saying is there is only so far and so fast you can push the progressive vanguard,” Sinderman said.

“It doesn’t mean people here have gotten less progressive-minded,” he said. “But there’s a counterpressure now, which is causing a return to a kind of civic do-gooder who is interested in basic problem-solving, instead of the more partisan, ideological approach.”

Prime example, he says: Defund the police. Seattle is down 400 cops, but we haven’t added more than a handful of mental health counselors or social workers to take their places.

“It got ahead of itself, and so now people see that it just isn’t working,” Sinderman said. “But that doesn’t mean Seattleites are no longer interested in alternatives to the police.”

The recall campaign in San Francisco featured a heavy rotation of viral videos showing rampant shoplifting going unchallenged. We’ve all seen similar security footage shot here at the downtown Seattle Target store. Outrage about the videos doesn’t mean voters think the shoplifters should be jailed for long sentences, but voters also see that the “no consequences” approach leads to civic chaos.

In this gap lies political opportunity: “You’re going to see a third way emerge,” a veteran Democratic consultant told the Chronicle in San Francisco.

People can want more police officers, rejecting defund the police. The same people can want drug offenders to get treatment, not jail — which is a core plank of the defund movement.

This Obama-type nuance is what new Seattle Mayor Harrell was channeling in his inaugural address when he kept repeating “Yes, and.” Yes, shelter the homeless and keep parks clear of encampments; yes, demand fair policing and go hard after gun crime.

Easy to say, tough to pull off — especially when populists on both the left and the right don’t trust institutions to work anymore.

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Re: Get woke go broke

Post by D-train » Sun Jun 26, 2022 7:43 pm


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Re: Get woke go broke

Post by ddraig » Mon Jun 27, 2022 8:55 pm

Seattle will take at least a decade to replace the Officers they lost. In the mean time, it will probably take at least a decade to hire the "mental health counselors" to fill in. And how many deaths of those counselors will it take for Seattle to wake up and "discover" the need for more officers than they had in 2019? Perhaps this area has bent over far more backwards than they should by supporting criminals over law enforcement?

I've talked to friends who wanted to vacation in Seattle this summer. I told them to go elsewhere. Too much crime. Can't walk on the sidewalks.
Watch out for the feces and needles in the parks. It isn't worth it. Go to Yellowstone, Glacier, or the Grand Canyon instead.

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Re: Get woke go broke

Post by douche » Wed Dec 28, 2022 1:07 am

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Re: Get woke go broke

Post by ddraig » Wed Dec 28, 2022 1:45 am

"After San Francisco voters on Tuesday overwhelmingly recalled their progressive, light-on-crime district attorney, Chesa Boudin, another local columnist said the city’s famously left-wing voters had simply “tired of ideology taking precedence over real nuts-and-bolts progress.”

You would have thought that if 80% of the voters think the country is headed in the wrong direction, they would have voted to make course corrections. But pulling the lever for an individual with a "(D)" after their name is so ingrained that they still do it even though they understand they are placing a noose around their necks.

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