Fauci to throw out first pitch

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Re: Fauci to throw out first pitch

Post by GL_Storm » Tue Aug 09, 2022 6:47 pm

Coeurd’Alene J wrote:
Tue Aug 09, 2022 6:45 pm
GL_Storm wrote:
Tue Aug 09, 2022 5:27 pm
Does anyone know, why do pictures, like the ones shown several posts above, so frequently display as sideways? If you click on them, they come up in a separate window in their correct orientation. But the default display within the actual post is sideways for some reason.
Please I tried pre rotating them sometimes it might be to tall and needs editing down to square
I wasn't saying you did anything wrong. I see this all the time and I'm just wondering if there is a setting in the forum software or something that we don't know about.

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Coeurd’Alene J
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Re: Fauci to throw out first pitch

Post by Coeurd’Alene J » Tue Aug 09, 2022 6:49 pm

I would love someone to teach me about cleaning up pictures and things

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Re: Fauci to throw out first pitch

Post by D-train » Tue Aug 09, 2022 7:16 pm

harmony wrote:
Tue Aug 09, 2022 4:38 pm
D-train wrote:
Tue Aug 09, 2022 11:18 am
Coeurd’Alene J wrote:
Tue Aug 09, 2022 11:12 am
Hopefully he has been throwing since the last time I saw a video of him with a baseball in his hand……To suggest he throws like a girl is disrespectful to the majority of women who could easily out throw the pussy.
You know he was one of the nerds that got stuffed in trash cans and has had an inferiority complex his entire life and has been getting off on a total power trip ever since the start of the pandemic and just loves trying to control people.
On what do you base that assertion?

https://www.sbnation.com/nba/2020/4/4/2 ... tball-team

https://www.wsj.com/articles/dr-fauci-w ... 1585479601

Anthony Fauci is an 81-year-old who once received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from a Republican. The announcement that Fauci will throw out a first pitch has certainly brought out this forum's snowflakes.

https://www.urbandictionary.com/define. ... =Snowflake..

Pardon my rare name-calling. ;)

If Fauci is a poor choice to throw out first pitch, provide cogent reasons in defense of that position. Avoid the bombastic name-calling of Fauci's harshest critic, economist Peter Navarro, whose book In Trump Time I recently read.

Undertake some basic research to support whatever side you take.
Sorry, I assumed everyone here was actually paying attention the past 2.5 years so I didn't think I needed to expound on basic facts that this idiot has caused tremendous and in many cases irreparable harm on 10s of millions of people in this country through his inane, draconian, fear mongering policies, strategies and mandates. None of which had any meaningful or measurable positive impact on the Pandemic that is still going on over 2.5 YEARS after the first case was identified.

However, I should not be surprised since 10s of millions of others like you have chose to inexplicably anoint him hero, saint, savior and the unquestioned authority on all things Pandemic including the fools that were brainwashed with media propaganda to not only believe he somehow was deserving of the Hutch award but the Mariners org that felt he should once again be allowed to make of fool of himself in a large public setting as he did last year at the Nationals game.

Since you are somehow seemingly oblivious to his Mind numbing mistakes, Lies and Lies on Videotape I shall grant your request for an education.

First all, I believe I have a bit more credibility than the average person given I have been in the Biotech/Pharma industry for over 25 years focused on Market Research and Forecasting of Dozens of Oncology, Autoimmune and Neurologic therapies including being on the launch team of the 3rd most successful biologic of all time, Enbrel which has positively impacted the lives of millions of Rheumatoid arthritis, Plaque psoriasis
Psoriatic arthritis, Polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis and Ankylosing spondylitis patients and their families around the world.

Secondly, I am not, never have been nor never will be a Republican so that award you cited is meaningless.

The following is a list of some of the absurd policies which led to often catastrophic outcomes as well as documentation of the lies he told.

1. At the beginning when the outbreak was at its worst and the death rates were at their highest he advised that masks were not necessary of average citizens. He later admitted to lying about this stating that he was concerned there would be a shortage of mask by healthcare workers on the front lines. This set the precedent that he had an "the ends justify the means strategy" with those means including lying. He has employed this philosophy throughout the pandemic despite the desired ends literally NEVER coming to fruition.

2. The lockdowns. Fauci decided to go with a policy rooted in a mentality that Hundreds of millions should sacrifice to protect the minority of elderly and health concerns instead of the far more effective and logical strategy to simple protect the vulnerable, all for the made up objective to flatten the curve.

This led to the following:
a. Families not being able to see their loved ones.
b. Families not being able to attend funeral services, religious ceremonies or visit loved ones in the hospitals or nursing home.
c. 10s of millions of people losing their jobs, livelihoods and right to earn a livin
d. Hundreds of thousands of small businesses going out of business, many permanently
e. 10s of millions of school children having to go remotely resulting in devastating impacts on their education and extra curricular activities
f. Instill irrational fear that led to the following examples of people completely losing their minds:
The Worst Offenders
Elementary school children in WA state forced to eat lunch out side in 38 degree weather.
Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer issued a draconian order that not only required most businesses to close, but also:
forced hardware stores, which were allowed to remain open, to close off the parts of their stores that sold carpet, flooring, furniture, garden supplies, and paint;
disregarded businesses’ free speech rights by prohibiting them from advertising or promoting any goods other than “groceries, medical supplies, or items that are necessary to maintain the safety, sanitation, and basic operation of residences”;
banned motorboats, jet skis, and other watercraft, while allowing the use of kayaks, canoes, and sailboats; and
prohibited residents from traveling to a second home or a vacation rental.
Vermont Governor Phil Scott announced that no one may gather with anyone from another household—even outdoors. He justified the ban because “you don’t know what your neighbor has done.” (He later amended the order to allow socially distanced walks with one other person.)
Villages in New York banned the use of leaf-blowers. According to the mayor of Sleepy Hollow, because of the COVID pandemic, blowing dust into the air “creates a HAZMAT situation.” And in Croton-on-Hudson, the Village manager expressed “concern that the use of leaf blowers may be contributing to the spread of the virus although there is no scientific proof of this.”
Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker imposed a “no exceptions” mask mandate requiring everyone age 5 and older to wear masks in public, even when outdoors and socially distanced (or, presumably, alone).
Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti banned all travel other than for essential activities, including “travel on foot, bicycle, scooter, motorcycle, automobile, or public transit.” In other words, no unnecessary walking
The mayor of Louisville, Kentucky, banned drive-in church services for Easter. Fortunately, a federal judge put a stop to the ban, writing that the mayor’s order was something “this court never expected to see outside the pages of a dystopian novel, or perhaps the pages of The Onion.”
But it wasn’t just the measures themselves that were troublesome. The enforcement of these new laws was also overzealous and absurd.

Police in Encinitas, California, cited 22 people for “watching the sunset” and “having picnics near the beach.” Violations carry fines of up to $1,000 and up to six months in jail.
A 19-year-old woman in Pennsylvania was stopped by police and given a $200 ticket when she went for a drive—alone—“just to get out of the house.”
In California, police chased down and arrested paddleboarders and surfers who went out in the ocean—socially distanced from anyone.
A man in Brighton, Colorado, was arrested for playing catch with his 6-year-old daughter on a near-empty softball field.
3. The vaccines - the vaccines were initially billed and marketed as miraculously essentially having close to 100% efficacy both in terms of preventing infection and illness but would stop the spread as well. This lead to absurd vaccine mandate which later proved to be completely nonsensical and resulting in healthy young people who chose not to get vaccinated to be irrationally scapegoated and demonized. This attitude has continued to this day despite the fact that vaccines have shown to be completely ineffective in preventing infection so the unvaccinated are only potentially jeopardizing their own health possibly risking more severe disease.

4. The origin of the Virus - Due to his connection to the US funding of Wu Han lab he was initially hyper focused on diverting and deflecting by pushing the the narrative that it had to have emerged from the Wet animal markets near the lab. Anyone suggesting the much more logical likelihood that it came for the labs that were literally engaged in "gain of function" research were labeled as conspiracy theorists and were discredited in an attempt to silence them. It is now mainstream thinking that the lab is by far the most likely source.

What makes matters worse he seems to be a self absorbed arrogant narcissist that has a "how dare anyone doubt me" attitude.
It’s a phenomenon that appears to have gone to his head. Earlier this month, in response to criticism he’d received, he told MSNBC that “if you are trying to get at me as a public health official and a scientist, you’re really attacking not only Dr. Anthony Fauci, you’re attacking science.”

It was plain to anybody who was paying attention that “science and truth are being attacked,” Fauci claimed, apparently trying to elevate his stature as the arbiter of scientific truth to something approximating the Catholic doctrine on the infallibility of the Pope.

But of course, it makes no sense to conflate the opinions of any one individual with science and truth. Government scientists such as Fauci are, after all, human beings, and like all human beings, are not entirely trustworthy because they’re not omniscient (and they sometimes lie).
Here is his famously Instyle magazine shoot which makes Russell Wilson seem modest.

https://www.instyle.com/news/dr-fauci-s ... -effective

More mistakes:
In a recent essay in National Review, writer Michael Brendan Dougherty documents Fauci’s many missteps over the past year and a half, many of which were of material importance. For example, in the weeks leading up to the lockdown announcements in March 2020, Fauci gave interviews telling everybody that wearing masks in public was useless and that the coronavirus should concern them less than the seasonal flu.

Another example. Fauci long suggested that the coronavirus had natural origins, and his dismissal of the idea that it escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology was largely responsible for the lab leak theory being widely regarded as a conspiracy theory. Facebook even took down posts claiming the virus was manmade or manufactured, labelling such posts “misinformation”.

But Fauci—and Facebook—have since backpedalled, now admitting that the coronavirus could have escaped from a lab. Notably, the Wuhan lab, from which Fauci had long said the virus did not escape, actually received funding from the NIAID. Moreover, released emails show that Fauci was informed very early on that experts were suspicious of the theory that the virus developed naturally.

Some of these missteps might be the result of human error—and Fauci’s lack of omniscience. But he’s also admitted to outright lying, like when he provided public health guidance based not on the science, but on polling data. When more Americans told pollsters they would take a vaccine, Fauci told the New York Times he revised upward his estimate on how long it would take to reach herd immunity.

And during a congressional hearing. Senator Rand Paul suggested that Fauci, since he’d already been fully vaccinated, was wearing a mask as public health theatre. Fauci denied this, saying the mask was protective. But in a later interview with ABC, he admitted that he actually wore the mask as a signal; because he was immunized, his chances of being infected indoors were extremely low.

Here is Rand Paul just eviscerating him as he has done multiple times.

On vaccines for children:


On the Wu Han lab.


Hopefully this is enough explanation to justify my opinion that Fauci is just one step below a War Criminal and should have a one way airline ticket booked to China for exile departing the day after the elections in the likely outcome that Republicans retake the house.

I would also like to give follow poster Ben, (Sexymarinerfan) who has been on the front lines working in a major Texas hospital for the duration of the pandemic an opportunity to elaborate in his reaction to the news.
OMG!!! I THINK I'M GONNA FUCKING PUKE!!!!!! FUCK THIS MFer!!!!!!! Piece of fucking shit!!! Goddamn Mariners! And fuck you Mariners brass for celebrating this douchebag!!

Posts: 1398
Joined: Thu May 02, 2019 4:59 pm
Location: Portland OR

Re: Fauci to throw out first pitch

Post by harmony » Tue Aug 09, 2022 8:09 pm

D-train wrote:
Tue Aug 09, 2022 7:16 pm
harmony wrote:
Tue Aug 09, 2022 4:38 pm
D-train wrote:
Tue Aug 09, 2022 11:18 am

You know he was one of the nerds that got stuffed in trash cans and has had an inferiority complex his entire life and has been getting off on a total power trip ever since the start of the pandemic and just loves trying to control people.
On what do you base that assertion?

https://www.sbnation.com/nba/2020/4/4/2 ... tball-team

https://www.wsj.com/articles/dr-fauci-w ... 1585479601

Anthony Fauci is an 81-year-old who once received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from a Republican. The announcement that Fauci will throw out a first pitch has certainly brought out this forum's snowflakes.

https://www.urbandictionary.com/define. ... =Snowflake..

Pardon my rare name-calling. ;)

If Fauci is a poor choice to throw out first pitch, provide cogent reasons in defense of that position. Avoid the bombastic name-calling of Fauci's harshest critic, economist Peter Navarro, whose book In Trump Time I recently read.

Undertake some basic research to support whatever side you take.
Sorry, I assumed everyone here was actually paying attention the past 2.5 years so I didn't think I needed to expound on basic facts that this idiot has caused tremendous and in many cases irreparable harm on 10s of millions of people in this country through his inane, draconian, fear mongering policies, strategies and mandates. None of which had any meaningful or measurable positive impact on the Pandemic that is still going on over 2.5 YEARS after the first case was identified.

However, I should not be surprised since 10s of millions of others like you have chose to inexplicably anoint him hero, saint, savior and the unquestioned authority on all things Pandemic including the fools that were brainwashed with media propaganda to not only believe he somehow was deserving of the Hutch award but the Mariners org that felt he should once again be allowed to make of fool of himself in a large public setting as he did last year at the Nationals game.

Since you are somehow seemingly oblivious to his Mind numbing mistakes, Lies and Lies on Videotape I shall grant your request for an education.

First all, I believe I have a bit more credibility than the average person given I have been in the Biotech/Pharma industry for over 25 years focused on Market Research and Forecasting of Dozens of Oncology, Autoimmune and Neurologic therapies including being on the launch team of the 3rd most successful biologic of all time, Enbrel which has positively impacted the lives of millions of Rheumatoid arthritis, Plaque psoriasis
Psoriatic arthritis, Polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis and Ankylosing spondylitis patients and their families around the world.

Secondly, I am not, never have been nor never will be a Republican so that award you cited is meaningless.

The following is a list of some of the absurd policies which led to often catastrophic outcomes as well as documentation of the lies he told.

1. At the beginning when the outbreak was at its worst and the death rates were at their highest he advised that masks were not necessary of average citizens. He later admitted to lying about this stating that he was concerned there would be a shortage of mask by healthcare workers on the front lines. This set the precedent that he had an "the ends justify the means strategy" with those means including lying. He has employed this philosophy throughout the pandemic despite the desired ends literally NEVER coming to fruition.

2. The lockdowns. Fauci decided to go with a policy rooted in a mentality that Hundreds of millions should sacrifice to protect the minority of elderly and health concerns instead of the far more effective and logical strategy to simple protect the vulnerable, all for the made up objective to flatten the curve.

This led to the following:
a. Families not being able to see their loved ones.
b. Families not being able to attend funeral services, religious ceremonies or visit loved ones in the hospitals or nursing home.
c. 10s of millions of people losing their jobs, livelihoods and right to earn a livin
d. Hundreds of thousands of small businesses going out of business, many permanently
e. 10s of millions of school children having to go remotely resulting in devastating impacts on their education and extra curricular activities
f. Instill irrational fear that led to the following examples of people completely losing their minds:
The Worst Offenders
Elementary school children in WA state forced to eat lunch out side in 38 degree weather.
Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer issued a draconian order that not only required most businesses to close, but also:
forced hardware stores, which were allowed to remain open, to close off the parts of their stores that sold carpet, flooring, furniture, garden supplies, and paint;
disregarded businesses’ free speech rights by prohibiting them from advertising or promoting any goods other than “groceries, medical supplies, or items that are necessary to maintain the safety, sanitation, and basic operation of residences”;
banned motorboats, jet skis, and other watercraft, while allowing the use of kayaks, canoes, and sailboats; and
prohibited residents from traveling to a second home or a vacation rental.
Vermont Governor Phil Scott announced that no one may gather with anyone from another household—even outdoors. He justified the ban because “you don’t know what your neighbor has done.” (He later amended the order to allow socially distanced walks with one other person.)
Villages in New York banned the use of leaf-blowers. According to the mayor of Sleepy Hollow, because of the COVID pandemic, blowing dust into the air “creates a HAZMAT situation.” And in Croton-on-Hudson, the Village manager expressed “concern that the use of leaf blowers may be contributing to the spread of the virus although there is no scientific proof of this.”
Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker imposed a “no exceptions” mask mandate requiring everyone age 5 and older to wear masks in public, even when outdoors and socially distanced (or, presumably, alone).
Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti banned all travel other than for essential activities, including “travel on foot, bicycle, scooter, motorcycle, automobile, or public transit.” In other words, no unnecessary walking
The mayor of Louisville, Kentucky, banned drive-in church services for Easter. Fortunately, a federal judge put a stop to the ban, writing that the mayor’s order was something “this court never expected to see outside the pages of a dystopian novel, or perhaps the pages of The Onion.”
But it wasn’t just the measures themselves that were troublesome. The enforcement of these new laws was also overzealous and absurd.

Police in Encinitas, California, cited 22 people for “watching the sunset” and “having picnics near the beach.” Violations carry fines of up to $1,000 and up to six months in jail.
A 19-year-old woman in Pennsylvania was stopped by police and given a $200 ticket when she went for a drive—alone—“just to get out of the house.”
In California, police chased down and arrested paddleboarders and surfers who went out in the ocean—socially distanced from anyone.
A man in Brighton, Colorado, was arrested for playing catch with his 6-year-old daughter on a near-empty softball field.
3. The vaccines - the vaccines were initially billed and marketed as miraculously essentially having close to 100% efficacy both in terms of preventing infection and illness but would stop the spread as well. This lead to absurd vaccine mandate which later proved to be completely nonsensical and resulting in healthy young people who chose not to get vaccinated to be irrationally scapegoated and demonized. This attitude has continued to this day despite the fact that vaccines have shown to be completely ineffective in preventing infection so the unvaccinated are only potentially jeopardizing their own health possibly risking more severe disease.

4. The origin of the Virus - Due to his connection to the US funding of Wu Han lab he was initially hyper focused on diverting and deflecting by pushing the the narrative that it had to have emerged from the Wet animal markets near the lab. Anyone suggesting the much more logical likelihood that it came for the labs that were literally engaged in "gain of function" research were labeled as conspiracy theorists and were discredited in an attempt to silence them. It is now mainstream thinking that the lab is by far the most likely source.

What makes matters worse he seems to be a self absorbed arrogant narcissist that has a "how dare anyone doubt me" attitude.
It’s a phenomenon that appears to have gone to his head. Earlier this month, in response to criticism he’d received, he told MSNBC that “if you are trying to get at me as a public health official and a scientist, you’re really attacking not only Dr. Anthony Fauci, you’re attacking science.”

It was plain to anybody who was paying attention that “science and truth are being attacked,” Fauci claimed, apparently trying to elevate his stature as the arbiter of scientific truth to something approximating the Catholic doctrine on the infallibility of the Pope.

But of course, it makes no sense to conflate the opinions of any one individual with science and truth. Government scientists such as Fauci are, after all, human beings, and like all human beings, are not entirely trustworthy because they’re not omniscient (and they sometimes lie).
Here is his famously Instyle magazine shoot which makes Russell Wilson seem modest.

https://www.instyle.com/news/dr-fauci-s ... -effective

More mistakes:
In a recent essay in National Review, writer Michael Brendan Dougherty documents Fauci’s many missteps over the past year and a half, many of which were of material importance. For example, in the weeks leading up to the lockdown announcements in March 2020, Fauci gave interviews telling everybody that wearing masks in public was useless and that the coronavirus should concern them less than the seasonal flu.

Another example. Fauci long suggested that the coronavirus had natural origins, and his dismissal of the idea that it escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology was largely responsible for the lab leak theory being widely regarded as a conspiracy theory. Facebook even took down posts claiming the virus was manmade or manufactured, labelling such posts “misinformation”.

But Fauci—and Facebook—have since backpedalled, now admitting that the coronavirus could have escaped from a lab. Notably, the Wuhan lab, from which Fauci had long said the virus did not escape, actually received funding from the NIAID. Moreover, released emails show that Fauci was informed very early on that experts were suspicious of the theory that the virus developed naturally.

Some of these missteps might be the result of human error—and Fauci’s lack of omniscience. But he’s also admitted to outright lying, like when he provided public health guidance based not on the science, but on polling data. When more Americans told pollsters they would take a vaccine, Fauci told the New York Times he revised upward his estimate on how long it would take to reach herd immunity.

And during a congressional hearing. Senator Rand Paul suggested that Fauci, since he’d already been fully vaccinated, was wearing a mask as public health theatre. Fauci denied this, saying the mask was protective. But in a later interview with ABC, he admitted that he actually wore the mask as a signal; because he was immunized, his chances of being infected indoors were extremely low.

Here is Rand Paul just eviscerating him as he has done multiple times.

On vaccines for children:


On the Wu Han lab.


Hopefully this is enough explanation to justify my opinion that Fauci is just one step below a War Criminal and should have a one way airline ticket booked to China for exile departing the day after the elections in the likely outcome that Republicans retake the house.

I would also like to give follow poster Ben, (Sexymarinerfan) who has been on the front lines working in a major Texas hospital for the duration of the pandemic an opportunity to elaborate in his reaction to the news.
OMG!!! I THINK I'M GONNA FUCKING PUKE!!!!!! FUCK THIS MFer!!!!!!! Piece of fucking shit!!! Goddamn Mariners! And fuck you Mariners brass for celebrating this douchebag!!
That's better ... thank you for the elaboration.

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Re: Fauci to throw out first pitch

Post by D-train » Tue Aug 09, 2022 8:21 pm

You're welcome! :)

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Coeurd’Alene J
Posts: 5437
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Re: Fauci to throw out first pitch

Post by Coeurd’Alene J » Tue Aug 09, 2022 9:30 pm

Well thought out Darren

There is a lot more including outright lies

Fauci lied about funding the wuhan lab…he funded it through other organizations…he lied

He willfully lied about masks not effective to prevent mask shortages

He lied to women about the vaccine and menstration problems….more info is coming out everyday refuting Fauci

He continually blamed unvaccinated people for spreading Covid…..Remember this was a pandemic of the unvaccinated ….. pure lie

The guy should be fired prosecuted and imprisoned……..no saint fauci is celebrated by ignorant Americans

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Re: Fauci to throw out first pitch

Post by D-train » Tue Aug 09, 2022 10:08 pm

Coeurd’Alene J wrote:
Tue Aug 09, 2022 9:30 pm
Well thought out Darren

There is a lot more including outright lies

Fauci lied about funding the wuhan lab…he funded it through other organizations…he lied

He willfully lied about masks not effective to prevent mask shortages

He lied to women about the vaccine and menstration problems….more info is coming out everyday refuting Fauci

He continually blamed unvaccinated people for spreading Covid…..Remember this was a pandemic of the unvaccinated ….. pure lie

The guy should be fired prosecuted and imprisoned……..no saint fauci is celebrated by ignorant Americans
Thanks brother. I did touch on most of those other than the women having issues.

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Location: Portland OR

Re: Fauci to throw out first pitch

Post by harmony » Tue Aug 09, 2022 10:16 pm

Coeurd’Alene J wrote:
Tue Aug 09, 2022 9:30 pm
Well thought out Darren

There is a lot more including outright lies

Fauci lied about funding the wuhan lab…he funded it through other organizations…he lied

He willfully lied about masks not effective to prevent mask shortages

He lied to women about the vaccine and menstration problems….more info is coming out everyday refuting Fauci

He continually blamed unvaccinated people for spreading Covid…..Remember this was a pandemic of the unvaccinated ….. pure lie

The guy should be fired prosecuted and imprisoned……..no saint fauci is celebrated by ignorant Americans
Another viewpoint:


Perhaps after Anthony Fauci throws out the first pitch in a few hours we can go back to discussing baseball. ;)

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Re: Fauci to throw out first pitch

Post by D-train » Tue Aug 09, 2022 10:37 pm

harmony wrote:
Tue Aug 09, 2022 10:16 pm
Coeurd’Alene J wrote:
Tue Aug 09, 2022 9:30 pm
Well thought out Darren

There is a lot more including outright lies

Fauci lied about funding the wuhan lab…he funded it through other organizations…he lied

He willfully lied about masks not effective to prevent mask shortages

He lied to women about the vaccine and menstration problems….more info is coming out everyday refuting Fauci

He continually blamed unvaccinated people for spreading Covid…..Remember this was a pandemic of the unvaccinated ….. pure lie

The guy should be fired prosecuted and imprisoned……..no saint fauci is celebrated by ignorant Americans
Another viewpoint:


Perhaps after Anthony Fauci throws out the first pitch in a few hours we can go back to discussing baseball. ;)
Yep, I would have put it in the Politics forum as per usual if it was for another team but this is a Mariners forum as well and involves our fav team so...I have obviously said all I have to say on the matter. :)

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Re: Fauci to throw out first pitch

Post by Sexymarinersfan » Tue Aug 09, 2022 11:53 pm

harmony wrote:
Tue Aug 09, 2022 10:16 pm
Coeurd’Alene J wrote:
Tue Aug 09, 2022 9:30 pm
Well thought out Darren

There is a lot more including outright lies

Fauci lied about funding the wuhan lab…he funded it through other organizations…he lied

He willfully lied about masks not effective to prevent mask shortages

He lied to women about the vaccine and menstration problems….more info is coming out everyday refuting Fauci

He continually blamed unvaccinated people for spreading Covid…..Remember this was a pandemic of the unvaccinated ….. pure lie

The guy should be fired prosecuted and imprisoned……..no saint fauci is celebrated by ignorant Americans
Another viewpoint:


Perhaps after Anthony Fauci throws out the first pitch in a few hours we can go back to discussing baseball. ;)
Fauci said mask were ineffective than said wear masks and then double mask. Forced lockdowns and multiple shots which did absolutely nothing. Harshest enforced states worse results than states that stayed open. Lied under oath to congress nunerous about gain of function research and funding the wuhan lab in china where the virus leaked. Completely disregarded natural immunity and still forced vaccines knowing people were losing their job over it and businesses were being fined if not falling in line with vaccinations.
Now we know mask have no effect and the vaccines were pretty much ineffective. They changed the definition of vaccine to fit their narrative on getting multiple shots and boosters. It was there way of justifying all the shots. He was just acting like a tyrant and abusing his power. Took away peoples freedom of choice and used the human population to experiment on with experimental vaccines.

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