The way I distinguish between the two.....?How would you distinguish between MAGA and the extreme right?
I hadn't really thought about it. But what I do know is that the MSM, Biden, Clinton, etc... all believe that anyone that doesn't support their exact views is extreme right. The media is so bad, they have Brandon calling EVERYONE that supports Trump as Ultra MAGA.
Do I fall into the category of MAGA just because I support most of President Trumps policies? If that makes me MAGA, then I have been MAGA since the 1990's.
Limited immigration; Bring in people that make America better, not provide an expense for us.
Abortion; Not a valid form of birth control, and needs to be closely monitored.
Weapons (GUNS); Let the peoples right not be infringed, but certainly keep them out of the hands of the clinically challenged and criminals.
Care to explain how you can't support this?
Are you for open boarders?
Are you for "abortion on demand, until birth"?
Are you for unarming the people?