Donn Beach wrote: ↑Sat Aug 03, 2024 1:14 pm
Because it's not a solution, again walls have a purpose but believing building a wall will solve the illegal immigration issues is simplistic and wrong. Trump contends it was built and it hasn't solved anything. There were already walls along the border. Most of the distance of the new wall already had previous ones. Folks love a simple answer but it's really not solving anything. You realize nearly half of illegal immigrants consist of visa overstays. What does a wall do to solve that?
The wall is symbolic, it is part of the bit about being a "sovereign nation" and knowing who is with-in our borders and why, and for how long. Are they mentally ill, a career criminal, do they have courageous diseases? When I was deployed to the Gulf region when we landed in Kuwait we were all screened for disease. These "open borders" nut cases that insist that every person crossing the border is a wonderful addition to the tapestry of the American quilt are woefully foolish. Legal immigrants are generally accepted from high SES people: high degrees of education, morals, merit, and the like. Illegal immigrants are generally from low (Social Economic Status) = high degrees of poor health mental, physical, high degrees of criminality, higher percentage of illiterate and low IQ types.
The wall should be part of a system. When I rent/ buy a house, car, cough syrup, a lighter, a beer, a cell phone I prove who I am and am allowed to purchase the item. People in the US identify themselves all the time. Those that don't belong should be returned to their country of origin along with a bill for the resources it cost the US taxpayer to house them and fly them back.
This shit headed attempt by the Dims to claim they are on a higher moral plane and are being sympathetic to poor and beautiful immigrants while pandering to that identity group and counting on incoming majority democrat votes? My god, the power hungry dims. Who cares if the country is becoming poorer by the day as long as I am in power! It is a better outcome. Democrats are evil, immoral, dishonest, condescending, war-mongering, fascists, without a single redeeming quality.