Official Mid Terms thread

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Re: Official Mid Terms thread

Post by Bil522 » Thu Nov 03, 2022 8:00 am

Mel Bradford wrote:
Tue Nov 01, 2022 11:07 pm
Patty Murray.....the "mom in tennis shoes"....looks like DC hamburger. Its the face that has never said no to crime or yes to the truth.

I know we're long past the proper role of a US Senator. But it makes me cringe when they say how much they "help" people. Senators have morphed into glorified representatives. Almost tenured and worthless.

The best definition and disposition of what a US senator should be is Governor DeSantis. An outspoken proponent of his state interest.
I think Sen.Ted Cruz and Sen.John Kennedy both serve as the epitome of Senatorial decorum and class.

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Re: Official Mid Terms thread

Post by D-train » Thu Nov 03, 2022 4:57 pm


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Re: Official Mid Terms thread

Post by D-train » Thu Nov 03, 2022 7:57 pm

Still Surging!!!

45 to 55 in about two weeks.....
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Re: Official Mid Terms thread

Post by DanielVogelbach » Sat Nov 05, 2022 5:20 am

You guys still believe politics is real? If voting mattered, they wouldn't let you do it. Politics never changes the course of government. It's as fake as pro wrestling. Two wings of the same bird. Sure the Republican message might seem more sane than the mental disorder called liberalism, but nothing ever comes out of it. Wasn't Trump supposed to drain the swamp?

Elections only serve one purpose, which is to legitimize the system. But, in fact, there's nothing legitimate about "government". All taxation is extortion. Unless you're acting aggressively toward others nobody has the right to force you into a contract. Central banking works with government to keep everyone enslaved. They can print money any time they want, but yet they still tax you. It's all one giant scam.

Voting is essentially an obedience ritual. Politicians have no power. They're all puppets. Furthermore, why do we celebrate democracy? Why should the only option be to force people to do things they don't want to do. One classic example of democracy in action is a gang rape. Majority rules is ridiculous. If the minority isn't acting aggressively, then morally they should be allowed to do their thing. Almost every "law" is illegitimate, because contracts can't be made without both parties consenting. Nobody has legitimate authority to rule over you just because you were born into a certain geographic area.

Voting is probably the least effective way of brining about any real change. You can't vote your way out of tyranny. The only option is disobedience. I don't like that word, but you know what I mean. Voting is playing their game and buying into the legitimacy of an illegitimate system. A few years ago I learned about voluntaryism, and I've never looked back. The truth, though, is that most people are frightened of true freedom. They want the system to take care of them. They want to feel safe. Well, a zoo animal is much safer than a wild animal. If your interested in real freedom, check out voluntaryism. Check out Exit the financial system by using precious metals and crypto currency. Stop voting and participating in politics.

It's not about putting the right person in the throne, it's about getting rid of the throne altogether. Decentralize. Parallel societies.

Every service provided by the so-called government can be better provided by the private sector. Furthermore, we get absolutely nothing from the Federal government other than the military. They don't build roads or schools. Not that we really need to be sending our kids to government schools aka indoctrination camps. Half the reason we buy into the system is because we get brainwashed for 12-16 years in government schools.

The problem isn't the republicans or the democrats, the problem is the statist mentality - the idea that we actually need "government" to keep order. Nope. Government is the powerful group of armed thugs people are worried will take over in the absence of government. The key is to decentralize. Splitting the USA into 50 "countries" would be a good start. But ultimately, each individual person should be their own sovereign. All human interaction should be voluntary - "government" is nothing but force, which is objectively immoral.

I consider myself to be a libertarian, but I have no interest in the Libertarian party. I want nothing to do with legitimizing the system.

Peace, Love and Anarchy!

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Re: Official Mid Terms thread

Post by D-train » Sat Nov 05, 2022 4:10 pm

If you think there is no difference between a liberal controlled US government vs. conservative you must have been living on or in Uranus for the past two years....

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Re: Official Mid Terms thread

Post by gil » Sat Nov 05, 2022 7:54 pm

D-train wrote:
Sat Nov 05, 2022 4:10 pm
If you think there is no difference between a liberal controlled US government vs. conservative you must have been living on or in Uranus for the past two years....
Agree with the sentiment. Wasn't it Sawant who said in 2016 that there was no difference between H. Clinton and D. Trump?

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Re: Official Mid Terms thread

Post by gil » Sun Nov 06, 2022 7:21 pm now has 53% chance that Republicans take the Senate (down from 55% a few days ago). I looked a bit closer and this is their "deluxe" model. Their "lite" model, based on polls only, has 54% chance for Democrats. Their "classic" model ("based on polls, fundraising, past voting patterns and more") has 53% chance for Democrats. The "deluxe" model (the default on their page that shows a 53% chance for Republicans) "add[s] experts' ratings to the Classic forecast."

Obviously, if no Senate races result on a flip from one party to another, the Senate will still be 50-50. It looks like Nevada and Georgia are the most likely flips from Democrat to Republican, and Pennsylvania is the most likely flip from Republican to Democrat. If nothing else flips, whichever party wins at least 2 of those 3 races will control the Senate.

My guess is that Republicans will win both PA and NV, and GA will go to a runoff election. That would mean Republicans 51-48 advantage, with GA to be determined later when they do the runoff. I predict Democrats win that runoff, so the Senate will be in Republican control, 51-49.

The Democrats obviously hope to win all 3, giving them 51 seats. If there is a late wave of voters for Democrats, they could hope to win a few other states: WI, OH, and NC looks like the best opportunities. That would be 54 seats for Democrats and a stunning loss for Republicans.

On the other hand, if Republicans win all 3, they would have 52 seats. If there is a late wave of voters for Republicans, and that certainly seems to be how the momentum has been, they could hope to win a few other states: NH, AZ, and even WA look like the best opportunities. That would be 55 seats for Republicans and a stunning loss for Democrats.

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Re: Official Mid Terms thread

Post by D-train » Mon Nov 07, 2022 8:17 pm

This is so hilarious. Dem Donors spent hundreds of millions to back Trump backed "Election deniers" Then they spent months on the Jan 6th nonsense to paint these candidates as "A threat to our DEMOCRACY!"

Now they are almost all leading their races and will likely win tomorrow. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Just Comedic GOLD! Dumb assess. ... erm-races/

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Re: Official Mid Terms thread

Post by D-train » Mon Nov 07, 2022 8:22 pm

gil wrote:
Sun Nov 06, 2022 7:21 pm now has 53% chance that Republicans take the Senate (down from 55% a few days ago). I looked a bit closer and this is their "deluxe" model. Their "lite" model, based on polls only, has 54% chance for Democrats. Their "classic" model ("based on polls, fundraising, past voting patterns and more") has 53% chance for Democrats. The "deluxe" model (the default on their page that shows a 53% chance for Republicans) "add[s] experts' ratings to the Classic forecast."

Obviously, if no Senate races result on a flip from one party to another, the Senate will still be 50-50. It looks like Nevada and Georgia are the most likely flips from Democrat to Republican, and Pennsylvania is the most likely flip from Republican to Democrat. If nothing else flips, whichever party wins at least 2 of those 3 races will control the Senate.

My guess is that Republicans will win both PA and NV, and GA will go to a runoff election. That would mean Republicans 51-48 advantage, with GA to be determined later when they do the runoff. I predict Democrats win that runoff, so the Senate will be in Republican control, 51-49.

The Democrats obviously hope to win all 3, giving them 51 seats. If there is a late wave of voters for Democrats, they could hope to win a few other states: WI, OH, and NC looks like the best opportunities. That would be 54 seats for Democrats and a stunning loss for Republicans.

On the other hand, if Republicans win all 3, they would have 52 seats. If there is a late wave of voters for Republicans, and that certainly seems to be how the momentum has been, they could hope to win a few other states: NH, AZ, and even WA look like the best opportunities. That would be 55 seats for Republicans and a stunning loss for Democrats.
Thanks for all that math, and nailing down what happens in the battle ground states. Actually the best assessment I have seen. No idea why it is so hard to find. I think the troll in tennis shoes hangs on in WA but Dems lose in NH or AZ and Herschel and Oz win landing at 53 for the Rs. All these are solid Red right now: WI, OH, and NC

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Re: Official Mid Terms thread

Post by DanielVogelbach » Tue Nov 08, 2022 5:18 am

D-train wrote:
Sat Nov 05, 2022 4:10 pm
If you think there is no difference between a liberal controlled US government vs. conservative you must have been living on or in Uranus for the past two years....

It's all a show. Two wings of the same bird. Pro wrestling. Politics has no impact on the course of government. Government always serves the ruling class and the private bankers. Furthermore, there's nothing legitimate about it. Nobody has the right to force a peaceful person to do anything. Government is organized crime. An extortion racket. The ruling class doesn't care who you vote for. The key for the ruling class is that you continue to believe in the authority of the government. That's all that matters. They don't care who you vote for, as long as you buy into the system.

You can't vote your way out of tyranny. If voting mattered, they wouldn't let you do it. The key isn't to put a new person in the throne. The key is to remove the throne altogether.

There is no service provided by government that couldn't be provided better by the free market. The education system is nothing but government indoctrination. We all get brainwashed into thinking it's just normal to have 100 people in DC making laws that 300 million people must follow. We all get brainwashed into thinking that taxation is not extortion. We can't even watch a sporting event without a national sing-a-long and flag worship.

Conservative talking points are mostly common sense. Conservatives claim to value freedom, but they don't realize that voting for politicians doesn't provide any sort of freedom. Just look at history. We were far more free under colonial rule. The debt just grows. The government just grows. The freedom just erodes. But, conservatives are pacified by the politics. Libertarians, anarchists, and voluntaryists see through the bullshit. I'm not talking about the Libertarian party either, just people that realize there's nothing legitimate about government and desire real freedom.

Voting is an obedience ritual and makes no difference in the course of government. The exception to this might be at an extremely local level, but the higher you go up, the more of a puppet show it becomes. It doesn't matter if it's Obama or Trump or Biden, they're all minions of the system. Pawns on the chessboard. Completely controlled. Nobody that shows their face on television has any real power. That includes the so-called richest men in the world like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, etc. Those guys are paupers compared to the folks that really run things.

What makes a difference in society is when people stop following orders. However, the elites know this, and they're careful to push very gradually and make sure we get our bread and circuses, so we don't rise up. They also make sure we are well divided into our little camps. Liberal. Conservative. Gay. Straight. American. Chinese. Black. White. Christian. Muslim. Mariners Fan. Astros Fan. Any sort of way they can divide works to keep us under their control.

The government has no power without order followers. But, conservatives are generally obedient. They generally support police and the military. They generally transact using fiat currency. They generally pay their taxes. They send their kids to the indoctrination camps. They generally believe in the government's right-to-rule and they support enforcing the imaginary lines called borders and infringing upon the natural human right to travel freely. Did you know that prior to WW1 there were no passports? You could just travel freely without anyone ever checking your papers.

Note: I support no country or government, therefore I support so-called "open borders". But, this doesn't work when there are government sponsored welfare programs or an incentive to get immigrants to vote a certain way. But, in a truly free market, people should be able to travel as they please. Of course, this gets into private property rights and how those differ vs state borders. In general, the rule is that if you can defend it, you can call it your own. You can even hire your own guards and your private property would largely resemble a government zone. The difference is when you use banking scams and tax scams and use force against peaceful people and you aren't viewed as a criminal. People recognize the mafia as a criminal organization, so they're not able to screw people over in the same way as a nation state where the kids are all brainwashed to worship the flag and eventually vote in elections. In general, trade brings prosperity. In a voluntary society, you can opt to not trade with evil people, but in a government you are forced to use their fiat currency and pay your extortion fees. In short, the government is the armed group of thugs that people are worried will take over in the absence of government.

The path to anarchism and objective morality generally does go through conservatism. It's a much closer ideology than liberalism in terms of understanding the value of freedom. But, getting all wrapped up in bullshit like mid-term elections does nothing to benefit anyone - it's exactly what the ruling class wants you to be fixated on. That being said, many of the things that the system doesn't like such as growing your own food or running an independent small business are things that conservatives often times do. Those things do make a difference. It's the politics part that is a total waste of time and energy and only serves to make the ruling class stronger.

Liberalism is a true mental disorder. Liberalism is the idea that you can fix the problems created by government by adding more government. Liberal talking points are about emotion. Conservative talking points are bout common sense, but with the backdrop of legitimizing central bank fiat currency scams and massive amounts of taxation and spending under the banner of "lower taxes" and "balanced budgets". At the "country" level, the conservatives play the international game as well - claiming that each country is sovereign when it's obvious that we live under a one world system where so-called leaders of each country are all controlled by the same central authority. How else would basically all worldwide manufacturing be moved to China, for example. The world is essentially ran from 3 places, The city of London, The Vatican, and Washington DC. The wars are all orchestrated. The enemies are fabricated to add further legitimacy to the militaries and necessity for government.

Republicans are basically another form of socialist. Socialized police. Socialized military. Socialized border control. Socialized education. Sure, the conservative might be against teaching kids about transgender, but how many of them are saying that all public schools are immoral due to the fact that they're funded by means of extortion. Remember, you can't morally delegate rights you don't have. If it's not okay for you to rob your neighbor at gunpoint to pay for schools, then it's not okay for your so-called "representative" do to it either.

Show me the conservative candidate keeping it real running on a platform to abolish the Federal reserve and all taxation. Show me the conservative calling out the entire government as a giant extortion racket. The conservatives are still eating off the taxation. They are still serving the ruling class. They are there specifically to make you think voting makes a difference. I'm here to tell you it's all a ruse. It's always a trap if you think voting for a politician will make your life better.

Politics is all talk. It's a show. Pro wrestling. There is no threat to the system when partaking in democracy. Voting is not resistance, voting is obedience. Furthermore, the entire concept of democracy is idiotic. We shouldn't have to vote for our rulers. There should be no rulers. We shouldn't always be focused on forcing others to do anything. All human interaction should be voluntary. If 55% want one way and 45% want the other way, then that's how it should be. There's no reason to force people to do things your way. It's like they say, "ideas so good they have to be mandatory". The only law is natural law. All statutory law is illegitimate and basically equates to contract law made without both parties consent.

All we really need is our tax money back and a sound money system, and things would improve drastically. For this reason, I'm a proponent of transacting using gold, silver, or cryptocurrency. But you have to take physical possession of the metals. There's something like 1,000 claims on every ounce of silver. It's totally manipulated through derivatives. But, if everyone started purchasing physical silver coins and using cryptocurrency that could make a huge difference. Voting for the next conservative candidate will not change anything. Voting is playing their game. What if there was a war and nobody showed up? What if there was an election and nobody showed up? Stop feeding energy into the system.

Lastly, you don't really need the government's permission to do anything. You can form parallel societies. Most people are actually frightened by the concept of freedom. They like being slaves. They would rather be the animal in the zoo than the animal in the wild. So, it seems like an impossible challenge to wake the world up to the benefits of anarchy. But, there are many ways to at least partially exit the system and build something new without asking your legislature to give you permission. Lol. Some resources I'm aware of are where you can look into intentional communities. Or to join groups of liberty minded individuals working together. You can homeschool your kids. You can grow your own food from heirloom seeds. You can power your home with solar panels. You can use private cryptocurrencies and find off-grid marketplaces. These are some strategies for true resistance against the system. Voting for Ron Desantis ain't gonna do shit. When your politician wins, it's going to have about the same impact on your life as when your favorite sports team wins. Feels good for a little while, and then you realize it changes nothing.

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