In memoriam: Mariners vs Rangers game thread

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Donn Beach
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Re: In memorium: Mariners vs Rangers game thread

Post by Donn Beach » Tue May 28, 2019 4:47 pm

never had a problem with it, and maybe he was everything he said he, though it didn't really seem to ring terms of personas that holds particularly true with the internet. In fact I have always found it rather endearing, i mean there is a thing about needing to get the truth, the fear of being scammed or whatever but if its harmless then sure run with it.

reminds me of the legendary cartoon...on the internet nobody knows you are a dog ... et_dog.jpg

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Dr Naysay
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Re: In memorium: Mariners vs Rangers game thread

Post by Dr Naysay » Tue May 28, 2019 4:47 pm

It was a Baseball thread about Ichiro not a Political thread.

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Re: In memorium: Mariners vs Rangers game thread

Post by DavidGee24 » Tue May 28, 2019 4:57 pm

D-train wrote:
Tue May 28, 2019 3:07 pm
The thing that really got me was when he said it was dumb to change your approach at the plate when you have two strikes and his opinion that pitching framing was pointless and of course the time he said he hit a walk off HR on the road. :lol:
Oh yeah, I remember that LOL. Maybe he was playing for the Marlins in that series against the Mariners a few years ago where even though the Marlins were the home team they had to play in Seattle because there was a scheduling conflict with U2 in Miami. I wonder if Bono called to congratulate him afterwards.

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Re: In memorium: Mariners vs Rangers game thread

Post by DavidGee24 » Tue May 28, 2019 5:18 pm

Greatest M's Fan wrote:
Tue May 28, 2019 7:32 am
Nope, sorry Meat. Still here. I just refuse to change my life around to watch every M's game, especially when I know the outcome will be bad. Unlike yourself, who is a braindead wanna-be meathead, I have better things to do. Watching your star starting rotation you've surely praised on the other forum (of course you'll deny it here like a lying little bitch) is NOT enjoyable. I like my starting rotation actually good.

Of couse you being the "behind the computer", bully bitch that you are, you need to drag your defenders into your moronic arguments in the instance that you are inevitably bitch slapped here about your stupidity. You sissy-ass bitch. "I'm meat, I rule the forum."

I mean you're such an imbecile, you assume anybody that disagrees with your brainless opinions is "livesmatters". You've spent years of your worthless existence bashing a person with a self admitted physical disability on a sports forum. That makes you & anybody who defends that behavior a total sack of shit. You're such a raging low-life, you attack the disabled. Good job tough guy. You lobotomized meathead.

And when did your favorite bully target "livesmatter" call you "meat"? That would be NEVER, you moron. "I'm meat, don't make fun of my favorite players, they read my posts & they love me". "I'm meat, one day Seager will autograph my poster, one day.... I just know it." "I'm meat, maybe if I keep sucking Cano's asshole when he GIDP's everytime, he'll give me a ride in his cool car, maybe I can ride on his lap?"

I know you cant handle it by yourself when you get repeatedly chumped here, that's why you need backup from other posters and/or accounts deleted, so why don't you stick to what you know best.... your goofy fat guy, lite beer slow pitch softball league & sitting on your fat thumbs which are firmly planted up your fat ass while you proclaim & then endlessly wait for your favorite boyfriends like LeBlanc, Leake, Millone, Marco to be good at pitching. Go ahead Meat, tell us how Millone is the "Next Moyer". You know you're dying to.

"I'm meat, I can't handle it when someone here disagrees with me or makes fun of a player, because I'm a sissy douche-bag." "Joan, Joan.... people I attacked for no reason are making fun of me & bitch slapping me, delete their account, delete their account, it's hatespeech!"

You loser chump. Meat the Moron.
So let us get this straight: your handle is "Greatest M's Fan" yet you just devoted probably 30 to 60 minutes of your life ranting about how much you hate the team. Oooookay. And by the way, I believe WAR has come over here as bpj so you can stop impersonating him.

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Re: In memorium: Mariners vs Rangers game thread

Post by Double Mocha Man » Tue May 28, 2019 5:20 pm

Sibelius Hindemith wrote:
Tue May 28, 2019 3:35 pm
He must have been involved with MLB in some capacity. He was just too consistent in the way he wrote his posts for it to be totally made up. Unless he is a delusional psychopath and actually believes all his stories.

You mean like the rest of us on here.

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Re: In memorium: Mariners vs Rangers game thread

Post by Happy as hell » Tue May 28, 2019 6:02 pm

Dr Naysay wrote:
Tue May 28, 2019 4:47 pm
It was a Baseball thread about Ichiro not a Political thread.
:lol: That could get even more heated.

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Re: In memorium: Mariners vs Rangers game thread

Post by bpj » Tue May 28, 2019 7:09 pm

I was gonna say.. I mean, I agree with the guy- but I dont want to be confused with anyone else. Glad the nickname's catching on though.

I found it odd he was still calling you Meat though. It's Meatless. At least follow along if you're gonna borrow nicknames.

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Re: In memorium: Mariners vs Rangers game thread

Post by DavidGee24 » Tue May 28, 2019 8:49 pm

Agreed on that and I'm kind of glad you finally added the "less" as I feel uncomfortable about having another man calling me "Meat".

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Dr Naysay
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Re: In memorium: Mariners vs Rangers game thread

Post by Dr Naysay » Wed May 29, 2019 5:23 am

So someone has come on here and is stealing nicknames? I wonder who that could be. :mrgreen:

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Re: In memorium: Mariners vs Rangers game thread

Post by IStillLoveTheMs » Wed May 29, 2019 5:51 am

I thought Greatest M's fan was WAR. Didn't he always call you meat?

Or did someone else?

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