Only accept invites from Liberals and Socialists

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Re: Only accept invites from Liberals and Socialists

Post by DanielVogelbach » Sun Jul 21, 2019 11:58 pm

Moe Gibbs wrote:
Thu Jul 11, 2019 7:20 pm
The USA population has doubled in the past 60 years. Our quality of life has suffered on many levels as a result.
Population growth is a myth issue; there's plenty of room, abundant resources, and amazing technological driven efficiencies. The problem is the fiat money ponzi scheme. The prospertiy of the middle class was just a small window of years; we're now back to the classic system of feudalism. Quality of life is not suffering for the lords. For the serfs, it really doesn't matter if you're native born or immigrating from a worse situation. People are working their entire lives and dying with nothing.

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Re: Only accept invites from Liberals and Socialists

Post by D-train » Mon Jul 22, 2019 12:50 am

DanielVogelbach wrote:
Sun Jul 21, 2019 11:58 pm
Moe Gibbs wrote:
Thu Jul 11, 2019 7:20 pm
The USA population has doubled in the past 60 years. Our quality of life has suffered on many levels as a result.
Population growth is a myth issue; there's plenty of room, abundant resources, and amazing technological driven efficiencies. The problem is the fiat money ponzi scheme. The prospertiy of the middle class was just a small window of years; we're now back to the classic system of feudalism. Quality of life is not suffering for the lords. For the serfs, it really doesn't matter if you're native born or immigrating from a worse situation. People are working their entire lives and dying with nothing.
You really have to be pretty dumb to work all your life and die with nothing. My Dad isn't the smartest or saviest guy in the world. He once asked me if Bill Gates sets the price of Microsoft stock. When he retired in 2001 he was making about $40k a year. He and my Mom, who worked in a school kitchen as a baker, have now been comfortably retired for almost 20 years with not a financial care in the world. Not millionaires but my inheritance won't be insignificant.

So this notion that if you don't go to college and have it paid for by other Americans, you are doomed to be poverty stricken is one of the biggest myths perpetrated by the left along with if you don't agree with them you are racist.

Grandma Lynn
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Re: Only accept invites from Liberals and Socialists

Post by Grandma Lynn » Mon Jul 22, 2019 2:50 am

Trade schools are needed. Use to be
if the kid wasn't doing good in regular
school, they could go to a trade school.
Learn the trade and make good money!
No need for more schooling unless the
job you want requires it.

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Re: Only accept invites from Liberals and Socialists

Post by D-train » Mon Jul 22, 2019 3:42 am

Grandma Lynn wrote:
Mon Jul 22, 2019 2:50 am
Trade schools are needed. Use to be
if the kid wasn't doing good in regular
school, they could go to a trade school.
Learn the trade and make good money!
No need for more schooling unless the
job you want requires it.


Imagine if college was free how many trillions would be wasted on students that would go even though the didn't really want to but were told they couldn't pass up free college or just wanted to go for the football games and parties or had no chance of handling the curriculum. Never have seen such a blatant attempt of buying votes with other people's money in my life.

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Re: Only accept invites from Liberals and Socialists

Post by DanielVogelbach » Mon Jul 22, 2019 6:08 pm

D-train wrote:
Mon Jul 22, 2019 12:50 am
DanielVogelbach wrote:
Sun Jul 21, 2019 11:58 pm
Moe Gibbs wrote:
Thu Jul 11, 2019 7:20 pm
The USA population has doubled in the past 60 years. Our quality of life has suffered on many levels as a result.
Population growth is a myth issue; there's plenty of room, abundant resources, and amazing technological driven efficiencies. The problem is the fiat money ponzi scheme. The prospertiy of the middle class was just a small window of years; we're now back to the classic system of feudalism. Quality of life is not suffering for the lords. For the serfs, it really doesn't matter if you're native born or immigrating from a worse situation. People are working their entire lives and dying with nothing.
You really have to be pretty dumb to work all your life and die with nothing. My Dad isn't the smartest or saviest guy in the world. He once asked me if Bill Gates sets the price of Microsoft stock. When he retired in 2001 he was making about $40k a year. He and my Mom, who worked in a school kitchen as a baker, have now been comfortably retired for almost 20 years with not a financial care in the world. Not millionaires but my inheritance won't be insignificant.

So this notion that if you don't go to college and have it paid for by other Americans, you are doomed to be poverty stricken is one of the biggest myths perpetrated by the left along with if you don't agree with them you are racist.
The university system is a huge scam. All of their revenue is tax free. Even the football revenue is tax free. They invest the revenue and the returns are tax free. Meanwhile the students are crippled in debt. So, colleges are part of the problem. I mean, I like the idea of students and educators, but what we have are basically little mini religions extorting money from us. They even break out the robes for the commencement ceremonies. Most of the private schools just slam the religion right into the fabric of the institution. The government is already in on the university system extortion scam, as they insure the student loans. The bank is able to loan $100k to a 17 year old with zero risk as long as the money is funneled into the university system. So, I don't think free college is the answer. Attacking the scam is the answer. I would be more receptive to using taxpayer money for universities if we're first able to cut the costs by about 90%.

The main issue with your anecdote is that you're comparing 1970-2001 with the current state of the economy. My father had zero education beyond high school yet still retired a millionaire at age 55 in 2006. But, that period of booming middle class is long gone as shown by the numbers. We're now in a period of neo-feudalism. America is awash with wealth, yet so unequal that every month over half of Americans sink deeper into debt and most Americans die in debt. It's not because they're stupid, but rather because America is financing wars by extorting money from its citizens. The citizens will feel this in the form of taxes and inflation. Rising costs of healthcare, housing, and education are all evidence of this.

A major catalyst leading to the current situation was when Nixon took us off the gold standard in 1971. The gold standard kept banks in check and allowed for the middle class to prosper. With it's repeal, the banks are now able to inflate the money much easier. When new money is created, it goes first to the banks, the military, Wall Street, Hollywood, Silicon Valley, etc. And, the serfs get stuck with the short end of the stick.
Last edited by DanielVogelbach on Tue Jul 23, 2019 3:18 am, edited 1 time in total.

Grandma Lynn
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Re: Only accept invites from Liberals and Socialists

Post by Grandma Lynn » Tue Jul 23, 2019 2:40 am

D-train wrote:
Mon Jul 22, 2019 3:42 am
Grandma Lynn wrote:
Mon Jul 22, 2019 2:50 am
Trade schools are needed. Use to be
if the kid wasn't doing good in regular
school, they could go to a trade school.
Learn the trade and make good money!
No need for more schooling unless the
job you want requires it.


Imagine if college was free how many trillions would be wasted on students that would go even though the didn't really want to but were told they couldn't pass up free college or just wanted to go for the football games and parties or had no chance of handling the curriculum. Never have seen such a blatant attempt of buying votes with other people's money in my life.
Just thought of this: If you go to college and
prove afterwards that you have a good job
because of it, then you could get help paying
off your loan...the job has to be one you were
studying for...

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Moe Gibbs
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Re: Only accept invites from Liberals and Socialists

Post by Moe Gibbs » Tue Jul 23, 2019 9:13 pm

DanielVogelbach wrote:
Sun Jul 21, 2019 11:58 pm
Moe Gibbs wrote:
Thu Jul 11, 2019 7:20 pm
The USA population has doubled in the past 60 years. Our quality of life has suffered on many levels as a result.
Population growth is a myth issue; there's plenty of room, abundant resources, and amazing technological driven efficiencies. The problem is the fiat money ponzi scheme. The prospertiy of the middle class was just a small window of years; we're now back to the classic system of feudalism. Quality of life is not suffering for the lords. For the serfs, it really doesn't matter if you're native born or immigrating from a worse situation. People are working their entire lives and dying with nothing.
Bull Shit. There is only abundance in the minds of people like YOU who are conditioned to a lower standard of living and quality of life than myself and so many others.The [[[Social Engineers]]] who have created every trend and fad since at least 1900 have already imprinted on the White segment of our society a subliminal need to taper off their population rate. No large scale trends and fads happen by accident, everything is engineered and has happened on purpose. [[[Those Who Run The World]]] realize that population is the single largest issue that needs to be nipped in the bud. Of course not myself nor anyone else knows that this is so, but it's the best explanation for all the man made trends and history shaping events that I've witnessed in my lifetime.

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Re: Only accept invites from Liberals and Socialists

Post by XpertDBA » Tue Jul 23, 2019 9:52 pm

D-train wrote:
Sat Jul 20, 2019 5:26 am
Ben Shapiro is so awesome.
Ben Shapiro 2024.....if he runs, I will be his slave.....I will work phones, go door to door.....whatever it takes.

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Re: Only accept invites from Liberals and Socialists

Post by D-train » Tue Jul 23, 2019 10:24 pm

XpertDBA wrote:
Tue Jul 23, 2019 9:52 pm
D-train wrote:
Sat Jul 20, 2019 5:26 am
Ben Shapiro is so awesome.
Ben Shapiro 2024.....if he runs, I will be his slave.....I will work phones, go door to door.....whatever it takes.
:!: :!: :!:

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Moe Gibbs
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Re: Only accept invites from Liberals and Socialists

Post by Moe Gibbs » Tue Jul 23, 2019 11:27 pm

Want to know how to create a forever loyal Democrat voting block for life..?
Create a society where the manual labor based careers that used to be able to support the American Dream are severely undercut with Illegal aliens who are willing to perform the same work for 1/2 the wages and none of the benefits. Import these people by the millions just like Hillary Clinton and all the other "Diversity Is Our Strength" idiots had pledged to the New World Order..oops I mean pledged to the UN. The minority segment of our society [they only make up 35%] reached a point in 2013 where their sheer number of births exceeded the number that was produced by their Host Population [The White Folks].
Illegal Aliens ARE counted for the purpose of congressional and Electoral College this is a REAL WORLD EXAMPLE of how elections are stolen by the Democrat Party. This is an example of ugly truth that is not being taught in any schools or talked about by the NWO dominated / owned mainstream Mass Media. Any wonder why...?

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