January 6th prime time shit show

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Re: January 6th prime time shit show

Post by gil » Sat Jun 11, 2022 3:28 pm

D-train wrote:
Fri Jun 10, 2022 11:05 am
gil wrote:
Thu Jun 09, 2022 11:39 pm
I'm going to watch at least some of it and keep an open mind. I think that is my duty as a citizen. I continue to think that if there was an organized effort to overturn an election in this country, it is a big f***ing deal.
So question for you, Gil. Why didn't they overturn the election? Hundreds of people successfully entered the capitol and there was ZERO resistance once they got in. Why didn't they just carry out their plan to overturn the election. Could they not find the election paperwork that Pence hid in his desk? Did they decide once they got in that Biden wasn't a bad guy after all and that they should cancel their big plan to overturn the election? What exactly foiled their plan. Was it all those politicians hiding in the basement that saved the democracy??? Why isn't Trump still president?? They were SO close to overturning the election such a shame they didn't just finish the job while right there in the Capitol.

1.2 Million active duty US military and 800k in the Reserves and a few hundred unarmed clowns are going to overthrown the US government. :lol: :lol: :lol: I honestly can't believe people don't realize how foolish they look when they parrot this insurrection nonsense.
I did watch parts of it, dt (missed the opening statements and part of the middle). Did you, dt? I'm curious if anyone else watched any of it.

Some of my impressions:

1. I honestly didn't know how long it was between the first protesters confronted the policy at the barricades until the Capitol building itself was breached, which I think was over an hour. During that time, Mike Pence and members of the Congress were taken away for their safety.

2. Why there was so little presence of police/military/reserves is a question I continue to have. I'm a law and order guy and I think there should have been a much stronger response, especially when the building was breached.

3. I also want to know why so many people believe the election was stolen. (Hell, if ***I*** believe the election was stolen I'd likely join a demonstration.)

4. I was struct by how strongly William Barr, who had been Attorney General until late December, said (on a videotaped interview) that there was no widespread fraud in the election. As I see it, Barr was and is solidly conservative, and if HE had seen fraud, I can't imagine why he would not have followed up on it in his official capacity as AG. (Barr was the one who appointed John Durham as Special Prosecutor.)

5. As I said, I missed parts, but my impression is that the testimony is going to try to connect what people like Navarro and Giuliani and Powell were saying about election fraud to what protesters/people in the crowd believed (i.e., what motivated them). Also, something that Barr said was that part of the reason he resigned was because then-Pres. Trump was listening to and acting on those election fraud claims (which Barr did not believe).

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Re: January 6th prime time shit show

Post by auroraave » Sat Jun 11, 2022 4:09 pm

I've not seen any of it - no interest - but I know what it is without watching.

It's all a distraction.

The Dems are about to get destroyed in the midterms. Biden has the lowest approval rating of any president in modern times. Harris is the most unpopular VP arguably of ALL time. Literally every single issue the Dems touch gets exponentially worse. Economy, border security, inflation, healthcare. The list goes on of their failures. Everything is this country is demostrably worse off under Biden than it was under Trump. That's not a "pro Trump" position - that's just common sense - look around at the destruction of the country under Biden and the Dems - it is UNDENIABLE. So, what are the Dems going to run on in the midterms? They have NOTHING to run on - no wins on any front. What's the plan? Rage against Trump - it worked for a while so they are trying to wring more out of that - but it is a failing strategy. No one buys it any more.

This is the greatest truth you will ever know: The Dems cannot run on a policy-based platform because - look around you - ALL of thier policies are complete failures. That is not an opinion. Therefore you cannot mention any policy wins when making a run - because your opponent can easily point out Democrats staggering policy failure. Trump rage and 'everyone is racist' are dem playbook staples - but they won't work anymore. Again - ask yourself why the Dems won't talk about policy. Isn't it obvious?

Remember - Biden ran on NOTHING concrete and demonstrable - every promise he's made, literally the opposite has happened.

This "Jan 6th" hysteria and theater is nothing but the Dems distracting you from their own policy failures by refusing to discuss real world issues - while throwing this Hail Mary in an obvious attempt to smear the Republicans and Trump. - anyone with a shred of common sense sees this, and I say this as an independant. I hold no party affiliation.

The FBI said years ago that Trump was not the organizer - they even concluded there were no actual organizers they could find. This is not a secret. This is theater by people that have no legitimate platform to run on. Isn't the "Jan 6" committee ALL Dems? When in the history of the country has there been a committee so one sided? The Dems know this is all a sham. We all do. Do the math.

The dems are about to lose their majorities - they are about to lose thier hold on power - power that has grossly enriched them while hanging most Americans out to dry - they are going to go scorched earth to try and keep it.

I honestly cannot believe I have to point any of this out, it's so glaringly obvious.

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Re: January 6th prime time shit show

Post by gil » Sat Jun 11, 2022 5:38 pm

auroraave wrote:
Sat Jun 11, 2022 4:09 pm
I've not seen any of it - no interest - but I know what it is without watching.

It's all a distraction.

The Dems are about to get destroyed in the midterms. Biden has the lowest approval rating of any president in modern times. Harris is the most unpopular VP arguably of ALL time. Literally every single issue the Dems touch gets exponentially worse. Economy, border security, inflation, healthcare. The list goes on of their failures. Everything is this country is demostrably worse off under Biden than it was under Trump. That's not a "pro Trump" position - that's just common sense - look around at the destruction of the country under Biden and the Dems - it is UNDENIABLE. So, what are the Dems going to run on in the midterms? They have NOTHING to run on - no wins on any front. What's the plan? Rage against Trump - it worked for a while so they are trying to wring more out of that - but it is a failing strategy. No one buys it any more.

This is the greatest truth you will ever know: The Dems cannot run on a policy-based platform because - look around you - ALL of thier policies are complete failures. That is not an opinion. Therefore you cannot mention any policy wins when making a run - because your opponent can easily point out Democrats staggering policy failure. Trump rage and 'everyone is racist' are dem playbook staples - but they won't work anymore. Again - ask yourself why the Dems won't talk about policy. Isn't it obvious?

Remember - Biden ran on NOTHING concrete and demonstrable - every promise he's made, literally the opposite has happened.

This "Jan 6th" hysteria and theater is nothing but the Dems distracting you from their own policy failures by refusing to discuss real world issues - while throwing this Hail Mary in an obvious attempt to smear the Republicans and Trump. - anyone with a shred of common sense sees this, and I say this as an independant. I hold no party affiliation.

The FBI said years ago that Trump was not the organizer - they even concluded there were no actual organizers they could find. This is not a secret. This is theater by people that have no legitimate platform to run on. Isn't the "Jan 6" committee ALL Dems? When in the history of the country has there been a committee so one sided? The Dems know this is all a sham. We all do. Do the math.

I honestly cannot believe I have to point any of this out, it's so glaringly obvious.
I don't disagree with you about the state of the country. However, I think it's possible to believe that AND believe that what happened on January 6 is worth paying attention to. And the investigation started when Biden was riding high (if you recall).

I don't know, but it seems to me that a lot of Republicans (including McCarthy) were slamming Trump right after January 6. but McCarthy fell in line. Talk about sheep!

Actually the FBI finding is "old news" because there have been a number of charges of seditious conspiracy since then. I have the impression (not sure though) that these are all against members of the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers. There have been at least 3 guilty pleas to seditious conspiracy charges. This is from a month ago: https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/pr/lead ... piracy-and

My memory is that Pelosi wanted a bipartisan committee, but rejected two people she thought were extreme, and McCarthy wouldn't let any republicans be on the committee unless those two were included. And Elizabeth Cheney is no Democrat!

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Re: January 6th prime time shit show

Post by Sibelius Hindemith » Sat Jun 11, 2022 6:45 pm

gil wrote:
Sat Jun 11, 2022 3:05 pm
Sibelius Hindemith wrote:
Fri Jun 10, 2022 3:00 pm
gil wrote:
Thu Jun 09, 2022 11:39 pm
I'm going to watch at least some of it and keep an open mind. I think that is my duty as a citizen. I continue to think that if there was an organized effort to overturn an election in this country, it is a big f***ing deal.
Yeah it's your duty to submit to the state propaganda apparatus like the good little sheep that you are. If you want to learn about an actual organized effort to fix an election go watch 2000 Mules.
Why is it being a sheep to watch and keep an open mind?

Am I also a sheep if I watch 2000 Mules and keep an open mind about what it says?

Or are you saying that the only way to NOT be a sheep is to believe what is presented on 2000 Mules?
All leftists do is lie and attempt to gain power from lies and having an "open mind" (i.e. trying to see things from their pov) with regard to what they say is an exercise in mental self-mutilation.

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Re: January 6th prime time shit show

Post by D-train » Sun Jun 12, 2022 5:23 pm

Good honest comparison here:

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Re: January 6th prime time shit show

Post by ddraig » Sun Jun 12, 2022 8:39 pm

My one question: Was there ANYTHING in this dog and pony show that we already didn't know about?

Incredibly, Shifty Schiff is STILL telling us there is "evidence." If there IS "evidence," where is it?

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Re: January 6th prime time shit show

Post by seattlefan-daBronx » Wed Jun 15, 2022 7:33 pm

I'm hearing from some sites that an "indictment" for Donald Trump is coming down the pipe.
They are calling it "a gut punch".

A few of his kids supposively "have accepted" the results of the election despite their father's claims of fraud.
"Accepted" and "admitted" are two different things as you know but this is how they're playing it out.

I do not know what other "evidence" the committee has but the legal experts all agree
none of the possible charges would stand up in a real court of law.

Kangaroo Court folks. They hate Trump so much and feel threatened by him. For the "left" he just cannot run again.
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Re: January 6th prime time shit show

Post by gil » Fri Jun 17, 2022 6:54 pm

I'm not very happy about people on the Left OR the Right who clearly have their minds already made up about this.

I'm learning some things with the segments I have heard. Yesterday while driving I heard VP Mike Pence's attorney - Chief Legal Counsel, I think the formal title was - Greg Jacobs testifying how President Trump was buying into the shaky constitutional theories being put for by John Eastman, who was working for Trump or the Trump campaign in some capacity. Eastman said, and then Trump adopted the position, that Pence, as Vice President and presiding over the January 6 proceedings, could choose (unilaterally) to refuse the electors chosen by the states and send back a request to re-do things in critical states. Pence obviously chose not to try to do this, while meanwhile Trump was saying things to the effect that all Pence had to do was have the courage to do the right thing, and the election would be won by Trump/Pence.

So it seems to me that Trump chose to act as if their was widespread fraud with voting, even though his Attorney General said there wasn't, and even though the Republican legislators in key states (Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania) chose to accept the official results showing that Biden won. None of these legislatures put forth electors pledged to Trump.

Trump also chose to act as if the Vice President could unilaterally take action counter to the states putting forth these electors. That is a constitutional question. (If a sitting Vice President could undo an election, Biden could have done that when Trump was elected in 2016.)

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Re: January 6th prime time shit show

Post by D-train » Fri Jun 17, 2022 7:03 pm

gil wrote:
Fri Jun 17, 2022 6:54 pm
I'm not very happy about people on the Left OR the Right who clearly have their minds already made up about this.

I'm learning some things with the segments I have heard. Yesterday while driving I heard VP Mike Pence's attorney - Chief Legal Counsel, I think the formal title was - Greg Jacobs testifying how President Trump was buying into the shaky constitutional theories being put for by John Eastman, who was working for Trump or the Trump campaign in some capacity. Eastman said, and then Trump adopted the position, that Pence, as Vice President and presiding over the January 6 proceedings, could choose (unilaterally) to refuse the electors chosen by the states and send back a request to re-do things in critical states. Pence obviously chose not to try to do this, while meanwhile Trump was saying things to the effect that all Pence had to do was have the courage to do the right thing, and the election would be won by Trump/Pence.

So it seems to me that Trump chose to act as if their was widespread fraud with voting, even though his Attorney General said there wasn't, and even though the Republican legislators in key states (Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania) chose to accept the official results showing that Biden won. None of these legislatures put forth electors pledged to Trump.

Trump also chose to act as if the Vice President could unilaterally take action counter to the states putting forth these electors. That is a constitutional question. (If a sitting Vice President could undo an election, Biden could have done that when Trump was elected in 2016.)
Exactly, it was ridiculous and proves that we weren't close to losing our democracy even when the sitting POTUS expected nonsense.

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Re: January 6th prime time shit show

Post by Walla Walla Dawg II » Fri Jun 17, 2022 7:31 pm

#1 - This was not an overthrow of our government. At no point was "democracy at risk" as the democrats keep saying.
#2 - It wasn't a violent "uprising" as the democrats keep saying.
#3 - Where was the extra security that President Trump requested? That responsibility is with The Speaker of the House, and she denied it.
#4 - The commission will not call The Speaker of the House to testify because of this.
#5 - All the sound bites and video snippits have been cherry-picked to make Trump out to be the bad guy.

It's all a farce. It's just the democrats throwing a bunch of mud on the wall and hopes something sticks because they know they will be ousted in the biggest RED-WAVE ever come November.

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