Hamas Attack in Israel

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Re: Hamas Attack in Israel

Post by gil » Fri Nov 10, 2023 8:11 pm

bpj wrote:
Fri Nov 10, 2023 1:16 am
gil wrote:
Thu Nov 09, 2023 11:32 pm
bpj wrote:
Thu Nov 09, 2023 9:01 pm

Well he's not exactly going to get hired by a Zionist controlled media network when he's sharing these insights, is he.

He's the one whose story seems to align in a manner that makes things make sense, so until a better hypothesis presents itself, I'll keep looking into it.

Because the only alternative viewpoint at this point is, "Muh Israel!" without any reasoning to back it up besides, "October 7th!".

And the people saying that seem to have zero insight into the actual situation the Palestinians are faced with.

So, have to go where the facts lead, and those don't appear to be on Israel's side imo.
Man, I don't know. You are telling me that the only person "the truth" comes from is someone who writes for an anti-American Russian propaganda site? If there are good arguments out there, many outlets (and people) are available, and I feel like I have read quite a bit of pro-Palestine and anti-Israel stuff the past month - and subtle things too. It's not just "the truth" versus mindless acquiescence to what Israel wants.

Tell me ONE important thing Scott Ritter says that you won't find other places?

And "Zionist controlled media network"?? Besides being inaccurate, this is playing into anti-Jewish stereotypes isn't it?

And it's a vapid meaningless slogan. It's reminds me of the people on the left who talk about "systemic racism" and some people just nod their heads without engaging their brains. Or Bernie Sanders seeing every problem as greedy corporations screwing working people.
That's the point, I don't think there are things he says that you couldn't find other places. But I'm positive it's viewpoints you're not seeing on your TV box.

I posted him because of his background, but of course you already found something you don't like about him. RT was much more accurate on "Russian Collusion" and the Hunter Laptop than our media sources were.

It wasn't your sources that have been accurate on anything about Russia, so it's pretty easy for me to choose sides from there. Who hopped to the aid of Israel? People that have lied at every opportunity? Sorry if I don't trust what they say when they don't post videos.

Like the 40 beheaded babies that turned out to be fake.

Calling our media a Zionist controlled media network is not inaccurate. You get offended when the flag is next to their names, but the connection is there whether you get offended by it or not.

I don't worry about stereotypes and how offended mental midgets get, especially when the stereotypes are true.

Like saying African Americans commit more than their share of crimes. It's a stereotype, because it's true.

You just get offended when you see the evidence instead of looking into it because that's what you libs are taught to do. It's why you can never see the reality, you get focused on how offended you are.

Tough titties. Zionists are the wizards behind the curtain and people are seeing right through their propaganda now that the facts are no longer being censored on Twitter.
1. Are you saying that being Jewish automatically makes you a Zionist?

2. The CEO of Google is a Hindu, I believe. Not sure what other inaccuracies you've got but I'm not going to check.

3. The flag, with the Star of David, is what the German Nazis made the Jews wear to identify them. You superimpose the star on someones portrait and I hear an antisemitic dog whistle.

4. "What you libs are taught to do"? JEEZ. You might have noticed that it is the LEFT wing that is condemning Israel and supporting Palestine (and tearing the Democratic Party apart while doing it). Last I checked, Republicans in the US House are 100% behind Israel. Or are you calling Johnson, Gaetz, Jordan, etc. a bunch of mental midget libs?

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Re: Hamas Attack in Israel

Post by D-train » Fri Nov 10, 2023 10:56 pm

I am sure Jason is well aware he agrees with a lot of far left groups on the topic. Tells me he is about facts over ideology and I respect the hell out of him for it.

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Re: Hamas Attack in Israel

Post by bpj » Sat Nov 11, 2023 7:50 am

gil wrote:
Fri Nov 10, 2023 8:11 pm
bpj wrote:
Fri Nov 10, 2023 1:16 am
gil wrote:
Thu Nov 09, 2023 11:32 pm

Man, I don't know. You are telling me that the only person "the truth" comes from is someone who writes for an anti-American Russian propaganda site? If there are good arguments out there, many outlets (and people) are available, and I feel like I have read quite a bit of pro-Palestine and anti-Israel stuff the past month - and subtle things too. It's not just "the truth" versus mindless acquiescence to what Israel wants.

Tell me ONE important thing Scott Ritter says that you won't find other places?

And "Zionist controlled media network"?? Besides being inaccurate, this is playing into anti-Jewish stereotypes isn't it?

And it's a vapid meaningless slogan. It's reminds me of the people on the left who talk about "systemic racism" and some people just nod their heads without engaging their brains. Or Bernie Sanders seeing every problem as greedy corporations screwing working people.
That's the point, I don't think there are things he says that you couldn't find other places. But I'm positive it's viewpoints you're not seeing on your TV box.

I posted him because of his background, but of course you already found something you don't like about him. RT was much more accurate on "Russian Collusion" and the Hunter Laptop than our media sources were.

It wasn't your sources that have been accurate on anything about Russia, so it's pretty easy for me to choose sides from there. Who hopped to the aid of Israel? People that have lied at every opportunity? Sorry if I don't trust what they say when they don't post videos.

Like the 40 beheaded babies that turned out to be fake.

Calling our media a Zionist controlled media network is not inaccurate. You get offended when the flag is next to their names, but the connection is there whether you get offended by it or not.

I don't worry about stereotypes and how offended mental midgets get, especially when the stereotypes are true.

Like saying African Americans commit more than their share of crimes. It's a stereotype, because it's true.

You just get offended when you see the evidence instead of looking into it because that's what you libs are taught to do. It's why you can never see the reality, you get focused on how offended you are.

Tough titties. Zionists are the wizards behind the curtain and people are seeing right through their propaganda now that the facts are no longer being censored on Twitter.
1. Are you saying that being Jewish automatically makes you a Zionist?

No, I have posted many videos of Jewish people condemning Zionists on this thread. Not every Jew is a Zionist. Not every Zionist is a Jew. Joe Biden is a self-described Zionist, for example.

But I also know that there are only 2% Jewish people in the United States and they are astronomically overrepresented in positions of power and influence. Power and influence that has been on the wrong side of the degradation of our country, imo.

No I will not act like I think they got there organically. Well, maybe 2% of them.

2. The CEO of Google is a Hindu, I believe. Not sure what other inaccuracies you've got but I'm not going to check.

That right there is probably the difference between you and I. When I read something I don't stop looking into it because of an inaccuracy that's likely because it's an old screenshot, I'll continue looking at the information around it to see where it leads. I don't discount very many things altogether without reason. And to that point, I'd love to hear all the good reasons to support Israel. I hear they're our greatest ally. Although I still see no good reason why. They can't even fund their own wars apparently, how are they going to help us?

3. The flag, with the Star of David, is what the German Nazis made the Jews wear to identify them. You superimpose the star on someones portrait and I hear an antisemitic dog whistle.

Can't help but LOL at "antisemitic dog whistle". Sounds like something you've heard repeated so many times you think it means something. I'm the last guy in the world that routine is going to work on.

Let me make something clear. I'm anti-everybody. Ok? Jewish, white, black, Indian, Asian, I don't care. 90% of people are trash.

I'm sorry you're offended so easily. Maybe Israel should have the Palestinians put a "P" on their chest so you start seeing the reality of the situation. There are way more similarities between Gaza and Auschwitz than there should be.

4. "What you libs are taught to do"? JEEZ. You might have noticed that it is the LEFT wing that is condemning Israel and supporting Palestine (and tearing the Democratic Party apart while doing it). Last I checked, Republicans in the US House are 100% behind Israel. Or are you calling Johnson, Gaetz, Jordan, etc. a bunch of mental midget libs?

You're conflating arguments. I called people that get offended by stereotypes mental midgets. I've never seen Gaetz or Jordan play that game.

Yes, I realize it's the Republicans that are behind Israel. And I have no problem saying they're wrong. I don't give two shits about Republicans. I don't even give one.

And, of course the libs are out there being offended, rioting, kicking in doors, defacing statues in their own ineffective way that makes sane people think they're terrorists which completely destroys the message they're trying to get across.

I've been a registered Independent most of my life. I just vote for what I feel is right. Like not killing babies, which Republicans happen to agree with me on. And anybody that doesn't, I have no problem calling a degenerate.

The braindead liberals are supporting Palestine because it's a genocide. Good for them, they're right. Like a blind squirrel that's found its nut. If only they cared that much about the thousands of innocent babies they're killing through abortion they wouldnt be such abhorrent people...

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Re: Hamas Attack in Israel

Post by bpj » Sat Nov 11, 2023 7:56 am

Here are a couple more screenshots to help you get your panties in a wad so you can start your day with some good old fashioned liberal outrage!

Does the Jewish star next to Netanyahu hurt your feelers, or do you only get offended when it's not obvious?

One thing that has become clear to me is that the world has gone to hell in the last twenty years. And when I step back and take a broad view of the problem, the Palestinians appear to have been responsible for about 0% of the things that have gone wrong in the world.

Meanwhile Zionism/Globalism appears to be the driving force behind pretty much everything wrong in the world.
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Re: Hamas Attack in Israel

Post by bpj » Sat Nov 11, 2023 11:28 am

Funny joke, just unfortunate it's based in the reality of what Israel is doing.
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Re: Hamas Attack in Israel

Post by bpj » Sat Nov 11, 2023 11:51 am

Good thing they weren't fake beheaded Israeli babies, or people may get upset!

https://twitter.com/swilkinsonbc/status ... CzKpA&s=19
https://twitter.com/RamiJarrah/status/1 ... LEf0Q&s=19

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Re: Hamas Attack in Israel

Post by gil » Sat Nov 11, 2023 7:15 pm

Fair point on what you said about mental midgets and stereotypes. I did conflate. Sorry.

Genuine question: Why do you lump Zionism and Globalism together? I get that you are not a fan of globalism. But isn't zionism a *nationalist* philosophy? (i.e., focusing on a national state in Palestine for Jews?) I seem to remember (can't find it now) an article in The Jerusalem Post saying that Zionism had a lot in common with *nationalist* movements and leaders, like Trump in the US, Orban in Hungary, and BREXIT. Patriotism and focusing on national interests.

Another genuine question: You have said you have no problem with Jews, just with Zionists, but when you post the screenshots with the flags, it seems you are targeting Jews. You aren't saying these individuals are automatically Zionists, or are you? Or is it just "look at all these Jews in positions of power" that you consider a problem?

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Re: Hamas Attack in Israel

Post by Grandma Lynn » Sat Nov 11, 2023 8:26 pm

Seems like pictures don't mean
a thing to some people!
Dear God what has this world
come to?

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Re: Hamas Attack in Israel

Post by D-train » Sun Nov 12, 2023 2:49 pm

Amazing how the most advanced species on the planet can't get along.

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Re: Hamas Attack in Israel

Post by ddraig » Sun Nov 12, 2023 4:44 pm

bjp, if I could foe you I would. But you are a "moderator" so I can't.

Fact: The Jews have been in the eastern end of the Mediterranean for over 3000 years. The Arabs have been there for perhaps 1500 years.

Fact: The Romans called the area Judea and the people who lived there, Jews.

Fact: The Jews DID NOT take Arab land.

Fact: In 1948, the Jews asked any Muslims living in Israel to stay and create a country along side them.

Fact: The Muslims who wanted to stay in Israel were told to get out by Muslims living in Muslim countries.

Fact: The Muslims who stayed were tortured and murdered by other Muslims, not Jews.

Fact: The Muslim countries surrounding Israel did not want the Muslims they forced out of Israel to integrate into their own societies.

Fact: The Muslim countries use the Gazans and other "refugees" as a permanent thorn in Israel's side. They want conflict.

Fact: Arabs in the Middle East have attacked, unprovoked, Israel many times. Not including the individual bombings of buildings and transportation inside that country. How many times have Israelis attacked those same Arab countries unprovoked? This begs the questions, after multiple events of unprovoked attacks, at what point is it OK for them to defend themselves? Should they just roll over and allow the Arabs to kill them?

Fact: Gaza was GIVEN to the "Gazans" in the mid-1990's to control their own destiny.

Fact: The U.N. and many countries have given millions, if not billions, of dollars to the Gazans for "humanitarian" projects. What was the money used for? Miles of concrete lined tunnels, thousands of makeshift rockets, weapons: including anti-tank missiles. Humanitarian? B.S.

Fact: Children in Israel are raised to be doctors, teachers, tradesmen and women. Children in Gaza are raised to hate Jews and taught to use weapons to kill Jews.

Fact: The Gazans voted in HAMAS to be their leaders in 2006. No elections have been held since because HAMAS won't allow them.

Fact: On October 7, 2023, HAMAS, attacked, tortured, and killed over 1400 Jews in the most gruesome ways possible, They also took over 250 hostages.

Fact: HAMAS uses civilians to hide behind and builds military facilities next to, if not underneath, hospitals, schools, and religious sites, to prevent Israel from attacking them. Did HAMAS attack civilians at a music festival?

I can go on and on, but I think you get the idea. And I know you will call all of this "Zionist Propaganda." It is not propaganda and has been verified by many outside sources. You may continue spouting your hateful statements and there is nothing I can do about it. But know this, I will no longer respond to ANYTHING you post on any of these threads. You are about as braindead an individual I have ever come in contact to. And for all of this, it's likely you will ban me from participating in the forum any further because that is the way of all those who cannot handle facts.

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