Debate for the Ages Thread

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Re: Debate for the Ages Thread

Post by douche » Fri Sep 13, 2024 6:33 pm

This has turned into a really nasty thread. Ultimately, it's unfortunate that Americans don't have better options. Biden is a senile nightmare and Trump is a nut. Who do you want as president? A lifelong businessman or a lifelong politician? Both are equally bad. And Harris is a fraud.

Anyone remember the South Park episode, 'Douche and Turd'? Like actual politics, each of them (Kyle and Cartman) claim to be the superior nominee. Stan, who sees the election as pointless and refuses to vote, is exiled.

For me, if this is the best America has to offer, then we're in big trouble.

Here's an interesting link regarding the comparison of Trump and Biden: ... vdoowmkpo/

"The U.S. economy is a big ship that’s hard to turn, but presidential decisions do matter. Biden ramped up antitrust enforcement, for example. Trump’s administration thought tax cuts would boost private investment, and economists feel it did at least in the short term. Biden, by contrast, has steered public investments to what are seen as strategic industries and infrastructure.

But counter to their positioning as polar opposites, they’ve both embraced big deficits, overseen historically low unemployment rates, imposed tariffs on Chinese goods, and seen stock markets hit record highs on their watch."

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Re: Debate for the Ages Thread

Post by Walla Walla Dawg II » Fri Sep 13, 2024 7:37 pm

There also wasn't a politics board on ST...
I believe you are correct, but there was a General Discussions that was 90% political.

DT, can you verify.

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Re: Debate for the Ages Thread

Post by gil » Fri Sep 13, 2024 7:39 pm

What do people feel about Trump's continuing assertions that other countries pay for tariffs imposed by the U.S. government? This is not true. I can't conclude anything other than that he is ignorant about this (despite being a graduate of ethics Wharton School), or that he is purposefully misrepresenting the facts.

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Re: Debate for the Ages Thread

Post by Walla Walla Dawg II » Fri Sep 13, 2024 7:44 pm

Seattle or Bust wrote:
Fri Sep 13, 2024 12:29 am
bpj wrote:
Fri Sep 13, 2024 12:27 am
It is odd how low the visible support is for the libs.

I guess for the party that "needs" a 6 foot buffer zone at their rallies, it's not surprising there's no support.

Who would want to claim this mess they've created?
We're not in a cult. We cast our votes and go home.


We don't do this shit.

Here is another example of your party.... ... rosecutors

How do I know this......there was flag burning involved. Nobody on the right burns flags, but we do stand up for the right of people to burn them.

A 20-year-old Maryland woman who was caught on video spray-painting "Gaza" on the Columbus Fountain outside of Washington, D.C.’s Union Station earlier this summer has been arrested Friday and is now facing a federal charge, prosecutors say.

Isabella Giordano of Towson is set to make her first court appearance this afternoon on one count of willfully injuring or depredating any property of the United States, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia. The incident allegedly happened as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was visiting the area.

"Footage obtained from a review of open-source videos posted to X (formerly Twitter) showed Giordano using red spray paint to write ‘Gaza’ on the Columbus Fountain," the Attorney’s Office said, referring to an incident on July 24. "She also spray-painted the base of two of the flagpoles in Columbus Circle."

Prosecutors say the U.S. Park Police later received tips identifying Giordano and that she was taken into custody this morning.

Isabella Giordano spray painting
U.S. Park Police said in a criminal complaint that "USPP officers saw a video posted to 'X' (formerly Twitter), which showed a female with dark hair, later identified as Isabella Giordano, spraying red spray paint on the Columbus Fountain. Giordano was wearing a red shirt, blue jean shorts with a Keffiyeh style headdress tied around her waist, and red shoes." (US Park Police)

"According to court documents, on July 24, 2024, an organization was granted a permit to demonstrate in the area of Columbus Circle, located at Massachusetts Ave. NE, and E St. NE, directly in front of Union Station. From approximately 3 p.m. until 5 p.m., demonstrators who had gathered in Columbus Circle pulled down flags affixed to the flagpoles; burned flags and objects; sprayed graffiti on multiple statutes and structures; and interfered with law enforcement’s ability to place individuals under arrest," the Attorney’s Office said.

Damn, your party is classy.

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Re: Debate for the Ages Thread

Post by Walla Walla Dawg II » Fri Sep 13, 2024 7:46 pm

gil wrote:
Fri Sep 13, 2024 7:39 pm
What do people feel about Trump's continuing assertions that other countries pay for tariffs imposed by the U.S. government? This is not true. I can't conclude anything other than that he is ignorant about this (despite being a graduate of ethics Wharton School), or that he is purposefully misrepresenting the facts.
That is misrepresenting the facts. But if you want to get the minutia of it, when their products are taxed higher because of the tariffs, they won't sale as much product (but wow that is a stretch).

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Re: Debate for the Ages Thread

Post by Walla Walla Dawg II » Fri Sep 13, 2024 7:53 pm

Nov 7, 2021 An estimated 800,000 small businesses closed permanently in the first year of the pandemic, roughly 30 percent more than is typical, according to a study by the Federal Reserve.

President Trump wanted to open back up in May of 2020, all the Democrats refused, said it was too early, Biden and Harris owns the bad economy.

Since Biden & and Harris has been in office, all this happen under Biden and Harris.

Groceries: +41%

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Re: Debate for the Ages Thread

Post by bpj » Fri Sep 13, 2024 8:42 pm

In my opinion the tariffs imposed were to stop other countries from undercutting our domestic manufacturers on price.

It absolutely would raise the cost of Chinese goods here in the US, for example.

It would allow the US companies to compete, which seems like a boost to the domestic economy.

I'm a miser, but I'm ok with giving up the lowest possible prices to allow American companies to compete.

If that tariff helps fund the government instead of taxes, even better.

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Re: Debate for the Ages Thread

Post by Walla Walla Dawg II » Fri Sep 13, 2024 8:55 pm

A tariff is a tax. Just a fancy word for over-taxing something from some other country.

And the question is, "Why does President Trump keep saying that the other country is paying the tariff"? Especially when that isn't the case. It's the consumer paying the higher tax for that product from China (or elsewhere).

And a little bit of information on the corporate tax structure.....

If the Corporate tax is raised, the corporation will just raise the cost of their product, thus passing the additional cost to us (the consumer). So in essence, all that raising corporate taxes is going to do is to make their product more expensive.

Same playbook by the left every election cycle.

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Re: Debate for the Ages Thread

Post by bpj » Fri Sep 13, 2024 9:12 pm

Walla Walla Dawg II wrote:
Fri Sep 13, 2024 8:55 pm
A tariff is a tax. Just a fancy word for over-taxing something from some other country.

And the question is, "Why does President Trump keep saying that the other country is paying the tariff"? Especially when that isn't the case. It's the consumer paying the higher tax for that product from China (or elsewhere).

And a little bit of information on the corporate tax structure.....

If the Corporate tax is raised, the corporation will just raise the cost of their product, thus passing the additional cost to us (the consumer). So in essence, all that raising corporate taxes is going to do is to make their product more expensive.

Same playbook by the left every election cycle.
Personally I don't have a problem with tariffs leveling the playing field for American businesses.

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Re: Debate for the Ages Thread

Post by bpj » Fri Sep 13, 2024 9:38 pm

Seattle or Bust wrote:
Fri Sep 13, 2024 5:18 pm
auroraave wrote:
Fri Sep 13, 2024 3:01 pm
Seattle or Bust wrote:
Fri Sep 13, 2024 12:29 am

We're not in a cult. We cast our votes and go home.


We don't do this shit.

I don't think there could be a more perfect example of our differences in philosophy. You are angry about an independent merchandise booth on the side of a road somewhere (probably California - ha!). A completely legal and ethical endeavor and a perfect example of the free market in action. People will buy - or not. If you have a problem with merchandise booths - then you have to have a problem with ALL of them - including sports and churros - otherwise you are being a hypocrite. See how that works? Would you be outraged at a Kamala Harris merch booth? Your answer needs to be the same as the trump merch booth - or ANY merch booth - again - or you are a hypocrite. If someone wants to sell wares - what's the problem?

reminder of what a hypocrite is

1 : a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion
2: a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings.

But that's not even the best part about the differences difference between us.

I am concerned about the open border and the devastation it is wreaking and the staggering cost to the US tax payer.
I am concerned about the war mongering in the middle east. That's a fact.
I am concerned about the government actively proven to be censoring health information and their concerted effort to silence a political foe.
I am concerned about the economy, inflation, gas, food prices, all the things making me poorer and eroding what's left of the middle class.
I am concerned about government's reckless spending of my tax dollars on nonsense like Ukraine - which has NO pay off, money that could be used here at home for things like roads, upgrading infrastructure.
I am deeply concerned about the drug trafficking at the b order that is fueling the decline of the inner cities on the west coast.
I am concerned about human trafficking, the enslavement, murder, rape, abducting of women and children at the border.

I am concerned about policies that affect all Americans wallets and safety - and you are worried about a merch booth on the side of the road.

I guess we will have to agree to disagree on what is important in this country.
No, I'm concerned about instilling a deranged psychopath in the White House again. I'm concerned about preserving democracy.

1. Trump's answer for an entire campaign was to build a wall, where the fuck is it? Notice how he hasn't mentioned that all campaign cycle?
2. Then you shouldn't be a conservative because conservatives instilled the most Middle East war mongering presidential ticket for 8 years.
3. If you're speaking toward Covid, I can't help you. The world shut down...
4. "Making me poorer" ... yeah, OK Mr. Beverly Hills. I'm sure you're doing fine... can't say the same for the poorest in America who Trump will do diddly shit to help while cutting taxes for the rich.
5. If you don't like reckless spending, go take a look at how Trump inflated the deficit by $7.8 trillion. Yeah, and where was Trump's infrastructure bill? Oh yeah, stuck right up his orange tinted ass. <- here, you can see where Biden's build is impacting.
6. Where's the beautiful wall to stop all the drugs coming in?
7. Where's the beautiful wall to stop all the trafficking?

Nothing you've spoken to was fixed by Trump over his 4 years. You claim you want all these things fixed but he has no answers for any of it. I've seen the Biden/Harris ticket try to tackle some of the things on your list that persist.

I have no faith Trump can do any of it and that, coupled with the fact that he's deranged, is the tipping point for me and the majority of Americans who ousted him the last time around.

**incoming 4,500 word essay of nonsense that I won't read**
1) He got hundreds of miles done. Then Biden, of course, stopped building it when he took over. Here is a video of him saying again that he'll finish it-
2) Trump had no wars.

4) The poorest people in America aren't being helped by illegals being here taking housing they could have had and driving up rents and property prices. Basic supply and demand.

6&7) Biden stopped the wall construction.

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