Soleimani Killed.....About Damn Time

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Moe Gibbs
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Re: Soleimani Killed.....About Damn Time

Post by Moe Gibbs » Tue Jan 07, 2020 9:02 pm

D-train wrote:
Tue Jan 07, 2020 7:03 pm

Middle eastern religious fanatics definitely bring up the rear in terms of IQ for specific groups of people. The fact that the many of them actually believe that women should not even show their faces on earth but conversely they will be awarded 70 nympho whore virgins in "heaven" if they blow themselves up is a special kind of stupid.
While I worked in Sri Lanka in the 1970s they gave a muslim woman 100 lashes with a date palm leaf for having sex with a Hindu man. Oh yeah..they also stoned the Hindu man to death in public.
A trait they share with today's Enlightened Progressive SJW Sheeple is that 100% of their beliefs and actions are regulated and enforced by Political Correctness Laws.
There are White Men locked up in Canada and Europe for violating their Hate Speech Codes. Basically ANY criticism of Minorities and Immigrants, [by a White Man] can be construed as Hate Speech.
See how close we are to fulfilling George Orwell's prophesies...?

"If you want to know who rules over you...simply find out who you are not permitted to criticise".

"During times of universal deceit....telling the truth is a revolutionary act".

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Re: Soleimani Killed.....About Damn Time

Post by Moe Gibbs » Tue Jan 07, 2020 9:08 pm

D-train wrote:
Tue Jan 07, 2020 7:03 pm

Middle eastern religious fanatics definitely bring up the rear in terms of IQ for specific groups of people. The fact that the many of them actually believe that women should not even show their faces on earth but conversely they will be awarded 70 nympho whore virgins in "heaven" if they blow themselves up is a special kind of stupid.
..also...think about the very limited GENE POOL / MATING CHANCES that the traveling caravaners had while they were constantly on the move. This "culture" existed like this for centuries.

..also...think about the resulting dietary deficiencies that would have lead to stunted development of their breed.

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Donn Beach
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Re: Soleimani Killed.....About Damn Time

Post by Donn Beach » Wed Jan 08, 2020 3:57 am

well you called that one buddy...idiots for responding to having a national hero killed, got it

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Sibelius Hindemith
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Re: Soleimani Killed.....About Damn Time

Post by Sibelius Hindemith » Wed Jan 08, 2020 4:12 am

Donn Beach wrote:
Wed Jan 08, 2020 3:57 am
well you called that one buddy...idiots for responding to having a national hero killed, got it
National hero? I'm not sure about that. A hero to the Mullahs and their regime along with the knuckle-dragging radical muslim portion of the citizenry? No doubt.

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Re: Soleimani Killed.....About Damn Time

Post by D-train » Wed Jan 08, 2020 4:13 am

Donn Beach wrote:
Wed Jan 08, 2020 3:57 am
well you called that one buddy...idiots for responding to having a national hero killed, got it
Most intelligent people don't trample each other at a funeral.

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Re: Soleimani Killed.....About Damn Time

Post by Donn Beach » Wed Jan 08, 2020 4:23 am

thought we were discussing missile strikes, what they have done is called Trump's bluff, doesn't surprise me really. So what does Trump do? Hit his 52 targets? So now Trump is on the clock
“HIT VERY FAST AND VERY HARD” if Iran struck any Americans or U.S. “assets”

they don't think he has the balls...
"I doubt they have the courage to initiate" a conflict in which the Americans threatened to strike 52 targets, Major General Abdolrahim Mousavi said, quoted by state news agency IRNA.

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Re: Soleimani Killed.....About Damn Time

Post by D-train » Wed Jan 08, 2020 4:43 am

The analysis that I have seen is that they fired long range inaccurate ballistic missiles to appease their masses and save face but not do any real harm. Now they are begging us not to retaliate. I would say that's the end of it. not quite WWIII.

btw it was definitely dumb for Trump to bring up cultural sites.

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Re: Soleimani Killed.....About Damn Time

Post by Donn Beach » Wed Jan 08, 2020 4:56 am

okay, sure we can rationalize it that they didn't do much damage, that's fine. The deal is Trump put that out there with his fondness for making threats. Now if he doesn't follow though his rhetoric looks weaker and weaker. Its not just appeasing their masses, its the PR of it. Its the Theodore Roosevelt approach in reverse. What on earth did we gain by killing the guy in the first place, everybody in the region hates us even more, the Iraqs are trying to kick out out, and Trump eating his tweets. What is it we gained? Yeah, they are fanatics, duh. They have been at this for hundreds of years, its not personal, it business. America sits a half a world away, happy to lob missiles at people. Again, its the same with anybody that has tried it, go ask the Brits or the Ruskies. Sorry, but this is never going to get us anywhere, get the hell out

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Re: Soleimani Killed.....About Damn Time

Post by D-train » Wed Jan 08, 2020 4:59 am

Donn Beach wrote:
Wed Jan 08, 2020 4:56 am
okay, sure we can rationalize it that they didn't do much damage, that's fine. The deal is Trump put that out there with his fondness for making threats. Now if he doesn't follow though his rhetoric looks weaker and weaker. Its not just appeasing their masses, its the PR of it. Its the Theodore Roosevelt approach in reverse. What on earth did we gain by killing the guy in the first place, everybody in the region hates us even more, the Iraqs are trying to kick out out, and Trump eating his tweets. What is it we gained? Yeah, they are fanatics, duh. They have been at this for hundreds of years, its not personal, it business. America sits a half a world away, happy to lob missiles at people. Again, its the same with anybody that has tried it, go ask the Brits or the Ruskies. Sorry, but this is never going to get us anywhere, get the hell out
They said the reason that they took him out it that he was planning a bunch of attacks against Americans that will now not happen. Assuming that is true I think that is a pretty good reason. I agree that we should get out.

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Re: Soleimani Killed.....About Damn Time

Post by Sibelius Hindemith » Wed Jan 08, 2020 5:07 am

Donn Beach wrote:
Wed Jan 08, 2020 4:56 am
What on earth did we gain by killing the guy in the first place, everybody in the region hates us even more...
You mean like the Saudis, the Israelis, the non-Shia Iraqis, UAE, Qatar, Oman, Kuwait, the anti-gov portion of Syria that Assad didn't kill or drive out?

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