Soleimani Killed.....About Damn Time

Grandma Lynn
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Re: Soleimani Killed.....About Damn Time

Post by Grandma Lynn » Fri Jan 10, 2020 3:26 am

Sibelius Hindemith wrote:
Thu Jan 09, 2020 4:24 am
Sorry, it was the Bushehr nuclear power plant. ... 6717529297
Still good news.

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Re: Soleimani Killed.....About Damn Time

Post by Grandma Lynn » Fri Jan 10, 2020 3:27 am

D-train wrote:
Thu Jan 09, 2020 4:39 am
Sibelius Hindemith wrote:
Thu Jan 09, 2020 4:24 am
Sorry, it was the Bushehr nuclear power plant. ... 6717529297
I heard the Dems are renaming the crack in the earth that caused the Earthquakes Trump's Fault.
Ha ha, good one!

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Re: Soleimani Killed.....About Damn Time

Post by Sibelius Hindemith » Fri Jan 10, 2020 3:49 am

Donn Beach wrote:
Fri Jan 10, 2020 1:46 am
yup morons, in 1988 the US Navy shot down a Iranian airbus flying in Iranian territorial waters killing 290...shit happens
And there was that TWA flight off Long Island in the late 90's. Was it a fuel tank explosion or a missile, as several witnesses claim?

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Re: Soleimani Killed.....About Damn Time

Post by Donn Beach » Fri Jan 10, 2020 6:30 am

witlessness claimed to have seen some sort of streak of light, that doesn't mean they saw a missile. Anyway, I will go with the official findings, seem pretty reasonable, but i am sure there is a conspiracy involved. What does this have to with current events?
The NTSB concluded that "the witness observations of a streak of light were not related to a missile and that the streak of light reported by most of these witnesses was burning fuel from the accident airplane in crippled flight during some portion of the post-explosion, preimpact breakup sequence". The NTSB further concluded that "the witnesses' observations of one or more fireballs were of the airplane's burning wreckage falling toward the ocean"
The four-year NTSB investigation concluded with the approval of the Aircraft Accident Report on August 23, 2000, ending the most extensive, complex, and costly air disaster investigation in U.S. history to that time. The report's conclusion was that the probable cause of the accident was explosion of flammable fuel vapors in the center fuel tank. Although it could not be determined with certainty, the likely ignition source was a short circuit. Problems with the aircraft's wiring were found, including evidence of arcing in the Fuel Quantity Indication System (FQIS) wiring that enters the tank. The FQIS on Flight 800 is known to have been malfunctioning; the captain remarked on what he called "crazy" readings from the system approximately two minutes and thirty seconds before the aircraft exploded. As a result of the investigation, new requirements were developed for aircraft to prevent future fuel tank explosions.

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Re: Soleimani Killed.....About Damn Time

Post by Sibelius Hindemith » Fri Jan 10, 2020 7:07 am

The 2013 documentary put a lot of those things into question. But of course the U.S. goverment would never attempt to cover something like that up or claim to have misplaced or lost evidence when requested through FOIA. :roll:

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Re: Soleimani Killed.....About Damn Time

Post by Donn Beach » Fri Jan 10, 2020 7:14 am

no following it closely, the Russian nose cone picture is unsubstantiated, its not been connected to the accident.

and there is this
Three American sources, along with one European and one Canadian, told Reuters the initial assessment of Western intelligence agencies was that the plane had suffered a technical malfunction.

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Re: Soleimani Killed.....About Damn Time

Post by Donn Beach » Fri Jan 10, 2020 7:17 am

Sibelius Hindemith wrote:
Fri Jan 10, 2020 7:07 am
The 2013 documentary put a lot of those things into question. But of course the U.S. goverment would never attempt to cover something like that up or claim to have misplaced or lost evidence when requested through FOIA. :roll:
where you see it?...Info Wars?...sure because that is all the US Govt does, cover things up

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Re: Soleimani Killed.....About Damn Time

Post by Donn Beach » Fri Jan 10, 2020 7:21 am

that is something else i find funny, nothing from the US govt can be believed, that is unless it has to do with the Donald, killing this General in order to foil supposed plots against the USA without providing any actual evidence, that of course is believable

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Re: Soleimani Killed.....About Damn Time

Post by Sibelius Hindemith » Fri Jan 10, 2020 1:52 pm

Donn Beach wrote:
Fri Jan 10, 2020 7:17 am
Sibelius Hindemith wrote:
Fri Jan 10, 2020 7:07 am
The 2013 documentary put a lot of those things into question. But of course the U.S. goverment would never attempt to cover something like that up or claim to have misplaced or lost evidence when requested through FOIA. :roll:
where you see it?...Info Wars?...sure because that is all the US Govt does, cover things up
It wasn't poltically motivated. Look it up. It was, though, biased as the main person behind it, Tom Stalcup, believed there was a conspiracy. I would agree that large-scale cover-ups are highly improbable. That said, there were many irregularities with the investigation.

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Re: Soleimani Killed.....About Damn Time

Post by Donn Beach » Fri Jan 10, 2020 2:27 pm

from a cursory look I think i will stick to the official version...what is the connection to the Iranian crash? If TWA was shot down by a missile and for some reason the govt decided to try and cover it up, the mostly likely reason would seem to be it came from the US military isn't it? And even if that was the case, trying to get all the govt agencies and thousands of people involved to cooperate on a terrible thing like that is beyond believe. The issue with the investigation was the lack of cooperation between the FBI and the NTB, but all the people involved in those two agencies cooperated in keeping this from the American public?...come on please

Bill Clinton down through all the agencies involved considered to cover it up, and that was easier than just admitting the truth, ok.
"This, I believe, is the most brazen cover-up in history for sure," Stalcup tells The Verge. He believes that the conspiracy in the federal government went all the way to the top. In the closing credits of the film, he includes President Bill Clinton in the montage of people who declined to be interviewed. In the film, he says, "Flight 800 is just a fuck-you to the world: ‘Look what we can really get away with.’"
this is a site that seems to be trying to be sympathetic...that's it?...ok
It’s difficult to run down the evidence presented in the documentary because it’s a total rabbit hole. The retired investigators who came forward seem sincere, especially Hank Hughes, a senior accident investigator for the NTSB who also testified before Congress about his concerns surrounding the investigation in 1999. However, the investigators recruited by Stalcup are just four out of more than a thousand people who worked on the probe. At the time, investigators told Congress that the FBI was too aggressive in pushing a terrorism theory over a mechanical one.

Questions are raised in the film — Why was an FBI agent found in the aircraft hangar in the middle of the night, hammering on a piece of evidence? — and then dropped and never addressed again. The question of who shot the alleged missiles is never acknowledged. That may be because the filmmakers decided the prevailing theory on the internet — friendly fire from the US military — was too incendiary. Stalcup says the question was omitted because he is still investigating the answer.

Though there are many claims of odd, sneaky behavior by the feds, the movie leans heavily on three "smoking guns." First, one wing tested positive for explosives residue, which the FBI later said was a false positive. Second, Federal Aviation Administration radar showed fast-moving debris, the film asserts, when a center fuel tank explosion would have produced a low-velocity explosion. And third, some of the witnesses say they saw what looked like a flare — light shooting straight up — which is consistent with a missile.
this love affair with conspiracies, nothing can ever actually just be what it is... ... television

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