Virus Schmirus

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Re: Virus Schmirus

Post by D-train » Sun Apr 12, 2020 8:26 pm

godawgs28 wrote:
Sun Apr 12, 2020 7:33 pm
Millikin wrote:
Sun Apr 12, 2020 5:38 pm
I've gone full circle on this whole situation.

At first I was certain it was just media hype, like they do whenever there's a new virus and anything else.

Then, when it seemed like everyone was taking it seriously, including those who thought it was overblown at first, I got on board with everything.

Now, I'm back to thinking it's mostly hype again and everyone is overreacting. Mainly because of the info about counting every death of a covid-carrier as a covid death, making me think they're intentionally inflating numbers for [insert many possible reasons].

The sheep mentality so many people seem to have makes me disappointed. Everyone was so quick to do what their state governments told them to do. A little more defiance would make me more optimistic that we haven't all become "subjects."
So true.

The fear of this thing has a life of its own. It certainly is a tough little virus but people are acting as if its the black death. They heard the word pandemic and put it into a one size fits all box.

Reality is that its more widespread and less deadly than we were told. And even the numbers we were told were serious but not that bad.

Like others, I am disappointed in humanity. Glad there are places like this where I can feel a sense of normalcy in a world that has collectively lost its mind.
How dare you call me normal! :D

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Re: Virus Schmirus

Post by D-train » Sun Apr 12, 2020 8:57 pm

For those that want to be completely safe, they just need to stay in their home and not allow any visitors. Literally zero percent chance of getting the virus. Why can't healthy people go out and live their lives while maintaining reasonable social distancing. This poses no threat to the vulnerable if the first situation is followed.

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Re: Virus Schmirus

Post by ThePro » Sun Apr 12, 2020 9:01 pm

Virus Schmirus? So none of you are taking any safety precautions then?

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Re: Virus Schmirus

Post by ThePro » Sun Apr 12, 2020 9:08 pm

D-train wrote:
Sun Apr 12, 2020 8:57 pm
For those that want to be completely safe, they just need to stay in their home and not allow any visitors. Literally zero percent chance of getting the virus. Why can't healthy people go out and live their lives while maintaining reasonable social distancing. This poses no threat to the vulnerable if the first situation is followed.
Hiw do you know if you are spreading the virus without testing? Takes more than feeling healthy.

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Re: Virus Schmirus

Post by ddraig » Sun Apr 12, 2020 9:21 pm

Pissed off by what is going on? I know I am. And I am going to remember who is screwing with us. If you feel strongly that Trump is at fault, vote him out. If, on the other hand, you think the Dem-Socs are taking advantage of the situation and want to put as much misery out here while blaming Trump for their actions, then get out and VOTE.

Personally, I'm tired of sitting around doing nothing because the governor is "protecting" us from a virus that is proving to be less deadly than your average, yearly flu. The guy is a "maroon" (apologies to Bugs Bunny) and should be replaced at the earliest opportunity. The Dem-Socs mantra? "Never let a good crisis go to waste." If you want more government control over your lives, then by all means, vote for them. If not, throw the bums out.

Sadly, I also subscribe to the thinking that there isn't a dimes worth of difference between the two parties, but that may be changing. It is my hope that one of the parties will change and actually pay attention to their constituents instead of getting into office and lining their own pockets and the pockets of their friends and relatives!

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Re: Virus Schmirus

Post by ddraig » Sun Apr 12, 2020 9:35 pm

And this is what I mean:

Seattle Times today (4/12): He could have seen what was coming: Behind Trump’s failure on the coronavirus.

Trump was the first to place a no-travel order on individuals coming from China. He was pilloried as a racist and xenophobe at the time. What were the Dem-Socs doing? Impeach, impeach, impeach! What was the W.H.O. doing? "Don't worry, it isn't serious and China has it under control."

The W.H.O. finally changed its tune January 27, if I'm not mistaken. Trump put the travel ban in place two days later. And was denegrated for doing so. Since then, it was explained that federalism did not allow for the Federal Government to take control without declaring Marshall Law. But that doesn't prevent the Dem-Socs and media from saying Trump acted too slowly and should have taken over.

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Re: Virus Schmirus

Post by IStillLoveTheMs » Sun Apr 12, 2020 9:49 pm

ddraig wrote:
Sun Apr 12, 2020 9:21 pm
Pissed off by what is going on? I know I am. And I am going to remember who is screwing with us. If you feel strongly that Trump is at fault, vote him out. If, on the other hand, you think the Dem-Socs are taking advantage of the situation and want to put as much misery out here while blaming Trump for their actions, then get out and VOTE.

Personally, I'm tired of sitting around doing nothing because the governor is "protecting" us from a virus that is proving to be less deadly than your average, yearly flu. The guy is a "maroon" (apologies to Bugs Bunny) and should be replaced at the earliest opportunity. The Dem-Socs mantra? "Never let a good crisis go to waste." If you want more government control over your lives, then by all means, vote for them. If not, throw the bums out.

Sadly, I also subscribe to the thinking that there isn't a dimes worth of difference between the two parties, but that may be changing. It is my hope that one of the parties will change and actually pay attention to their constituents instead of getting into office and lining their own pockets and the pockets of their friends and relatives!
I'm curious... pretty much every state is on some form of social distancing orders... so are most countries. A good portion of these states/countries aren't led by Dems. Hell, Trump issued a national emergency and agreed with distancing... last I checked he's a Republican, so are all these Republicans trying to control you to? Or was this thing actually serious and people used common sense?

If you're claiming social distancing is the creation of Dems, whose pockets are they lining by keeping businesses closed?

There's a reason Trump is trying to open the economy back up... he's getting pressured by rich CEO's and his Wall Street pals who, despite being absolutely loaded already, wan't to continue making their billions at the expense of people's health. You think these people are Dems?

Even then, the stimulus is a joke... why? Because despite the Dems best efforts to assist the public, Republicans struck down attempts at guaranteeing health care for laid off employees through all of this... Republicans struck down measures to give student load relief to young Americans who are getting laid off far more than any other age group. Why? Because they know their rich buddies will have none of it... All the stimulus has done is once again bailed out billionaires at the expense of average Americans. Again, you think these rich people are Dems?

It's funny... all the rich folks who have benefited by an economy with a record stock prices and low taxes run for the hills with their cash... they engage in record stock buybacks and fire everyone low on the totem pole at their company... just so they can preserve a few million while the have-nots go hungry.

I'm not sure why you're so scared of the government.

I happen to think this thing was probably pretty dangerous, and I'm happy the government took the steps it took to curb this thing and hopefully get us on a path back to health.

And to your last post... Trump called CV a Hoax at a rally in South Carolina in Feb. 28... doesn't get more transparent than that. He then backtracked after he found out Americans were dying and of course, like he always does, says that those who were listening didn't understand what he was saying and that the Hoax was now the Dems trying to say he didn't handle it well.

Why even use the word hoax in the same sentence as CV... or right, because he's either an idiot or he knows his base in SC are idiots who when they hear that buzzword will get riled up.
Last edited by IStillLoveTheMs on Sun Apr 12, 2020 9:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Virus Schmirus

Post by ddraig » Sun Apr 12, 2020 9:53 pm

ThePro wrote:
Sun Apr 12, 2020 9:08 pm
D-train wrote:
Sun Apr 12, 2020 8:57 pm
For those that want to be completely safe, they just need to stay in their home and not allow any visitors. Literally zero percent chance of getting the virus. Why can't healthy people go out and live their lives while maintaining reasonable social distancing. This poses no threat to the vulnerable if the first situation is followed.
Hiw do you know if you are spreading the virus without testing? Takes more than feeling healthy.
I agree with you, Pro. We need more testing. I had a sore throat and a cough for a month. Allergies? I, to this point, have not suffered from an allergic reaction during the Spring. Covid-19? I'd sure like to know, but there arent enough testing facilities in this state. Maybe I should blame the governor for not being prepared!

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Re: Virus Schmirus

Post by D-train » Sun Apr 12, 2020 9:58 pm

ThePro wrote:
Sun Apr 12, 2020 9:08 pm
D-train wrote:
Sun Apr 12, 2020 8:57 pm
For those that want to be completely safe, they just need to stay in their home and not allow any visitors. Literally zero percent chance of getting the virus. Why can't healthy people go out and live their lives while maintaining reasonable social distancing. This poses no threat to the vulnerable if the first situation is followed.
Hiw do you know if you are spreading the virus without testing? Takes more than feeling healthy.
Very possible but what is impossible is someone getting infected if they stay home and don't let anyone in their house. Someone would literally have to break in and breath on them.

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Re: Virus Schmirus

Post by D-train » Sun Apr 12, 2020 10:00 pm

ddraig wrote:
Sun Apr 12, 2020 9:53 pm
ThePro wrote:
Sun Apr 12, 2020 9:08 pm
D-train wrote:
Sun Apr 12, 2020 8:57 pm
For those that want to be completely safe, they just need to stay in their home and not allow any visitors. Literally zero percent chance of getting the virus. Why can't healthy people go out and live their lives while maintaining reasonable social distancing. This poses no threat to the vulnerable if the first situation is followed.
Hiw do you know if you are spreading the virus without testing? Takes more than feeling healthy.
I agree with you, Pro. We need more testing. I had a sore throat and a cough for a month. Allergies? I, to this point, have not suffered from an allergic reaction during the Spring. Covid-19? I'd sure like to know, but there arent enough testing facilities in this state. Maybe I should blame the governor for not being prepared!
If we were prepared for every conceivable unprecedented disaster we would be another 100 trillion in debt.

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