Who will win the presidential election

Who will win

There will be a tie and they will be co-president
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Re: Who will win the presidential election

Post by bpj » Tue Nov 24, 2020 7:35 pm

See you January 20th loser!

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Re: Who will win the presidential election

Post by IStillLoveTheMs » Tue Nov 24, 2020 7:37 pm

bpj wrote:
Tue Nov 24, 2020 7:35 pm
See you January 20th loser!
Yeah you keep saying that because you have nothing.

It's such a cop out and weak ass defense mechanism.

It's like religious nutjobs claiming the rapture is coming any minute now...

When it doesn't, you'll be on to your next nutso claim.

Michael K.
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Re: Who will win the presidential election

Post by Michael K. » Tue Nov 24, 2020 7:46 pm

IStillLoveTheMs wrote:
Tue Nov 24, 2020 7:29 pm
Michael K. wrote:
Tue Nov 24, 2020 7:11 pm
I haven’t brought up shit, and for some time, the media hasn’t either. You believe what you want. Typical response from someone like you, call someone racist. What about my comment was racist? Trust me, nothing about the race issue for the next three years will change, but the reporting of it will. Not sure how that makes me racist, but since it is your only fall back, you will fall back in it.
If it wasn't on your mind. If it doesn't bother you.

Why did you bring it up? What compelled you?

You're clearly upset over something.
I am of the opinion that racism is only discussed when there is an election to be won. It is a democrats fall back...they need racial tension because they need the Republican to look like a racist. There will be ZERO benefit to report racism for some time now, as it will only look bad on Biden. Of course, just like he blamed a Republican President for Democratic run States and Cities like Portland and Seattle, he would just blame past rule if there is racism in the news. But, mark my words, there won't be. It won't be of benefit to report it now, as building up hatred for how things are won't make it appear that Biden as solved all the wrongs that Trump created.

So, only you are allowed to bring things up? What compelled me is my opinion. Attack my opinion if you want, but my statement wasn't racist. I haven't said anything racist in the Mariner forum. Did I attack you? Did I call you a name? Nope, you say we are racist, then get defensive because we don't just accept it? That is chicken shit dude...and like I said, I had guys like you that pull that shit. You and I are done having discussions.

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HawkBowler 2.0
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Re: Who will win the presidential election

Post by HawkBowler 2.0 » Tue Nov 24, 2020 7:54 pm

Ms Lover, you wont have to wait until January 20th to find out what happens next. Fireworks are set to happen well before the end of the year.

Read Trump's executive order created in 2018 that lays out a plan to go after foreign interference in the election. The sting will be executed by the military. Assets for companies and organizations involved will be seized. Collaborators will be rounded and turned over to military courts, as the crimes they've committed are against the United States.

There are two battles happening right now, one on display with the media and the courts, the other hidden like the cheating operation the Dems carried out.

Trump already has all the proof he needs. He hasn't talked to the press in three weeks because he doesn't want them to know what's in his hand. People that take Trump seriously, however, know that he's already dropped major hints, retweeting Dominion information three times now.

Trump is most likely waiting for the certifications to be completed. That way everyone who signed off on their respective fraudulent elections will be held accountable.

Why did John Brennan sh*t his pants recently and demand that Trump be removed by the 25th amendment? He's already lost, right? He will be leaving soon enough. Why go to all that trouble? Unfortunately, it appears that the CIA is involved in the election fraud, just like they were involved in quarterbacking the Russian disinformation campaign that consumed the nation for over three years.

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Re: Who will win the presidential election

Post by bpj » Tue Nov 24, 2020 8:02 pm

IStillLoveTheMs wrote:
Tue Nov 24, 2020 7:37 pm
bpj wrote:
Tue Nov 24, 2020 7:35 pm
See you January 20th loser!
Yeah you keep saying that because you have nothing.

It's such a cop out and weak ass defense mechanism.

It's like religious nutjobs claiming the rapture is coming any minute now...

When it doesn't, you'll be on to your next nutso claim.
Keep believing your tv, your world is going to get destroyed and I'll be right there for you.

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Re: Who will win the presidential election

Post by gil » Tue Nov 24, 2020 8:03 pm

HawkBowler 2.0 wrote:
Mon Nov 23, 2020 10:39 pm
gil wrote:
Mon Nov 23, 2020 8:21 pm
Sidney Powell's explanation is pretty far out there, but I'm willing to give it a fair hearing. (I've always been lured in by a good "they never tell you what is really happening because they are all in this together and they are working against your interests" theory.) But so far, the Dominion story seems to me that people are repeating what other people are saying. WHERE and WHAT is the evidence? Please don't tell me to look it up. I'd like to see it posted here. I know that Powell says she has it. I know that Lin Wood says he has seen it.
First, it should be noted that Powell only needs a preponderance of the evidence in order for her coming lawsuit(s) to move forward. Nobody asks for proof before the lawsuit is filed or the trial begins. Sidney is pursuing criminal charges (another key point).. meaning there will be defendants, the opening of discovery to receive further evidence, and cross examination.

You asked for Where and What... nobody explains that better than Dr. Shiva (inventor of email)

Powell is a career professional who's unlikely to want to destroy her reputation and career by claiming evidence that she doesn't have. There was some of that already from the presser. Affidavits from eyewitness. Powell mentions that they have several Dominion whistle blowers. Again, evidence from eye witnesses.

Let's check in on this in about 10 days, okay, but I suspect that there is nothing here. *IF* this were true, it would be the political crime of the century, wouldn't it? Don't you think that investigative reporters like David Fahrenthold of the Washington Post or Mark McIntire or the NY Times would LOVE to break a story like this?
LOL. No way in hell! Would that be the same way they reported Hunter's polluted lap top?
And please don't say that all the investigative reporters in the world (except for those who are at Newsmax and OANN and Breitbart) are part of the Deep State and have been bought off. That is too convenient and defies logic.
I disagree with your logic. If you work for CNN and you want to do a story on how Trump did a great job on the economy, do you really have that choice? No, the platform decides which stories will run and which to ignore. ABC/NBC/AP/Washington Post/Fox... all of them. The publishers control the stories and the ongoing narratives. 95% of them are now controlled by only six companies.
Let me ask this: what (if anything) would convince you that what Sidney Powell is peddling is, by and large, simply not true?
Why should we make that choice right now? She's expected to file charges by the end of the week. And to be sure, she'll be packing the lawsuit(s) with plenty of evidence. More than she would at the preliminary stage just to get the word out that the media wont report.

Question for you: If people who work for Dominion are coming forward to talk about how the company engages in voter fraud, why wouldn't you listen to them? Better yet, why isn't the media tracking down some of the 200 affidavits filed by the Trump legal team? Why are they censoring? Better yet, what are they afraid of exposing?
Thanks for addressing my questions, Hawk. Yes, definitely I'd listen to people from Dominion. I've been following the cases, and it seems that most are being decided fairly quickly by the courts. Are you saying that the are affidavits that have NOT been presented as evidence in these cases? If not, why hasn't that evidence been presented to the courts?

Which leads me to something I have been wondering: If there is all this evidence that Sidney Powell talked about (Dominion and otherwise), why in God's name hasn't it been laid out in a lawsuit to this date? What the !@#$% is she/they waiting for??!? (It's been 2 weeks since Dr Shiva first posted on Dominion.) The transition is beginning, and 30 plus legal challenges have already been argued and decided, usually quickly. Honestly the delay in s substantive lawsuit on this (and the promises that something really big is coming) makes me question how solid the evidence is.

I did watch Dr. Shiva. He gave an impressive presentation. I'd love to see him write this down (easier for me to absorb). But there are people who say he is wrong. A video rebuttal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUp4uJt9TJg

And a written rebuttal: https://kabir-naim.medium.com/dr-shiva- ... 675ffe793c

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Re: Who will win the presidential election

Post by bpj » Tue Nov 24, 2020 8:12 pm

I love watching people claim that Lin Wood, the Covington kids lawyer that made them rich, and Sidney Powell, the woman who proved General Flynn was railroaded are the crazy ones.

It won't take long for the truth to come out, but its yugely hypocritical after the last 4 years of fake Trump claims that people all of a sudden want evidence YESTERDAY.

It will play out BY January 20th and once it plays out we'll see. As far as I'm concerned the Kraken was the mountains of evidence they've already filed that the liberal lower courts didn't take into consideration.

Nothing about how this has played out has been a surprise imo.

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Re: Who will win the presidential election

Post by Michael K. » Tue Nov 24, 2020 8:16 pm

It's funny this idiot wants to call me a racist, and uses the fact that I didn't like a shitty baseball player as his fact to back it. My Favorite players of all time are Pedro Guerrero, Edgar Martinez and Felix Hernandez. As a kid the Mariners were never on TV. I always seemed to have a favorite team based on who they showed on the game of the week, or who made the playoffs. My mom was a big Phillies fan when Pete Rose, Steve Carlton and Tug McGraw were there. My favorite players were Gary Matthews and Garry Maddox. What a white supremicist I am! Later, like many of my friends, I began rooting for the Dodgers. Mostly because we all hated the Yankees, and the Dodgers seemed to always play them in the World Series. My favorite player was Dusty Baker. Not long after it became Pedro Guerrero....and that remained for some time. He went to St Louis were I loved watching Vince Coleman and Willie McGee. Yep, fucking racist.

I don't like Dee Gordon, so this dipshit thinks I am a racist!? Fuck off...seriously, you are a Jack Ass. Take a baseball player I don't like to prove your point. You really are a freaking idiot.

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Re: Who will win the presidential election

Post by HawkBowler 2.0 » Tue Nov 24, 2020 8:19 pm

gil wrote:
Tue Nov 24, 2020 8:03 pm

Which leads me to something I have been wondering: If there is all this evidence that Sidney Powell talked about (Dominion and otherwise), why in God's name hasn't it been laid out in a lawsuit to this date? What the !@#$% is she/they waiting for??!?
Powell is expected to file lawsuits tomorrow according to attorney L. Wood. He's been tweeting up a storm today. This one shows evidence of possible evidence destruction:

https://twitter.com/LLinWood/status/133 ... -county%2F

Hmmm... I wonder what they're shredding. The fraud has been so brazen thus far that I wouldn't be surprised if they were actual Trump votes. Instead, I think the more likely disposal would be the envelopes for the mail in ballots. As Rudy explained during the recent presser, once the ballot is removed from the envelope, and the envelope is discarded, the chain custody for that vote has been broken.

Trump's legal team has lots of affidavits from people who say that back dating occurred. Several say that instructions were given to back date, meaning the fraud was systemic. A postal worker came forward with the same issue in MI before being silenced by the FBI.

According to the constitution, none of the ballots arriving after election day should be included in the vote totals. We can tell that those instructions were ignored in all the battle ground states. The fraudsters stopped counting and then took several days to collect mail-in ballots. There's no reason for a half dozen states to take a week to count when the rest of the country finished on election night. The stop and delay tactics are also evidence of fraudulent activity, at least circumstantial.
Last edited by HawkBowler 2.0 on Tue Nov 24, 2020 8:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Who will win the presidential election

Post by HawkBowler 2.0 » Tue Nov 24, 2020 8:25 pm

bpj wrote:
Tue Nov 24, 2020 8:12 pm

It won't take long for the truth to come out, but its yugely hypocritical after the last 4 years of fake Trump claims that people all of a sudden want evidence YESTERDAY.
That's a good point. The leftists never received evidence when it came to Russia Russia Russia. It was always an 'anonymous' source claiming this and that. In reality, it was Brennan, Clapper and Comey giving all of the information. After awhile they came out of the shadow and became paid contributors on CNN and MSNBC.

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